Pick Up Lines and Dating Advice

Dating Tip and Pick Up Lines

Don't allow yourself to become boring. You must continue to be a sharp dresser and practice good grooming habits. You have to watch your manners and deal with waitresses properly. You have to be busy and important. Always maintain a level of mystery about you. Also, you need to continue to let her know that other women find you attractive (Don't do this by blatantly flirting with other women in her presence).

  1. "I saw you at the party last weekend and you look kind of interesting...Let's get together sometime."
  2. "I am writing a new algorithm, and I need some test data. What are your measurements?"
  3. "I'm filthy rich and have just six weeks to live. Will you help me make these next few weeks the happiest days of my life?"
  4. Whenever a big name group is coming to town for a concert ask, "Did you know________is coming to town for a concert? I've got an extra ticket, would you like to go?" (If she says yes, just go out and buy the tickets.)
  5. "Would you mind if I be your slave tonight, please?"