How to Eat Free at Topless Clubs

Saturday, October 22, 2022 | 0 comments »

How to Eat Free at Topless Clubs

Watch Topless Women and Eat Free

Most unattached girls have been dating, but are not entirely satisfied with the men they know. They hope that someday they will meet a man whom they like better. But they play the game by the rules. The men they meet are usually drawn from their existing circle of friends, or they are men they meet at parties, other social activities, or at work. The idea of being "picked up" by a stranger is a little "scary" to many girls. They feel uneasy about it. Such a girl has probably decided that if the situation ever arises, she will back off and avoid any involvement. After all, it would be very embarrassing if other people (in a public place) saw some stranger approach her and pick her up. With this in mind, she tends to insulate herself from men while in public. She may deliberately avoid looking or smiling towards any man to discourage attention, even though she knows it is quite probable that some very interesting man might approach her in public. We suppose girls often suffer from a form of stage fright in public; they are self-conscious and trying to prevent direct attention to I themselves. She believes she has a plan all figured out. She will maintain her calm, safe existence. If a man tries to pick her up she will simply ignore him, turn her head away, and go about her business. This will keep her from being embarrassed in public. Now, if a man wants to pick up such a girl, he must shake up her routine. He must break up the inertia that keeps her on her safe, staid course. Realistically she probably would agree that meeting new people was a good thing for her. But she is self-conscious, and a little frightened by the unknown.