TIP #1 - SOME SINGLE WOMEN CRAVE A MAN WHO IS DOMINATING, "MACHO," AND EVEN JUST A LITTLE BIT CRUEL! - It's important to sensitively explore the unfulfilled needs of the woman you have met. At times, in the nature of being just a wee bit unpredictable and complex, you may act dominating, bossy, even slightly sadistic.

Watch her reactions closely when you do! If you see a glint in her eyes, a pleasurable submissiveness, a suddenly more positive response to you - you may be dealing with a single woman who has a masochistic need to be dominated and mistreated. If such behavior comes easy and natural for you, it can be exceedingly effective with such a woman.

TIP #2 - OPEN YOUR EYES TO THE UNCONVENTIONAL BEAUTY AND SEX APPEAL of the "plain-looking" single woman. Taste in beauty and sex appeal is often a purely subjective quality. Many single women whose faces and figures attract no public attention or enthusiasm may exert a provocative, tantalizing, even aphrodisiacal effect upon you personally...if you open your eyes and find those subtle elements in her which only you can appreciate and cherish!

TIP #3 - OCCASIONALLY BE UNPREDICTABLE! Many women, however much they value reliability and security in their man, also tend to take for granted, and to undervalue a man who is too ordinary, too conformist, too dependably predictable. Don't do it too often, and don't hurt her needlessly, but occasionally demonstrate unpredictable and unexpected qualities.

Leave at least a slight touch of mystery and romantic secrecy about your innermost self. For example, suddenly take a trip without advance warning and write to her from your temporary distant stopping point. Take her on a date to some place she has never been before and which she could not have expected from your previous behavior.

Use your imagination to display other romantic touches of mystery and unpredictability. For example, you may suddenly send her a present which opens up a completely unsuspected but attractive facet of yourself to her admiring contemplation!

TIP #4 - LOFTY, DRIVING AMBITION IS ATTRACTIVE TO SOME SINGLE WOMEN. Spin beautiful dreams of the future for her, and weave her into them! Express your highest, most dramatic ambitions and goals to her. Express them vividly, as concretely and confidently as possible. Give her the feeling that she will go along with you and share the heights, the glory, the success, and your mutual happiness!

Taurus Single Women

Saturday, January 30, 2010 | | 1 comments »

TAURUS (April 20 - May 20) - They don't call this the sign of the bull for nothing! This woman is bull-headed and she likes to get her own way and can be very stubborn.

She's very down-to-earth and loves to take care of her man, so be sure and go along with letting her mother you. Shower her with plants, flowers, and money. This woman is very sensual in bed and likes to make love slowly. She can literally make love for hours! I hope you have a lot of sexual stamina to keep up with her!

This week I will focus on how to make your apartment or house more romantic for seducing single women. All you need are three simple things:
1. scented candles
2. incense
3. firewood or artificial logs
These powerful aphrodisiacs really turn single women on and put them in a romantic mood for seduction.
You will need to go to the store and buy an assortment of scented candles and incense. Then when you have the women over at your place, get her opinion on which scent she likes before you light the candles and incense.
Amazing Subliminal Music CD's Seduce Women and Make Them Want to Have Sex!
After she has made her selection light them up and the erotic and stimulating scents will fill the air. Now, all you have to do is dim the lights, put a log in the fireplace, and put on some romantic music ( I highly recommend using one of our Subliminal Seduction Tapes).
With this romantic atmosphere you should be irresistible to women.
And don't make the mistake of thinking candles and incense are for sissies. Women are very attracted to these romantic gestures and the bottom line is preparing single women for your advances.

End the date before she does. Example: The evening is winding down. It's pretty obvious that you aren't going to "get lucky" this night for any love, sex, or romance, but you hang on 'till the bitter end hoping that the chance in a million shot will come through.

Wrong! Instead you alertly perceive that he evening is still going well and is positive, so you politely explain that you have to go, assure her that you had a great time, and tell her you'll have to get together again sometime. Take her home and say, "Good-night."

Most men seem to think that if they prolong the date enough, they'll get the girl in bed for a hot night of passion, sex, and romance. As the evening drags on, the mood of the date starts to drop and the girl ends up having to announce it's time for her to go.

By ending the date before she does, you surprise her and set yourself apart from the other guys she's dated. You imply that you are hard-to- get and not desperate. And believe me, if the girl is interested in going to bed with you, you'll know it. She will make her interest known to you.

So, if she hasn't given you the signals, better for you to make your exit and beat her at her own game. She'll be giving you the signals someday soon.

P.S. This article is an excerpt from our best-seller on meeting, attracting, dating, and seducing single women called, "A Man's Guide to Women."

Rejection, rejection by a woman, rejection by the woman, the woman who has captured your thoughts, the woman whose smile sends shivers of warmth down your spine, the woman whose touch you dream of ... this icy doom fills you with dread. It is the utter desolation of helplessness. It is the worm of self-doubt. It is the gripping fear that warns you to abandon hope.

Rejection is a part of everyday life. People are turned down for raises, refused promotions, declined for loans, and passed over for recognition. Rejection is not final. Rejection is not ruin. Indeed, rejection can be the precursor to eventual success.

There is nothing personal about rejection. It happens to everyone. It is part of "the cost of doing business". It is intimately connected with risk taking. Every worthwhile endeavor at some point involves the risk of failure. This is what makes life interesting.

It is only by risking our persons from one hour to another that we live at all. And often enough our faith beforehand in an uncertified result is the only thing that makes the result come true.

Consider a rejection as a "second opinion" of sorts. The woman who rejects you might well have sounder judgment in the matter of a possible relationship than you. She may have compelling reasons for her conclusion that you are ill suited for each other, saving the both of you a great deal of future grief. This does not, of course, mean you are worthless as a person, just that she was not meant for you,
and that you should find someone else.

There are techniques that can remove some of the sting from the fear of rejection. Simply "scoping the situation out", proceeding in small steps, rather than taking the grand plunge all at once is a prudent method of risk management. Asking a woman you have just met to become intimately involved with you is an enterprise almost certain to fail.

Asking her to share five minutes over a cup of coffee is a more modest proposal, one much more likely to meet with her approval (after that, she may hint, or even let you know outright if she is willing to go farther). Tackle tricky situations in small increments.

When you do face rejection, and you will, accept it with good cheer. Bounce back and try again (presumably with a different woman). Continued life experience will desensitize you to the trauma of having doors slammed in your face. You learn to survive. You learn to go on. You learn to keep trying.

Since everything in life is but an experience perfect in being what it is, having nothing to do with good or bad, acceptance or rejection, one may well burst out in laughter.

Hello to my Subscribers

Tuesday, January 26, 2010 | | 0 comments »

Hi guys, I hope your doing fine and focusing all your efforts on meeting and attracting new women. Every day you should take some type of action no matter what it is, to improve your love life and meet more women. Even if it's just saying hi to female strangers you are attracted to. Just get completely obsessed with meeting and dating women. Remember, whatever the mind is constantly focussed on it will

Aries Single Women

Monday, January 25, 2010 | | 0 comments »

ARIES Single Women (March 21 - April 19) - She's aggressive with men, dynamic, hot-tempered, and very bossy. You must be very strong-willed with this woman and don't let her boss you around. Don't be a wimp, this woman loves a challenge.

She attracts men quiet easily and can discard them just as easily. Don't try to tie this woman down, she likes her freedom and doesn't like to be smothered. They are very energetic and aggressive in bed and reach orgasm very quickly. If you want some "hot" sex, this is the girl for you.