How to Attract Women with Jokes

When on a date women love to laugh and enjoy a man with a good sense of humor. By all means if you know some good jokes, share them with your date. It will make a good impression on them and they will think of you as a guy that's a lot of fun to be around.

I must warn you though, if you don't know the woman very well I would stay away from dirty jokes. She might be offended and could even cause her not to want another date with you. So, in my opinion you are better off telling clean jokes and not too racy.

What if you don't know any good jokes? That's no problem. Go to your local book store or fun shop and they will have some good joke books. Then, you can practice these jokes on your friends before you try them out on your dates.

P.S. Don't tell bad jokes. You need to make her laugh and if you tell crummy jokes you may bore her. Also, Playboy Magazine and Maxim Magazine have a section featuring some good jokes. And if you go to comedy clubs try and remember some good jokes that the comedians tell. If the audience is dying laughing, then it's a good bet that when you tell the same joke to your date, she will think you're funny and admire your sense of humor.

P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at:

Advice on How to Deal with Failures with Women

Are you disgusted with your love life and so lonesome you could cry? Have you reached the point where you're just not going to take it anymore? Are you telling yourself, "Enough is enough?"

If this describes you, are you aware that when you have reached the deepest point of despair this can be the day that turns your love life around?

Why? Because when you've reached your lowest point, there's no way to go but up. And when you have reached a point of total disgust with your dating and love life and you're not going to take it anymore this will inspire you to make changes to correct the situation and get back on track again.

For example, you will start pursuing more women. You will stop filling sorry for yourself and get off your ass and start going out to meet women again. You will do whatever it takes to find someone special.

So, the next time you get down on yourself because of all your failures with women, count your blessings. This can actually make you more successful with women by motivating you to do better with women.

Just refuse to throw yourself a pity party and make changes with a positive attitude with expectancy for results to turn your love life around.

P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at:

How to Meet Women Using Online Personals

Sexual Advice for Relationships with Single Women

This week let's talk about sex with single women. Probably your favorite subject I bet! Sex with someone special is great, especially in the beginning when there are a lot of fireworks and things are hot and heavy. However, it's not a good idea to let your relationship completely revolve around sex. Let me give an example of what I'm talking about:

Don't fall into the trap of only staying in a relationship with a woman because she's good in bed and you overlook the fact that you don't communicate, don't get along with her, and find her boring with no personality. You just can't depend on sex alone to keep a relationship alive. If this is the only thing keeping the relationship alive, it will eventually fizzle out. Trust me on this one.

My advice is don't stay in a relationship that is based on sex alone. Cut your losses and get out of it. Don't hang around if only sex is keeping you together and you are miserable. Even though you won't be together anymore, you will always have your sexual memories of her you can replay in your mind.

I have a mental movie in my mind of every sexual experience I've ever had with women. It's a large library of sexual memories I can replay on the VCR of my mind whenever I want to. It's almost like a form of mental masturbation. I cherish all my memories and will take them to my grave.

So, whenever you want to feel good just reach into your mental library and replay your tapes of your sexual memories. It's a lot better than going to Blockbuster and it is free!

P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at:

Are You Hurting Your Chances for Finding Love and Romance

This week I want to discuss some things that can hinder your chances of finding love and romance with single women. For example:

You hurt your chances of finding romance when you have a fixed idea in your head of the type of woman you're looking for that you are unwilling to compromise on and she must meet these strict guidelines or she doesn't stand a chance with you.

There's nothing wrong with having a mental checklist of the type of woman you are looking for, but you must be flexible enough to compromise if you find a woman who could make you happy and be the right girl for you.

Also, Don't make the mistake of thinking that you must be a perfect match and have all things in common, share the same interests and hobbies, similar tastes in things to do, etc. Don't use these guidelines to determine your true compatibility. It's much more important that you communicate well and share genuine affection and respect for each other.

Once you are a couple and exposed to each other's interests and hobbies, either of you may become interested in the same things and share them together. Over time people can develop new interests, hobbies, and like to do different things.

P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at:

How to Improve Your Love Life

Wednesday, February 09, 2022 | 0 comments »

A Self Improvement Exercise to Improve Your Love Life

Sometimes we need to reflect back on our dating and lovelife. Are you not attracting single women like you would like to or attracting the wrong women into your life? Perhaps you can attract them, but you scare them away?

Then maybe it would be a good idea to try some self-improvement exercises to gain a new perspective to improve your lovelife. Try these four steps:

1. Nobody knows you better than yourself. Picture in your mind how others see you, especially the opposite sex. In other words, how do women perceive you? Now write a description of yourself from the point of view of the women that you meet.

2. Next write a paragraph that starts with; "When women first meet me, they think..." Then complete the paragraph with your perception of what single women are thinking of when sizing you up when initially meeting you.

3. Next, write a paragraph that starts with, "When women meet me for the first time, I would like them to think..."

4. Now it's time for you to get busy and think of what specific steps you can take to correct the differences between the two paragraphs you have just written in steps 2 and 3 above.

Hopefully, this little exercise will help you discover and open your eyes to some things that are causing you problems in succeeding with women.

P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at:

Art of Seducing Single Women While Slow Dancing

This week I am going to discuss how to seduce single women while slow-dancing. You do know how to slow-dance don't you? If not you had better learn because this is a good way to get close to a woman and put your moves on her. Here's how:

With the touch in slow-dancing, the left hand in her hand, you finger her fingers. With your right hand on her back, you caress her back by going up and down. You wait for her reactions. If there is no resistance, you continue, but this time, with your right hand, you go lower until you are touching the top of her ass. Now, she might take her hand and lift your hand up, but continue to do it about 15 seconds later (it's better if you can do this with the same song).

If she does it again, you just give a little laugh, and continue return to the original position, but very slowly. Unless she makes it clear, otherwise, you can break down her resistance. If she is firm in this, only then do you stop.

However, with your left hand, you can continue to caress her fingers. She normally will not say anything about this, as you are not touching her sex organs. You should also have your cheek next to her ear (if she is tall enough), and gently move your head while rubbing her ear.

On the dance floor, don't talk. Dancing, as some have said, is the next thing to sex. This is a time for a different kind of communication, so save your talking when you are at your seats (even then, guys, don't say too much or you talk yourself right out of sex).

P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at: