How to Successfully Approach Women

Advice for Men on Approaching Women

To re-emphasize some very important general points. First, don't take "No" too easily. When a girl is approached, she is often a little embarrassed and self-conscious and will tend to say "No" right away, just to get away from any embarrassment. You should persevere (in a nice way) by coaxing and calming her with things like: "A w! Come on now." "It will be all right." "Just for a minute or two." "Look! Just give me one minute of your time. That's all I ask." "No! I won't take no for an answer" (smiling). "You know, it wasn't easy for me to come up and speak to you like this. So please, let's talk a minute." (Note: women have told me that this last line is particularly appealing and effective.)

But a lot depends on how strongly she refuses. You can usually tell if she really means "No." You should then give up right away. But if she sounds a little uncertain (or defensive), you should keep trying, say, for about three times. If you are both walking, you may even have to do some footwork, like walking with her.