How to Pick Up Women Using Body Language

Body Language

Many people have a big problem with their body language, but they don't realize it since they don't even know body language exists. Their problem is that they send out false signals that contradict what they really want to say.

For example, a man is approaching a strange girl in public. She is very attractive and he would really like to get to know her. But he is very self-conscious. As he starts to speak to her, he feels insecure. He has decided what to say, so there is no problem there. But his feeling of insecurity causes him to show body language that is unsuitable. He stands a little sideways, with his hands clasped in front of him. He meets her gaze only fleetingly as he talks. He is smiling, but looks uncomfortable. He tends to talk a little quickly. He knows he is giving an unconvincing performance. He is telling her how much he would like to meet her, but he is acting like he wishes he were someplace else. In fact, if the girl gives him even a mild rejection, he will be inclined to accept it and retreat.

Of course, to give up that easily would be a mistake, since, as we have already mentioned, the girl would not be offended by his lack of confidence during his first approach, and some form of token resistance should be expected. So, if he continued with his approach he might still be successful. The real problem is with the man's confidence. If his feeling of insecurity remains, he may continue to act in an awkward fashion. Even if she agreed to walk with him, or dine with him, he might still go on acting like he felt out of place. This would definitely make a poor impression on the girl.

But there is a way out. He can discipline himself to display body language consistent with his desire to meet and impress the girl, and not with his feelings of insecurity. You see, he has mixed feelings and he is allowing the wrong feelings to dictate his body language. His feeling of insecurity is probably stronger than his desire to meet the girl, and if unchecked, it will prevail.

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How to Dress to Impress Women

Wednesday, October 26, 2022 | 0 comments »

How to Dress to Impress Women

How to Dress for Success with Women

Your location has much to do with your choice of clothes. Showy clothes, of course, are more acceptable at parties, singles bars and other places of entertainment. But they are not as acceptable in the street, parks, stores and general public areas. Also, in the Western and Southwestern states, men wear showy clothes more than in the East. Suitability of clothes according to surroundings is an obvious factor in a choice.

It is important that you should be well groomed when approaching a girl: shoes should be shined, you should be clean shaven (with neatly trimmed moustaches, etc.) and personally clean in every way. Be careful not to use a strong smelling aftershave or deodorant. Strong smelling perfumes are a real turn off. A fresh-scrubbed smell with a hint of soap is much better. Fingernails should be clean and trimmed. It is not easy to advise about hair. All hairstyles are fine, if they suit you. We can't say that hair should necessarily be combed and neat. Some like a tousled hair effect. Really, you can't make any rules about hair; individual tastes vary so much. Another attractive feature is to cultivate a suntan.

An extension of your clothes and grooming is your car. It helps you play your role. It can suggest wealth and quality, sporty flair, or a casual, practical personality. Your car should be as groomed as your person.

Perhaps the most important reason for being well dressed is the effect it has upon you. Certainly you are aware of how much better you feel when you are dressed up and kissin' fresh. Your confidence really soars. If you know you look sharp, your self-esteem is increased dramatically.

I have noticed that when I am well dressed, people definitely are friendlier and more receptive to me. Whether it is their favorable reaction to my appearance, or a reflection of my own confidence, I can't be sure. But the effect is very real, and a very important asset.

Nevertheless, you may sometimes find an opportunity to pick up a girl when you are in working clothes (and with some occupations you may get quite dirty). You should try anyway. Men are often quite successful in these situations. In fact sometimes the only opportunity you may get with a particular girl may be while working (or just after work). But we still feel that being well dressed and clean is an advantage; and you should strive for it if you have any choice in the matter.

Dating Mistakes Men Make

Tuesday, October 25, 2022 | 0 comments »

Dating Mistakes Men Make

Dating Mistakes by John Alanis

I hear it over and over--"It was going so great, and then she disappeared on me... why? What happened--we were having such a great time together. I'm tired of this happening--I want to date sexy women, but I want them to stick around. Do you have any dating tips for me?"

Yes, I do. Every time I talk to a guy who tells me this, I discover he's making the exact same mistakes most guys do, dating mistakes that kill his chances of successfully dating sexy women. So, I give him some dating tips to skyrocket his success with sexy women. Here are the most common ones: Dating tip #1: Don't date. Yes, that's right--don't date. Think about a traditional "date"--it's full of pressure, awkwardness, evaluation and it just plain sucks. What do you do on a "traditional date?" Dinner, movie, kiss goodnight, she doesn't return your calls. Or you have drinks, and try to "make your move," and we all know where that ends up. Much better (and cheaper) to meet for coffee--it's fun and relaxed with none of the normal dating expectations. Dating tip #2: The less you do and say, the more she's attracted to you. Most guys try to impress sexy women, or "lay a rap" on them. Sexy women have heard it all before. But, if you ask her about herself, shut up and listen, and display a SMALL degree of interest, she'll begin to wonder why you're not slobbering all over her. She'll want to discover more... now you're a challenge, and sexy women love challenging guys. Why? Because they rarely meet one. This is a HUGE dating tip.

Dating tip #3 Be a "naughty little boy." Another big dating tip. Remember the "class clown" in elementary school--the guy who was "cool and funny" all at the same time? When you're talking to sexy women, make unexpected and mischievous comments, the kind that leave them thinking, "I can't believe he just said that... but I like it." This shows sexy women you're NOT impressed by their looks, that you need to see more. This is so different from what they're used to they can't help but be attracted. I cannot emphasize the importance of this dating tip.

Dating tip #4 Avoid all canned pick up lines, "laying a rap," or any type of "acting." Sexy women have heard it all before, and as soon as you spout one, you're instantly a JAG (just another guy). And JAG's don't get sexy women--remember this dating tip!

Dating tip #5 Sexy women are approached and hit on 20 to 30 times a day. This is their world--to get into it, you have to be different from the 20 guys who've already talked to her. (see Dating tip #3 for how to be different to sexy women).

Dating tip #6 Look out for her tests. Sexy women (indeed, all women) will test you to see if you'll stand up to them. If you can't stand up to her, you can't stand up for her. If she asks you to buy her things, that's a test--and a perfect opportunity to be a "naughty little boy" (see Dating tip #3). Say something like, "What do I look like an ATM machine? You should buy ME something, just for the privilege of spending time with me. I like sexy women who buy me things!" This is said in a playful--yet firm--manner that lets her know you're onto her. When you pass their tests, it drives sexy women wild with desire. Very important dating tip.

Dating tip #7 Date multiple sexy women at once, and make sure the others know about it. Sexy women love a man who is attractive to other sexy women, and will compete to "win you." (Here's another dating tip: for proof of this, read any good romance novel). If you want to settle down, you can choose one, but she will always know you're desired by other sexy women--and in a strange way, this creates even more attraction for you. This dating tip really is a secret, but it works very well with sexy women.

OK, guys, that's it for this article. Obviously there are lots of other dating tips, tricks and secrets to put to use, but if you pay attention to these dating tips, you'll be a heckuva lot more successful with sexy women. Now, go re-read all the dating tips!

On with the fun... - John Alanis, Dating Tips Master

"The King of Let 'em Come to You"

Want more dating tips? To discover how to be successful with sexy women, and for more great dating tips, see

John Alanis is the author of "Secrets of Natural Attraction: How to Get Desirable, Beautiful Sexy women to Chase You." He also publishes a daily ?politically incorrect attraction and dating tips? newsletter that reveals how to get desirable, beautiful sexy women to approach men for a date first, no matter your looks, age or income. You can subscribe to John?s daily ?sexy women approach you secrets? by going to Upon subscription, John immediately sends you five free ?how to get beautiful, sexy women to approach you!? reports, chock full of hidden secrets dating tips.

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How to Meet Friendly Girls

Tuesday, October 25, 2022 | 0 comments »

How to Meet Friendly Girls

How to Meet and Approach Friendly Girls

Much of what we say concerns situations where the girl is reluctant to meet a stranger, for various reasons. It is a good idea to be prepared for them. But in actual fact most girls are friendlier than that, if the man is at least reasonably interesting in appearance.

It will be obvious to you when a girl is responding to your approach in a friendly manner. This makes everything much easier for you. You don't have to spar around to get an introduction -you simply ask her name.

From that point on, the relationship should progress easily (if the girl is available). You should have little trouble setting up a future date, or sharing some immediate activity.

It is a good idea to smile and try to establish eye contact with any girl you see in public that interests you. If you encounter a friendly girl in this manner she might return your smile and you can say' 'Hi." You may not have to say much more than that to meet her. A lot can be communicated between two people (who like the look of each other) with friendly smiles and body language.

Your attempts at eye contact should be bold and positive, not cautious and tentative.

But, once again, don't depend on her returning your smile to decide whether you will approach her. Many girls may be very friendly after you approach them, but may not respond immediately to a smile from a stranger.

Getting Your Ex Girlfriend Back

How can I Get My Ex Girlfriend Back when she Needs Space

One of the biggest questions that guys find themselves asking is, How can I get my ex girlfriend back when she needs space? This is a really important question, because when most women-led break ups occur, it has something to do with needing space. When somebody says that they need space in a relationship, they are essentially saying that they are not happy in the relationship. This is a blanket response during a break up, and may simply be a cover to avoid speaking up regarding what is really going on.

Unfortunately, when a girl says that she needs space and wants to end the relationship, it often means that they have decided not to be with you, but they do not really want to put the effort into helping you understand why.

When a woman asks for space, they are indicating that something is wrong, but rather than help you solve the issues and rekindle the flame in the relationship, they would rather walk away. If you are asking "How can I get my ex girlfriend back when she needs space?", this is a good sign because it means that you are willing to try and make things work, and that means that yes, there is still hope.

The fact that she needs space is a pretty clear cut indicator that communication between the two of you is flawed in some way. It is important that you find a way in, in order to figure out what is really bothering her if you have any hopes of rekindling things and making the relationship work again. This can be difficult, because clearly she has resolved to shut you out for some reason, but it is not impossible. Because so many guys are asking "How can I get my ex girlfriend back when she needs space?", obviously this is a common phenomenon, and one that does have a solution.

The real key to rekindling a relationship with an ex girlfriend who says that she needs space is to find a way to communicate openly with one another. Often, a woman will use needing space as a way to indicate that there is a flaw in the relationship, and while she may not immediately open up about that flaw, it will still eventually need to be talked about. Begin by making subtle hints that you are still interested in being a part of her life.

Don't force yourself on her, but rather simply offer friendship and companionship and see how she responds to this. When things are a little more comfortable in your new found friendship, you can begin to pry your way in a little more, mainly by placing subtle hints in the conversation about where the relationship may have awry.

When she is ready to open up to you, she will. You do not need to rush things or force things, just take the conversation slowly and let her find the best way to show you what happened. Once the issues are out in the open, they can hopefully finally be resolved.

How to Advice on How to Improve Your Relationships

5 relationships Improvement Techniques

Whenever you are balancing the needs of more than one person it can be a challenge, this is especially true in long term relationships. The reason that a long term relationship can present additional challenges is because a lot of small things that have occurred over the years can build up and create a lot of resentment, when that happens, it doesn't take much to upset the whole balance. Use these 5 relationships tips to help get back the balance, and love, your relationship might be missing.

1. It's so easy to let everyday life to get in the way of your intimacy. It can easily seem like too much effort to dress up and go out on a date. It happens all the time. The good news is that even though this can be a common problem, it's also a fairly easy problem to overcome.

Take time for the two of you, even if that means spending some money on a babysitter. When the two of you are out together, make any conversation about finances, kids, or work completely off limits, just enjoy each others company and have some fun. It's important for the overall health of your relationship and the kids will actually benefit in the long run from having two parents who aren't overworked, overstressed and fighting all the time. Invest a few bucks in a sitter now so you don't end up splitting up later.

2. No matter who you are, you can only give your attention to so many things. Some people can divide themselves up more than others, but everyone has a limit. Instead of parceling out your time and attention to your partner, make suer that you find a way to give them your uninterrupted attention. Everyone wants to feel loved and heard, don't make your spouse feel like they're competing for your time, let them feel like they're important to you and that no matter how crazy things get you care enough about them that you will make the effort to make time for them.

3. Learn to talk, really talk. This doesn't mean nag, or whine, or complain, or insult, it means taking turns talking and listening. Give your partner a safe haven to talk about whatever is on their mind without making them feel ridiculed or like their concerns aren't really important.

4. If your partner has a criticism about some aspect of your behavior, don't just get angry. Instead try to objectively look at the situation from your partners point of view. Try to make simple changes if it will make your partner happy.

5. Don't be afraid to tell your partner what you want or need. It's not about making demands, it's about letting someone who cares about you know what they can do that will make you happy.

Don't make your relationship hard work, it really doesn't have to be. Just be willing to listen to your partner and encourage them to listen to you and use these 5 relationships tips as a guideline on your path to a better relationship.