The Very Best Way to Approach Women
Approaching Women with Success
The basic idea is that you start by giving the impression of being very serious and proper. Then suddenly, you simply ask her to come have coffee with you. Your sudden smile breaks up the tension you created at first. You were putting her on a little. Most girls will respond to this, if they like you.
When your opening approach consists of offering something to the girl, you should be ready to coax her if she doesn't accept your offer right away. You can expect that many girls will be reluctant to accept an offer from a stranger, so don't give up too easily. Be ready with things like" Aw, come on now," or "Don't be so difficult to get along with," or "Well, why not?" or "If I was in your place, I'd accept the offer. "
Once again the main thing is to keep talking. If she doesn't accept at first, you may even be able to slip onto another subject briefly and then come back to your offer.
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