Advice of Getting Car Ready for Romance with Single Women

It's important to prepare your car for seduction and romance with single women. And you want to do all you can to impress your date with your car. Here are a few tips to help prepare your car:

1. Women have a very strong sense of smell. It's amazing the scents they can pick up. If you have stale food under your seats or on the floorboard the smell will turn her off. And a big pet peeve of a lot of women is the lingering smell of tobacco smoke in your car. You must eliminate these odors so they don't spoil your chances for romance.

So, what's the solution? Obviously, it's very important to keep your car clean and smelling good. Air fresheners for your car are a must? I would suggest using a strawberry scent. If you smoke, before you pick up your date, spray your car with an air freshener to get rid of the smoke odor.

 Drive Women Wild with Powerful Pheromone Cologne

2. Always keep a clean blanket and a couple of pillows in your trunk. This is for those times that you are really hitting it off romantically and you want to make out on the beach, at the park, or in the woods.

3. Always open the car door for your date. This is a romantic gesture and makes her feel special.

4. Get rid of any evidence of other women in your car. Make sure there aren't female items laying around in your car such as jewelry, lipstick cases, hair and makeup accessories, strands of another woman's hair, lingering perfume odors from what your previous date was wearing, etc. Don't forget to check your glove box also.

5. Keep a good selection of romantic music in your car. Play these while you're on your dates to relax her and get her in a romantic mood. I highly recommend buying the romantic subliminal seduction music at:

P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at:

Using Women For Decorating Your Home

Take a woman with you when you plan on furnishing and decorating your home. I just bought a new home and really had very little clues on how to decorate it. If you have the money to do so, take a female friend with you shopping. We all know how women love to shop…especially if she's spending someone else's money. She'll let you know what she thinks looks good (hopefully you've chosen someone with good taste), then when you take her recommendations she'll be oh so happy.

 Drive Women Wild with Powerful Pheromone Cologne

An added bonus is that she'll enjoy coming over to your place, since she helped decorate it. One warning on this though, you may not want to take your girlfriend if you guys are really close. What happens when you buy all this stuff and you end up breaking up with her a few months down the road? Well, you walk through your place and everything you see reminds you of her.

So…choose your shopping partner wisely. I had a great time letting someone else decorate my house, plus I made them happy by letting them do what they do best - shop!

Dating Issues

Monday, June 14, 2021 | 0 comments »


Spiritual Advice: You are probably naturally inclined when anxious about dating issues to focus on yourself or your problems. Don’t do this! When you do this you are forgetting to go to your Savior for all the help he can supply.

A Letter for Attracting Single Women From Personal Ads

Here's a letter I used to respond to personal ads to successfully meet and attract women like crazy:


This letter is in response to your recent "personal" ad. Your ad really captured my attention and you sound like someone I would like to really like to get to know better. In order for you to get to know me better, here's a little bit about myself:

I am a single financially secure businessman, 1947 model, low mileage, high performance. Bumped a few times, but never wrecked. Proven ability to hug the road and not wander off course. Exterior in mint condition, warm, affectionate, sensitive interior, never soiled. Factory equipped package includes stereo, humor, depth, imagination and intelligence. Radio picks up all kinds of rock and classical. Spacious seats with plenty of room for passenger...runs on high-octane fun and romance, lifetime supply included.

 Drive Women Wild with Powerful Pheromone Cologne

Available for inspection by female drivers only, prefer affectionate woman, no dependents, eye-catching exterior, self-confident, intelligent, warm, sincere with sense of humor and full set of tools.

I come from a close solid family, would like to have little Toyotas some day. Equipped with nice endowment. Only driven once a week by little old lady to/from church. To arrange test drive, please write or call me at 802-484-2425 (anytime). HAPPY MOTORING!

P.S. Feel free to modify this letter to use for yourself. Try works like crazy!

This can help you find love

Wednesday, June 09, 2021 | 0 comments »


Spiritual Advice: Do you put off reading the Bible to help you with your dating journey to find your soul mate because you don’t understand the Bible? Here’s my solution: Buy a modern version of the Bible to help you understand the Bible. I would suggest:

Good News Translation, Living Bible, Study Bible - New International Version Study Bible or Study Bible - The Life Application Bible

Speak this: I have been praying fervently for a new relationship to come into my life. I truly believe with all my heart and my faith in Jesus that Jesus promised me this woman to me. He is going to release this promise he made to me that has been delayed. I will love this heaven sent woman with all my heart.

Advice on How to Succeed with Single Women

Wouldn't it be great if there was a "magic pill" you could take to meet, attract, and seduce every woman in town? Unfortunately such a pill does not exist.

However, there are some magic methods to help you succeed with single women. And your success with single women will come from within. You are totally responsible for your success or failure in the dating game.

Here are a few keys to succeeding with single women:

1. When you get in your car and turn on your ignition switch, you expect your car to start. You don't just sit there and think about whether it will start or not. You just do it and expect your car to successfully start. Well you must use this same mentality when approaching, meeting, and attracting women. You must expect success and expect good results when pursuing single women. Practice this "expecting success" mentality and you will achieve amazing results in your love life.

 Drive Women Wild with Powerful Pheromone Cologne

2. When you have a vacation, I'm willing to bet that you plan it out in exact detail - where you are going, how to get there, where to stay, places to visit, etc. Well, you must do the same thing with your love life. You must plan your success with women. Create a detailed game plan and take action! It's really sad, but a lot of guys put more effort in planning their vacation than planning on how to be more successful with single women.

After you have developed your plan to turn your love life around, you must put it into action and never look back! Don't let anyone or anything stop you! Keep plugging away until you've met that special hot & sexy lady you've been dreaming about.

3. Use visualization to help you succeed with women. See yourself in your mind's eye successfully meeting, approaching, and seducing single women. Play this movie over and over in your head. By constantly visualizing success with women, this will work on your subconscious mind. With practice you will act this out consciously and what you think about and visualize will become a reality.

4. You must have faith and believe you have what it takes to be successful with single women. I can't express to you enough how important it is to believe in yourself. You must have faith and trust me, faith works miracles. Any of you that are religious can relate to this by witnessing the power of prayers.

P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at:

Weight Problems in Personal Ads

I have a problem with weight. What do I do about this?

Men especially need to be aware of one thing regarding weight: It is an unfortunate fact that the majority of women (in the U.S. and Canada at least) believe they are overweight. Weight is a very touchy subject for both sexes, but for women it is especially bad.

For men: don't ever say you want a slim woman unless you're positive you want a stick woman, and are willing to exclude about 95% of the female population. The simple fact is that most women believe they are overweight. If you want to avoid obese women, say something like you're looking for someone "Not obese" or "physically fit" or "weight proportional to height."

For everyone: if you are obese, male or female, just say so in your ad. Don't be afraid of this. You're preparing yourself and whoever you meet for a letdown if you're not blunt on this subject. If you're fat, just say, "Hey, I'm queen sized" or "I'm John Goodman sized" or something "I'm a rubenesque woman" or something like that. Or just say "I'm fat." The point is, BE HONEST!

 Drive Women Wild with Powerful Pheromone Cologne

We live in a culture that values thinness, but there are a lot, and I mean a whole lot, of people out there who genuinely do not care about weight. There are even a good number of people out there who like fatness and find it very attractive.

Don't be timid about it. If you're overweight, be forthright and don't weasel around the subject, unless you look forward to the prospect of being embarrassed, disappointed, and hurt. Lots and lots of people will love you if you're fat, and you're not giving them a chance if you don't tell them you're fat right up front.

Say it over and over again: Honesty, honesty, honesty!

This article is reprinted by permission - Copyright 1995 and 1996 by Dean Esmay.