Women are attracted to a man that other women find attractive. To understand this trait, one has only to look at what it says about a man when he is with a woman.

1. He must have things going for him or she wouldn't be with him.
2. He must know how to treat a woman.
3. He is going to be hard to get - a catch. After all, there is more than one girl vying for his time.
4. If a man is with another woman, or has a steady girlfriend, it makes him safe. He is not out on the prowl. Women love to flirt, to express their sensuality, and to test their alluring abilities. But women want to be able to do this without being "hit on" or "come on" to. So who better to flirt with, and to feel comfortable with, than a man who is safe.
5. Though most women will deny it, women are very competitive. They love to prove the superiority of their seductive abilities by being the one to catch the man that all the girls want. Women love to show off their date when they know all of their friends are envious. The lure of competing for the popular guy is strong indeed.

Being seen with a girl is probably the single most important thing a man can do to help his image. It says that you have things going for you, that you know how to treat a woman, and that you are a catch - and it states all of this without you uttering a single word. But how does this help you if you don't already have a girlfriend or a date?

This article is an excerpt from our best-selling book, "A Man's Guide to Women."

NEAR A BACHELOR PARTY - There's just too many distractions here. It's too loud and all the men are acting so immature and like a bunch of animals. Plus the dancers are like vultures when they know a bachelor party is going on. They know the guys will be buying table dancers for the bachelor and this is how they make their money, so sit as far away as you can from a bachelor party. The only reason to sit next to this party is for voyeur purposes.

This atmosphere is just not conclusive for one-on-one encounters with the topless dancers. You want her focused on you without a lot of distractions or her looking out of the corner of her eye on how she can capitalize on the bachelor party next to you.

Unfortunately you will run into these types at the nightclubs and in all areas of life. You have seen them in high school, college, at work, strip joints, etc. Just learn to recognize them and ignore and avoid them. I will give you some tips on how to spot them:
1. She wears very revealing clothes. She may even wear see-through material that exposes her breasts. She wears very tight clothes also. The non-teaser wears these kind of clothes to attract a man's attention, but the teaser wears them with the attitude of, "You can look but you better not touch." The minute you try to get physical with her or try to make advances toward her, she gives you the big brush off. Showing off her body is just to attract attention and nothing else.
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2.While dancing she looks more like an exotic dancer, thrusting her hips back and forth and shaking her breasts at you. She's doing this on purpose to turn you on and fool you into thinking she's and easy catch. The song ends and she says, "Thank you" and disappears into the crowd. Before you know it she's back up on the dance floor with another guy doing the same thing to him. She will do this with several men, never spending much time with any particular man. She gets her thrills by turning on as many men as possible on the dance floor, but has no intentions whatsoever of getting picked up or meeting anyone.
3. Here's one that really bothers you. You see this really hot and sexy woman flirting with you and really giving you the eye. You try to meet this woman and she tells you, "I've got to go to the restroom" and then she never returns. Another one is, "I've got to go look for my friend" and never returns. Later you see her in another part of the nightclub. She deliberately leaves the scene to avoid making any contact with any man, much less you.

Usually, after a man approaches a strange girl in public it takes longer to reach the point where he can suggest making love, because it takes longer to gain her trust than it would if they met at a party or at work. However, many women are now accepting men as lovers, after much shorter courtships than they were a few years ago.
Another modem feature is that girls sometimes approach men to pick them up. But don't get lazy and depend on this. The really attractive girls aren't the ones most likely to do this, so you still have to get out and make your own opportunities.
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Men can be attractive to girls. This is an obvious fact. Whether it is a combination of looks, mannerisms, personality (or whatever else), the end result is that special magic called sex appeal.
You must become a believer in yourself. You must believe that you too can have sex appeal. And of course you can. You simply have to improve and cultivate the assets you already possess.

What She Can't Have

Wednesday, August 31, 2011 | | 0 comments »

This is the old rule "People want what they can't have." And the corollary: "People are not interested in what comes easy." In other words, women are attracted to men who are not easy to get.

Once we asked a friend, who is very successful with women, how he manages to get women so desperate for him. He replied, "That's simple, I just convince her that she wants me more than I want her.” He went on, "I make myself a catch."

1. COUCH OR BIG-ARMED CHAIR - These are great for table dances. They really give you some nice views and highly erotic moves by the topless dancers. Once again, by sitting in these places, the dancers may assume you want a dance and, the name of the game is attracting the dancers, then put them under your spell.

2. DRESSING ROOM - See Figure 1.1 on the previous page for the dressing room. Sit near the dancers dressing room. Why? This is a high traffic area for the dancers going back and forth to the dressing room and restroom. You will get high visibility in this area. You will get noticed and you will get attention. That's the bottom line to sitting in favorable places. To get noticed and attract attention.

3. LAST DANCE STAGE - If you are at a topless club with a buddy, sit at the last dance stage. The girls rotate stages and she is doing her last dance and will be taking a break. You and your buddy are the last faces she will see after she leaves the stage. If you've made a lasting impression, she may come right back to talk to you. Or, this spot may just turn out to be a good spot for no reason in particular. You just have to play it by ear and experiment.

Why in the hell these women go to nightclubs I'll never be able to figure out. Because of some negative experiences with the opposite sex and because they have been hurt, they think all men are bastards. These women will just sit there with a stone face, rejecting any glances from the opposite sex. If you approach them and try to start up a conversation, they give you a go to hell look that says, "Go away creep."
No matter what approach you use, how good-looking you are, or how friendly you act, you will be rejected. A lot of these women subconsciously gain immense pleasure out of putting men down. Some will even tell you to go to hell or get lost if you ask them to dance or just by trying to start up a conversation with them.
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lad this type of put down does not happen very often. Usually, women do not object to a man approaching them if it is done properly without some repulsive come-on line.
If you run into this type of woman, whatever you do, DON'T try to get even with her by putting her down and showing anger towards her. She loves that and there is nothing she would like better than to see you get bent out of shape. By making you un-happy, it makes her happy to see men suffer.
Simply ignore her rejection towards you and move on to the next available woman. Fortunately, you will not run into many women like this. There's plenty of women who want to meet and mingle with men.