How Your Thoughts Affect Your Dating Life

Choose Your Thoughts Wisely

You have a choice. Do you want to think positive thoughts of victory in scoring with single women or do you want to have negative thoughts of failure and defeat when it comes to meeting, attracting, and seducing sexy single women?

You have a choice of how to direct your thoughts. Choose positive thoughts and you will have positive results when it comes to succeeding with women. Your thoughts rule your dating life. Make damn sure they are positive thoughts.

Think of your dating life as a glass full of dirty water. If you keep pouring positive thoughts into the glass of dirty water, eventually the dirty water will become clear. And this should be your objective if your dating life is filled with dirty water. Choose to not have all this dirty water on the inside of you messing up your love life.

Keep adding positive thoughts of victory in succeeding with women into your glass until the water is filled with clear water filled with lots of love, romance, sex, and passion.

P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at: