Relationships Sites

Tuesday, December 06, 2022 | 0 comments »

Relationships Sites

Relationship Sites Use Your Head And Heart

I believe that in some ways the internet has created problems for us as a society. Why? Because there is too much information and we don't know where to start? No. I believe it's a problem because we tend to rely too heavily on the information we get online. We stop using our own heads and hearts. Using online relationship sites to get advice about your relationship isn't a bad long as you never stop using your own head.

Everyone has an opinion. Some of them make sense, though you may not agree with them, and some just sound completely stupid. Sometimes I worry that with so many opinions floating around we forget to consider our own opinion. So before you start using online sties, this is my word of caution to you: not everyone who claims to be an 'expert' really is.

Not every 'expert' can possibly know everything about their chosen subject. The important thing for you to remember is to get various opinions, but at the end of the day stop, take some time and listen to what your head and heart are telling you. If you listen to yourself, honestly, you will hardly ever make a mistake.

There are many sites online that will have advice on relationships or even give you the opportunity to meet the person of your dreams.

If you want to find some help on your relationship issues you may want to do a search for forums on relationships. Find some and take a little time to 'lurk' in the forum without leaving a comment. Just get a feel for the type of people and topics discussed at the forum. If you like what you see you may want to start interacting by posing your question.

A lot of people will actually find it easier to open up online because of the anonymity they have. No one knows who you so it can sometimes be easier to open up about certain subjects. If that's the case for you than by all means, use a forum to provide you with the help you need. Just remember what I said above about using your own common sense.

Online chat rooms can be another resource that may be able to help you out. Here you will have real time conversations with other members. Just like with the forums you can still be completely anonymous if you choose. You can even make 'friends' in a chat room.

Of course, you do have to be careful since you don't really know who you're talking to. That middle aged woman from Tennessee could actually be a middle aged man from Chicago. Just make sure you don't give out any details that someone could use to locate you in real life.

But if you feel like the information and advice they are giving you makes sense, than by all means use it. One of the great things about these types of sites is that everyone has their own experiences to share. The odds of you finding someone who is in the same situation as you, or better yet, has overcome the same situation that you are currently in and can provide some real answers, is much better when you have dozens or even hundreds of people right there in the chat room.

There are all kinds of relationship sites online and they may be able to help you with whatever you're dealing with. Just remember to always use your own head, heart, and opinion first and you'll be fine.

How to Use Suggestions to Pick Up Women

Suggestions to Help You Succeed with Women

This article is about saying suggestions to yourself to help you pick up girls.

Suggestions are nothing more than ideas handed over to your subconscious mind. The manner in which this is done may seem a little strange to you. Just keep an open mind. If you will just give these principles a chance, they will work for you.

To begin with, all suggestions are put forth in a present, positive, first-person manner.

Example: if you happened to be in training to become the heavyweight champion of the world, you would not say to yourself, "I will become the greatest heavyweight fighter of all time."

Instead, you would say to yourself: "I am the greatest heavyweight fighter of all time."

The difference between the two may not seem that important to you. BUT, BELIEVE ME, IT IS! That little difference in wording holds the key to your success with girls.

Example: let's say that one of your hang-ups with girls is that you are shy and afraid to approach girls...and you want to use S/A Hypnotism to correct this problem.

OK - now if you worded the suggestion to say: "I will approach girls that I am attracted to, "IT WILL NOT WORK! Why?

First of all, when you say, "I will approach girls," you are reminding yourself that you are presently uncomfortable in approaching girls that you are attracted to. This will have a negative effect on your subconscious mind and is simply wrong.

Secondly, when you say, "I will approach girls," you are delaying the time when you will receive any positive results...When will you approach girls that you are attracted to? Next week? Next month? Next year?

So, if you want to get positive results right now...simply change the wording of the suggestion to: "I am now approaching girls that I am attracted to."

Overcoming Setbacks When Dating

Sunday, December 04, 2022 | 0 comments »

Overcoming Setbacks When Dating

Believe That You Can Succeed with Women

When you play the dating game things will appen that will try to get you down. You are almost guaranteed to have setbacks and disappointments when dating women.

Recently you may have been in a relationship with a girl you were crazy about and it just did not work out like you thought it would, especially in the beginning when you were all caught up in love and romance.

This was a setback and you are tempted to get discouraged and depressed. You may even want to just throw in the towel and just stop dating altogether. You may just want to live alone and do without someone to love.

Don't fall into this trap and just settle for where you are. You have got to develop a "bounce back mentality and get back in the dating game. Just like professional boxers that get knocked down in the ring, you can't stay down for the count, you have got to get back up again and keep fighting to win the boxing match.

So, be prepared for any adversity in dating by thinking that its just a temporary setback for a comeback. Just keep the faith and turn what is a stumbling block in dating women into a stepping stone to meeting, dating, and seducing more hot and sexy single women.

Believe That You Can Meet Women

Saturday, December 03, 2022 | 0 comments »

Believe That You Can Meet Women

Believe That You Can Succeed with Women

"We are what we "think" we are."

Read that sentence again. Think about it. It's quite true. We truly ARE what we THINK we are.

If you don't "think" you can't win a race, you won't. Not in a million years.

If you don't "think" you can jump the distance, you won't make it.

If you don't "think" you can meet, date and seduce girls, YOU WON'T!

But it's a little more than merely thinking about it. You must honestly BELIEVE. Believe in yourself.

Before you can beat the other guys at the high jump, you must actually believe you are the best jumper in the stadium.

And before you can expect to meet, date and seduce beautiful girls, you must honestly "believe" you have that certain "something" that every girl desires in a man. You must believe it with all your heart.

Then...and only then...will you become a successful lady's man.

How to be Confident with Women

Friday, December 02, 2022 | 0 comments »

How to be Confident with Women

Being Confident Around Women

Did you ever wonder why it is that some men have absolutely no trouble getting girls while others find it most difficult?

Well there is a rather simple explanation for this. You takes a bit of confidence to get girls. Confidence in yourself.

Take any man who is popular with girls...and you'll find that he has all the confidence and self-assurance in the world. This type of man has a "positive self-image."

Girls also sense it when a man doesn't have very much confidence in himself. This type of man has a "negative self-image." And this lack of confidence is exactly what turns girls off...QUICKLY!

Some men just naturally possess the quality of self-confidence. And they put it to use whenever they come in contact with girls. They let it work for them every time they approach a girl. They have learned to rely on it. And it seldom lets them down.

On the other hand: Some men are not naturally in possession of this priceless asset of self-confidence (positive self-image)...and therefore must find a way to change their negative self-image to one of a positive nature.

Through our S/A Hypnotism CD, you will be able to develop more than enough confidence to get just about any girl you desire. Once you acquire this new inner-confidence, you will find it extremely easy to meet girls. You will find it easy as pie to get dates with girls. will have very little trouble getting most girls to sleep with you. THAT'S WHAT S/A HYPNOTISM CAN DO FOR YOU!

How to Overcome Fear of Approaching Women

Plans for Meeting Women

There are so many men that miss out on opportunities to meet women because they keep giving in to the fear of approaching women and possibly getting rejected. Is this you?

My friend you are going to have to make a decision to deal aggressively with your fear of approaching women. You can't just be passive when there are opportunities to meet women and expect to be successful with women.

The best way and the only way to conquer your fear is to confront it head on. As long as you continue to ignore and sweep your fears under the rug, you're not going to make any progress of overcoming your fear of approaching women. It won't go away by refusing to deal with it.

Instead you need to face it head on and be strong-willed and try to approach every woman you are attracted to. Just do it for practice in the beginning and don't be concerned about being rejected. After awhile with practice you'll get good at it and meet losts of women.

Emotional Affair Warning

Thursday, December 01, 2022 | 0 comments »

Emotional Affair Warning

Tips On Warning Signs of an Emotional Affair

If you're worried you, or your spouse, is getting sucked into an emotional affair and you want to know what warning signs emotional affair are, read on.

An emotional affair can sneak up on anyone. No one really goes looking for an emotional affair, they just find themselves feeling a connection to a person. Usually that connection isn't physical, at least not at first, and that is why it can be so easy to not realize what is happening until it's too late.

It's much more difficult to break off a relationship once you start to have feelings for the other person than it is if the relationship is just purely sexual. That's why in some ways an emotional affair can be worse than a sexual relationship.

Here are some tell tale signs that you are on the brink of having an emotional affair:

1. If you find yourself defending the relationship by saying 'We're just friends', chances are you're on your way to something more. Think about it for a moment, when you're talking about a friend who you have no attraction to at all you don't ever feel the need to defend that relationship, do you? Even in the early stages of an emotional affair, there is a part of you that knows what's going on and that's why you will feel the need to defend the relationship.

2. If you're spending time thinking about that person that is a real danger sign. Again, as a benchmark, think of one of your other friends. Do you think about them as often as this new person in your life? If the answer is no, you have to be careful of what is developing between you and your new crush.

3. Do you almost feel like your life is on hold until you're with your new friend? If you find that you can't wait until the next time you can see them or that you don't even want to go anywhere unless you know they'll be there, then there is a very good chance that what you're feeling is a lot more than just friendship.

4. If you are opening up to this person more than you are your spouse or boy/girl friend than that is another sign of a problem. Your spouse is the person you should be able to talk to about anything. If you find that you can tell this new person in your life things that you can't, or won't, tell your spouse you are getting in way too deep.

5. If you find that you are making excuses just to spend time with your new friend alone, than you are well on your way to committing adultery. Manufacturing reasons to be alone with this person is a sign that deep inside you want the relationship to be more than just friends.

If you, or someone you love, shows warning signs of an emotional affair, don't wait, take action right away. It's not easy to end a relationship when you are in love with the other person, that's why it's best to end it before it really gets started.