A Few Tips on Recognizing a Bitch

This week I want to talk about what I call the, "Once a bitch, always a bitch syndrome." Let me explain:

When you're dating a woman, her negative behaviors leaves clues to what her personality is going to be long-term. Let's say for instance, you've dated a girl a few times and she always acts like a bitch. She's mean and hateful towards you and treats you like a dog.

This behavior is very consistent right from the first date. You keep wondering when she's going to change. Well, guess what? She's not going to change. It's a pure case of "Once a bitch, always a bitch."

Guys, if you find yourself in this situation, get out of it! Let her go. It's not worth it to be miserable all the time in a relationship.

Let me tell you about my experiences: I've fallen for single women who were bitches from hell. The women were so beautiful and had such nice bodies I thought I could overlook their negative behavior and bitchy ways.

After awhile I just couldn't take it anymore no matter how hot and sexy they looked. I got tired of being treated like crap and fussing and arguing all the time.

So, guys take my advice and don't get involved with bitches. I learned the hard way and kept staying in abusive relationships, hoping they would change. They never did change and they were hardcore cases of "Once a bitch, always a bitch."

Of course, the roles can be reversed too. Some guys are real assholes and they will always be assholes. They make women miserable. Hopefully, you will never become an asshole or jerk. You will do a lot better with single women by treating them with respect and treating them like a queen.

P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at: www.getgirls.com

A Few Tips on Kissing Women at the End of Date

This week I want to talk about end-of-the-date body language. I want to give you some very important tips on observing how a woman acts at the end of your first date.

First of all, let's discuss what happens at the end of a first date. At the end of your fist date is a very awkward time for the both of you. You are nervous about whether you should try to kiss her. She is nervous about what to do if you try to kiss her (especially if she is not attracted to you and doesn't care to date you again).

Anyway, you are walking her to her door. It's time to say goodbye. She may offer a handshake to thank you for the date, she may offer to hug you, and hopefully may move her head towards you to kiss you.

Before I go any further, please keep in mind that some women have a hard and fast rule that they don't kiss on the first date no matter how much she is attracted to you. If she turns away if you try to kiss her, don't hold it against her. She just may not kiss on the first date or she doesn't feel any chemistry towards you to allow you to kiss her.

Let me get back on track to the main point I want you to observe: If you end up hugging at the end of the date, observe her reactions during the hug. If she pats you on the back during the hug, this is what I call, "The Kiss of Death." Why? Because when she pats you on the back it means that she's sorry, but she's not attracted to you romantically and could only just be friends.

However, on the other hand if she clings to you while giving you a hug with no patting you on the back, this is a good sign that she enjoyed the date and is attracted to you.

So, on all of your first dates be sure to observe and analyze those end-of-the-date hugs.

P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at: www.getgirls.com

How to Talk to Women

Tuesday, December 28, 2021 | 0 comments »

A Few Great Tips for Men on How to Talk to Women

This week I want to offer the following tips on how to talk to women:

Discover the Big Events in Her Life

One sure-fire way to keep a conversation rolling is to discover the big events in her life - the things that are meaningful to her, and which she is anxious to talk about. I call such areas of interest "hot buttons."

A hot button is a subject that really interests you and her and that you can talk about for an extended period of time. A hot button can be a lifelong interest, a passing fancy, or a current fascination - whatever turns you on!" Hot buttons can be work, a new job, a hobby, a career goal, an upcoming trip, a sporting activity, new movies playing at the theatre, music, going to concerts, whatever.

Finding Her Hot Buttons

In conversations with new women you meet, try to find their hot buttons as soon as you can.

These strong interests are extremely fertile areas for sustained conversations, particularly if you discover that you share some strong interests.

To find her hot buttons, fish around subject areas with ritual questions. When you receive an unusually enthusiastic response, chances are you've hit on a particular interest. Pursue the subject by showing some interest in it.

P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at: www.getgirls.com

Self Talk Affirmations to Help You Succeed with Single Women

This week I want to focus on how important it is to say the right things in your mind to succeed with single women. It makes a big difference in what thoughts to feed your mind to improve your love life.

For instance, losers with women make up excuses in their minds by telling themselves, "I can't because " To be a success with women you need to reverse this thinking and say in your mind, "I can or "I want to."

So, to sum it up, you need to create a new vocabulary to feed your mind positive affirmations. Here are a few examples:

1. Don't say, "I will try to meet some new women." Instead say, "I will meet some new women."

2. Don't say, "I will try to approach women that I'm attracted to." Instead say, "I will approach women that I'm attracted to."

3. Don't say, "I can't meet any women." Instead say, "I can meet any woman I desire."

In closing, don't focus on your past failures with women. The future is now and focus all your energy and attention on succeeding with women now. Never give up until you have reached your objectives in dating.

P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at: www.getgirls.com

A Man's Guide to Table Manners When on a Date

This week I want to talk about table manners. You may not think table manners are important on a date, but I can assure you that good table manners are very important to your date.

When you're on a dinner date at a restaurant, women will take notice of your table manners or lack of proper dining etiquette.

I'm not going to lecture you this week on every single aspect of good table manners. I'm just going to focus on what to do with your napkin. Follow these rules on what to do with your napkin to make a good impression on your date:

1. Here's what to do with your napkin if you have to get up and leave your table during your meal: Place your napkin to the left of your plate or leave it on the bottom of your chair (make sure the soled areas are face down).

2. Most men wipe or scrub their mouths with their napkin while eating. This is not the proper way to do it. You should dab the napkin on your lips or corner of your mouth.

3. After both of your plates have been cleared from your table, lay your napkin in the center of the table for your waiter or waitress to pick up.

4. Whatever you do, never tuck your napkin into your collar or between the buttons on your shirt. This will really make you look like a fool.

5. Here's the absolute worse thing you can do with your napkin. That's blowing your nose into your napkin. This will really turn your date off and she may not want a second date with you because of this disgusting gesture.

P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at: www.getgirls.com

Advice on Answering Questions on How Many Sex Partners You Had

Sometimes when you are on a date this question will come up: "How many women have you been with?" In other words, she wants to know how many women you have slept with.

Personally, I think this kind of question is too personal and none of her business. However, some single women have a hidden motive when asking this question. She wants to know if you are a player and sleep around a lot. If you are honest with her and tell her you have slept with over 30 women, she may feel that she will just be another notch on your bedpost and think that you just use women for sex. You certainly don't want her to have this impression because it may turn her off.

So, what is the best answer to her question? Whatever you do, don't tell her how many women you have been with and any details on your sex life with other women. She wants to feel special and if you tell her about the history of your sex life with other women, she may just feel like you are going to use her for sexual favors.

Here's what your answer should be: "Well, I don't keep score and I'm done with sowing my wild oats. I'm tired of running around and I now want to be with someone special like you." This statement will give her the impression that your sexual relationships in the past are over and done with and you are looking for someone special in your life.

If she still insists on the number of women you have been with, don't give in and tell her. Keep her guessing.

P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at: www.getgirls.com

Attracting Single Women with Roommates

This week let's talk about the very important subject of dating single women with a roommate.

I don't really think it's fair, but there's a rule about dating women with a roommate, especially during your first few dates. This rule is that you must also make a good impression on her roommate.

Her roommate, especially if they are close friends, can have a major influence in their life, which includes dating issues. I'll guarantee you that your date will ask her roommate's opinion on what she thinks about you. And it's very important that her opinion of you be positive. If it's negative, it could influence her decision as to whether to continue dating you. This is totally unfair! You are dating her, not her roommate, but this is just the way things can work against you.

So, It's very important to be very friendly towards her roommate, smile and make good eye contact, give her compliments (not too many because it might make your date jealous), and whatever you do, don't ignore her.

Let me warn you that you must never, never come on to her roommate. This shows total lack of respect for your date. Hold your hormones in check no matter how attracted to her roommate you are. Just be friendly towards her and don't flirt.

There's another factor to consider when dealing with roommates, which isn't fair. Her roommate may be jealous of you and say bad things about you that are simply not the truth. I certainly hope this never happens to you. I don't like someone telling lies about me behind my back, especially if it's going to interfere with me dating someone that I'm attracted to.

P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at: www.getgirls.com