How to Acting Like a Farmer Can Help Your Dating
Dating and Farming
This article for men is about how being a farmer can help you meet, date, and attract the woman of your dreams.
Are you looking for the love of your life? Well, here's how to find her by acting like a farmer:
As you know, farmers plant crops and they don't stay up all night worrying about whether their plants are going to take root. They just wait with confidence that their plants will take root like they always do and there will be a harvest.
Of course, he will do his part by naturing the gound, seed, and plants to produce a good crop.
So, what does all this mean? Well, you should be like a farmer and wait confidently that your harvest of the woman of your dreams will come to pass. Just hoping is not going to bring her into your life. You've got to do your part and plant that seed of faith that she is coming soon.
Like the farmer waiting for his harvest you too must wait with confidence. And you will do your part by naturing the women that you meet to have a good harvest, so to speak.
Well, in closing I bet you never thought that acting like a farmer would help you with your dating and love life.