How to Dress to Impress Women

Wednesday, October 26, 2022 | 0 comments »

How to Dress to Impress Women

How to Dress for Success with Women

Your location has much to do with your choice of clothes. Showy clothes, of course, are more acceptable at parties, singles bars and other places of entertainment. But they are not as acceptable in the street, parks, stores and general public areas. Also, in the Western and Southwestern states, men wear showy clothes more than in the East. Suitability of clothes according to surroundings is an obvious factor in a choice.

It is important that you should be well groomed when approaching a girl: shoes should be shined, you should be clean shaven (with neatly trimmed moustaches, etc.) and personally clean in every way. Be careful not to use a strong smelling aftershave or deodorant. Strong smelling perfumes are a real turn off. A fresh-scrubbed smell with a hint of soap is much better. Fingernails should be clean and trimmed. It is not easy to advise about hair. All hairstyles are fine, if they suit you. We can't say that hair should necessarily be combed and neat. Some like a tousled hair effect. Really, you can't make any rules about hair; individual tastes vary so much. Another attractive feature is to cultivate a suntan.

An extension of your clothes and grooming is your car. It helps you play your role. It can suggest wealth and quality, sporty flair, or a casual, practical personality. Your car should be as groomed as your person.

Perhaps the most important reason for being well dressed is the effect it has upon you. Certainly you are aware of how much better you feel when you are dressed up and kissin' fresh. Your confidence really soars. If you know you look sharp, your self-esteem is increased dramatically.

I have noticed that when I am well dressed, people definitely are friendlier and more receptive to me. Whether it is their favorable reaction to my appearance, or a reflection of my own confidence, I can't be sure. But the effect is very real, and a very important asset.

Nevertheless, you may sometimes find an opportunity to pick up a girl when you are in working clothes (and with some occupations you may get quite dirty). You should try anyway. Men are often quite successful in these situations. In fact sometimes the only opportunity you may get with a particular girl may be while working (or just after work). But we still feel that being well dressed and clean is an advantage; and you should strive for it if you have any choice in the matter.