Advice on Talking Sexy Girls
If you don't like swearing and vulgarity, don't worry; you can be as sexy as you like without using a single four letter word. For example, after you have talked to the girl a while (maybe 15-20 minutes) and are on a good friendly personal basis, you might smile and say, "You know, Rita,
I've been wondering what you'd be like in bed." Now this is a bit of a shocker. She will probably be embarrassed, more or less depending on her nature. You can always back off somewhat by saying, " Well, I thought I should let you know I thought of you in that way." The important thing is that you don't make too big an issue out of it. Most girls will laugh it off and you should be ready to go on with some lighter subject right away. But you have made your point. It was not a serious proposal, since it is still an early stage in your courtship of her. But she would certainly expect more from you on the subject of sex. You would appear exciting to her. A few girls might be really offended, but you can probably patch things up by apologizing for being so forward. Generally it is quite an effective technique.
There are many variations of this approach, for example: "Rita! You sure do look like a passionate person. I bet you are dynamite in bed," or "You know, from now on, in all my sexual fantasies, I'll make you the star of the show. "
These approaches may be a little strong for you to handle. They may be too much of a "hard sell." Maybe you can give them a try, just for the experience. If not, don't worry; there are plenty of other ways.
A mild version is: "Gee! Rita, you look so great, I wonder how you look when you wake up in the morning. Maybe I could be there to find out." You can probably think of many other amusing, but suggestive lines.
There are thousands of jokes and stories that can be used for sexy conversation. They range in dirtiness from harmless and mildly suggestive to explicit. If you are not sure whether a girl likes dirty stories, try one of the weaker ones, such as:
A girl is entertaining a sailor in her apartment. She is pouring him a drink. "Say when," she says. "As soon as you finish pouring that damn drink," he replies. You can usually tell from a girl's response to a mild joke whether she likes sexy talk. If she doesn't, don't push it. If she really likes it, you may try some more advanced ones.