How to Understand Romance

Wednesday, October 12, 2022 | 0 comments »

How to Understand Romance


WOMEN CAN'T GET ENOUGH Today's women are complex, strong and independent. They juggle careers, family, and a personal life of their own. So, how do you play Casanova to the modern day woman? The fact that she attempts to be every woman is exactly why you need to make her feel like one.

I don't care if she is the best friend, who loves ESPN, and goes beer for beer with you on game night. She doesn't need an explanation of romance. Females are born with a gene that allows them to just "know." Romance is what every woman wants out of a relationship, and most feel they don't get enough of it. But, romance is a tricky thing many men know nothing about. And she won't tell you either, because she expects you to just "know."


What is romance - flowers, moonlit walks, anything with candles and rose petals? Well, yes and no. It is all those things and sometimes none of them at all. Romance is a combination of attraction and care, put into action.

Making your woman feel the pleasure, excitement and mystery of romance is often accomplished with ordinary things. It is an expression of emotions like, love, appreciation, compassion, intimacy, and attraction. The emotional intimacy is the desire to make your woman happy, and connect on a deep level. Notice physical intimacy was not mentioned. Do it right, and romance can lead to hot sex, yet sex is not an element of romance.

If it sounds like a lot of work, then you've been paying attention. Romance is a type of relationship maintenance. The more practice you have, the easier it gets. What you have to do is decide to put in the effort to figure out what makes her tick.