One Night Stands with Women

One Night Stands

But all the men who make a move to contact a strange girl (in a public place) are not after one night stands, as you, the reader, may not be. With many men the main idea is to meet an exciting new girl. What develops out of the meeting, they can't predict. But it might end up being a meaningful relationship.

Still other men are just being friendly, with no immediate intentions further than that.

These differing objectives of other men make your pick-up attempt less obvious. When you are approaching a strange girl, whatever your intentions may be, any person watching, or the girl herself, really does not know what your intentions are. They cannot know if you are interested in getting her to bed. Not for sure anyhow. You can make your intentions known to the girl when you choose. This takes a lot of pressure off of you. You are not appearing in public, proclaiming to everyone that you are out looking for sex. You are simply a friendly, courteous individual saying "Hello" to a girl.