Are You Doing Something Wrong with Women
Fear of Doing Something Wrong with Women
You Are Not Doing Anything Wrong
The biggest hang-up men have when they consider picking up a girl is that they are doing something wrong, and they feel guilty about it. Get that idea out of your head right away. It is not wrong. When was the last time you heard of someone being arrested for simply talking, in a friendly way, to a girl? Most of our feelings of guilt are built up in our own minds and are out of all proportion with reality.
If you still feel it is wrong, consider the positions reversed. Change places with the girl. Imagine you are walking along and an attractive girl stops and talks to you. Would you be offended? Of course not. Then, she should not be either.
You might try an approach to a girl while thinking of the reversed positions, and remember to act quite casually, as if you had every right to talk to her -because you really have. Most girls will talk right back to you. A few might be self-conscious and uncomfortable. Some may even be un- friendly or uninterested because they are already committed elsewhere. But none should be offended. Quite the contrary, they should be flattered by the attention; even if some of them don't show it.