Dating Advice for Men From Women

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Dating Advice for Men From Women

Real Dating Advice For Men By Women

Some of the most successful dating advice for men by women is centered around non-verbal communication. And although what you say can be important, your appearance, behavior, listening skills and body language all weigh in even more on a woman's overall evaluation of you as her date. This article will focus on "the look" that women feel is especially attractive.

The look is a way that you can strongly express sexual interest in your date. Using this look is something that will immediately establish you as "not just a friend", one trap that many men fall into if they've dated a women for a little while.

You can practice the look in front of a mirror or even a supportive person that you trust. Try tilting your head slightly to the side or back a little bit as if you are examining a precious object. This object will, of course, be the woman that you are dating in real life. Keep the lids of your eyes relaxed. Don't be wide eyed. You will want to hold your date's gaze a little longer than what most people would consider "normal eye contact" duration. You should be thinking in a bold, self-confident way of how you will win your date over. As you study your date, your goal is to convey the message that she is interesting and attractive to you. This will automatically make you more attractive to her too.

If your date asks you why you are looking at her like that, or something along those lines, play dumb and tell her you don't know what she's talking about. If she insists, then ask her to imitate the look. When she does it, pretend (or maybe you don't have to pretend) to be bowled over by it and ask her to keep on looking at you that way. Now you've started a little game that you can continue to play and you've got a little trick to increase the chemistry on both ends.

If you're able to combine this look with a few other things, you are off to really taking this dating advice for men by women to heart and to your advantage. First of all, it's extremely important to ask your date a lot of questions about herself and to listen to the answers. Many men, out of nervousness or ego, tend to talk all about themselves on a date. Avoid this at all costs as it is a big turn-off. Also, this may be obvious to some but it's important to be well dressed and groomed on your date(s). This doesn't mean that you can not be casual (in fact, some women prefer the casual look), but make sure that you are clean, shaved, combed and wearing clothes that flatter you in both fit and color.

Keeping these pieces of dating advice for men by women in mind is a great way to keep you at the top of your dating game.

How to Approach Women Successfully

Approaching Women

If you stood in a bar or a nightclub etc. think how you would like to be approached and spoken to. If a woman marched over and said, "Can I buy you a drink, darlin!" how do you think you would feel?

Women do appreciate the fact that men can be very intimidated by the pressure of having to make the first move. Unfortunately even in today's "women friendly" society, generally women do prefer men to approach them in the first instance. This is the first flattering step to success.

Conversely don't be put off by women who may want to approach you. Again this is the finest form of flattery and takes confidence and courage to carry out.

My Favorite 5 Pick Up Lines for the Beach

Opening Lines to Use at the Beach

  1. Splash water on girls and say, "Let me take you home and get you out of those wet clothes."
  2. "Hi. I'm a lifeguard and according to Coast Guard regulations, I have to inspect you for sand mites."
  3. "Where did you get that great tan?"
  4. "I'm not a swimmer, but would I love to show you my breast-stroke."
  5. "If I could see you naked, I'd sure die happy."

How to Acting Like a Farmer Can Help Your Dating

Dating and Farming

This article for men is about how being a farmer can help you meet, date, and attract the woman of your dreams.

Are you looking for the love of your life? Well, here's how to find her by acting like a farmer:

As you know, farmers plant crops and they don't stay up all night worrying about whether their plants are going to take root. They just wait with confidence that their plants will take root like they always do and there will be a harvest.

Of course, he will do his part by naturing the gound, seed, and plants to produce a good crop.

So, what does all this mean? Well, you should be like a farmer and wait confidently that your harvest of the woman of your dreams will come to pass. Just hoping is not going to bring her into your life. You've got to do your part and plant that seed of faith that she is coming soon.

Like the farmer waiting for his harvest you too must wait with confidence. And you will do your part by naturing the women that you meet to have a good harvest, so to speak.

Well, in closing I bet you never thought that acting like a farmer would help you with your dating and love life.

How to Overcome Fears in Approaching Women

Overcoming Fear in Approaching Women

So many guys miss out on meeting the woman of their dreams because they let fear in approaching and meeting women distract them and hold them back.

When you allow this to happen guess what happens? Not a damn thing! You have passed up another opportunity to find someone to love, date, seduce and just mabe a future marriage partner. Don't get sucked into thinking these thoughts:

  • What if she doesn't like me?
  • What if I say something she doesn't like?
  • What if she has a boyfriend?
  • What if I fail?
Lets think of it this way instead:
  • What if it turns out that she is attracted to me and really likes me?
  • What if you focus all of your attention on her and say the things she likes to hear?
  • What if she is unattached and she is looking for a boyfriend?
  • What if you succeed in meeting her?
So, guys I hope this advice helps you overcome your fears in approaching and meeting women. Be confident and always expect to succeed with any woman you approach that you are attracted to.

A Pheromone Cologne to Sexually Attract and Seduce Single Women

Ask Yourself These 5 Important Questions:
  1. Would you like the attention of a woman you love, or simply meet new single women? __Yes __No
  2. Have you ever been too shy or afraid to approach a beautiful woman, fearing rejection? __Yes __No
  3. Do you believe that knockout girls might like you if they got close enough to find out what you were like? __Yes __No
  4. If you had the power to turn women on, would you enjoy making love to a woman over and over again? __Yes __No
  5. Would you feel happy if a beautiful girl became your Love Slave? __Yes __No
If you answered Yes to any of these questions, then you must try the best pheromone cologne for men "Liquid Magnet," completely at our risk .

Order your no-risk trial supply now. Before some stud beats you to all the action in the neighborhood.

Subliminal Sexual Music CDs for Attracting , Seducing Women

We call it, "The Lazy Man's Way to Seduce Women." All you do is simply insert one of our Subliminal Seduction CDs in your (car-home-portable player) and she thinks she's only hearing music, but she's being secretly programmed by erotic subliminal messages (concealed under music) to make her uncontrollably want to be with you and unleash her passions on you. When she hears this CD she may feel her genitals becoming inflammed with blood and become so aroused that she wants to make out with you...You lucky guy!