1. A Guaranteed Technique For Meeting Sexy Single Women Every Day, Everywhere - Try this: Make it your business, a self-imposed compulsion and obligation, to talk to at least three attractive, single, unescorted women every day wherever you happen to see them, whenever the fancy strikes you. If you want amazing results, don't just limit yourself to three; Force yourself to start a conversation, to try to pick up, a dozen or more single women every day, wherever and however you happen to come in contact with them.
2. How Do You Start a Conversation With a Sexy-looking Single Woman Who is a Total Stranger? - If your manner and speech expresses friendliness, openness, lack of ulterior motives, almost any opening or overture on your part will frequently meet with an appreciative response. By the law of averages you are certain to come across many single women so eager for companionship, love, and romance that they will be happy to respond to you.
3. Give Flattering Attention Precisely Where She Craves It - Does she know she is beautiful? Then perhaps she would most appreciate subtle compliments on her intelligence and charm. Is she plain, or suffering from an undeserved sense of inferiority? Then she may most appreciate any compliments, which are left humble enough to be believable, on the loveliness of her hair, eyes, figure, or posture. Explore her and feel her out conversationally, then give flattering attention and appreciation not to her strong points (where she usually does not need it) but on her weak points.
Dating Tips to Help You Date, Attract, and Seduce More Sexy Single Women
Tuesday, July 27, 2010 | Dating Tips | 0 comments »
Here's some more great pick up lines for you to use on single women:
If there’s a girl walking behind you, turn around and say, “Are you following me?”
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“May I join you?” (This simple line ranks as one of the top 10 pick-up lines to successfully meet women.)
“Were you just smiling at me from across the room or do I have my contacts in incorrectly?”
“Hi! My name is__________and I hope you don’t mind me stopping to say hello to you. I know we are strangers, but if we waited for someone to introduce us, we probably would never meet. What’s your name?”
See a girl at the bus stop on a cold winter day? Pull up in your car and say, “Can I give you a ride, it’s too cold to be standing there waiting for a bus.”
Dating Advice About Using Profanity Around Single Women
Saturday, July 24, 2010 | Dating Tips | 1 comments »Should you use profanity around single women you are interested in dating, attracting, and seducing? Absolutely not! Especially around women you do not know well. And never, never use profanity on a first date.
Most guys use curse words in their conversations with other guys. If anybody knows about cussing, it's me because I was in the Navy for four years. The expression, "He or she curses like a sailor" is very true.
Even though I was exposed to a lot of cussing and did quite a bit myself, I never used profanity in front of a lady. It shows her lack of respect when you do. And it can be a big turn-off to single women who are sensitive to hearing foul language.
So, let me give you a few words of advice. It's ok to cuss among guys, but when you're with a woman, refrain from using profanity.
Once you get to know her better and she doesn't mind if you use a few cuss words, then it's ok.
In closing, let me make a comment on profanity in general:
1. If your vocabulary consists of every other word being a curse word, it makes a bad impression on either sex, especially in the business world.
2. People judge you by your vocabulary and how you express yourself. You can be an intelligent person on the inside, but if you have a bad vocabulary, people may think you're a real dumb ass.
3. You should always be trying to improve your vocabulary by reading and studying so you can express yourself eloquently. And this pays dividends by impressing the single ladies.
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Dear Friends and Subscribers,
First of all I want to do a little bragging on my subscribers to my blog and tell
you how proud I am of you. Why? Because you are interested in improving your life and seeking information on how you can do better with women and succeed with women. You really are to be commended for taking action.
Some guys just roll with the flow and do nothing but sit around and mope about how they can't meet any women or say that there just aren't any women available. But, not you, you are trying to do something about your love and sex life. Anyway, I just wanted to give you a pat on the back.
How to Tell if a Single Woman You Are Pursuing is Interested in You
Sunday, July 18, 2010 | Dating Tips | 0 comments »
The Cardinal Rule of Life - "Never stay where you are not appreciated."
This applies to all phases of life - jobs, sports, and social activities - but it especially applies to dealing with single women.
If a girl is not interested in you, then that is that. Nothing you can do is going to change it. Don't waste time with people who aren't into you. Even if she looks like the girl of your dreams, it will lead nowhere so move on. By hanging around this girl, you portray an image to her and everyone else that you are a person who is found unattractive by women. And worse, you are used to it. After all, if you had other women who were attracted to you why would you be hanging around her?
When are you not being appreciated? When you are the only one putting energy into the relationship. You are the glue holding the whole thing together. She is neither showing nor giving any effort or energy towards being with you. She's not making herself available to get together. She lacks enthusiasm. In sum, when trying to get something to develop is a struggle.
If you experience these symptoms and recognize the lack of "magic" present when two people are mutually interested, don't try any remedies - just leave. Don't make a speech, or a scene, or an issue. Simply bow out gracefully and pursue girls who are interested in you. You will be doing yourself and everyone else a big favor.
A Long Personal Ad is Not Necessarily Better
Friday, July 16, 2010 | Playing the Personals | 0 comments »
It's tempting to assume that a longer ad is better than a shorter ad. I disagree. It's certainly true that a 200 word long ad will stand out from the shorter 50 word ads that surround it. It is also true that if you can't write a good 40-60 word ad that makes people want to know more about you and respond, you probably can't do it in an ad that is 100 words or even 500 words. A 1977 AMC Pacer that was considered an ugly car when it was new will become an antique car in time, but it will then be considered an ugly antique car. And written drivel is drivel, no matter how short or long.
If you take your time to write your personal ad and are creative, you should be able to say enough about yourself in 40 to 60 words. This is especially true if you have a voice mailbox and record a good voice message to go along with and compliment what you said in your written ad.
The idea in writing your ad is to strive for quality and not simply rely on quantity. Be brutally honest and ask yourself this simple question: "If I was reading this ad, would I want to take the time and spend my money to respond to it?" Better yet, if you aren't too embarrassed, have someone whose judgment you trust, preferably of the opposite sex, read your ad and critique it. Not just for style, but for accuracy. Ask them not only if they think that your ad will be interesting to people of the opposite sex, ask them if you are being honest. If you said in your ad that you were 5' 10" tall and a neat freak, but they laugh and say that you are 5' 7" and a slob, you'll save yourself a lot of time and money by listening to them and making some changes. That is why God invented editors.
This article is an excerpt from our manual called, "Effective Personal Ads - How to Write Personal Ads or Respond to Personal Ads." For more details on this manual please Click Here.