How to Use Suggestions to Pick Up Women

Suggestions to Help You Succeed with Women

This article is about saying suggestions to yourself to help you pick up girls.

Suggestions are nothing more than ideas handed over to your subconscious mind. The manner in which this is done may seem a little strange to you. Just keep an open mind. If you will just give these principles a chance, they will work for you.

To begin with, all suggestions are put forth in a present, positive, first-person manner.

Example: if you happened to be in training to become the heavyweight champion of the world, you would not say to yourself, "I will become the greatest heavyweight fighter of all time."

Instead, you would say to yourself: "I am the greatest heavyweight fighter of all time."

The difference between the two may not seem that important to you. BUT, BELIEVE ME, IT IS! That little difference in wording holds the key to your success with girls.

Example: let's say that one of your hang-ups with girls is that you are shy and afraid to approach girls...and you want to use S/A Hypnotism to correct this problem.

OK - now if you worded the suggestion to say: "I will approach girls that I am attracted to, "IT WILL NOT WORK! Why?

First of all, when you say, "I will approach girls," you are reminding yourself that you are presently uncomfortable in approaching girls that you are attracted to. This will have a negative effect on your subconscious mind and is simply wrong.

Secondly, when you say, "I will approach girls," you are delaying the time when you will receive any positive results...When will you approach girls that you are attracted to? Next week? Next month? Next year?

So, if you want to get positive results right now...simply change the wording of the suggestion to: "I am now approaching girls that I am attracted to."