6 Problems with Picking Up Girls

Common Problems When Trying to Pick Up Girls

You may be one of the lucky men who are already successful in the art of picking up girls. You may be reading this book only to see if you can improve your technique. Many will do this. Fine! We hope you learn something. Or, you may want to pick up girls, but just can't do it. If that is the case, let us look at some of the problems you might have. The most common are:

(1) You don't think you are attractive enough. This is much less of a problem than most men think. Sure, it is easier for a handsome man to make the very first moves. Girls tend to give him appreciative looks, which boost his confidence and help to get him started. But the less attractive man will find that once he has approached a girl (and this is very easy to do) he can be just as effective as a more handsome man. Women are usually more impressed by a man's personality than by his appearance.

(2) You don't know what to say to open a conversation. This problem is quite easily solved. There is plenty of material and many ideas in later parts of this book.

(3) You dry up after starting a conversation. You can't think of anything interesting to say. What you should do is prepare yourself and have ideas ready. Before you even approach a girl you should have a whole array of subjects and activities in your mind and ready. Much suitable material is included in later chapters.

(4) You can't get girls to consider you as a lover, even though you can start a conversation and have no difficulty keeping it going. This is a very common problem. It is usually the result of being too timid in your actions and conversation. A bolder attitude should be introduced into your general manner, as early in a relationship as you can manage it. This is discussed at length later.

(5) You've tried a few pick-ups but have gotten rejected, or brushed aside, immediately, and you don't know why. Perhaps your opening moves weren't positive enough. Perhaps you accepted the rejection too easily; you have to be a little persistent. Perhaps you chose a girl who simply didn't want to be picked up; there are many like that. Don't worry; your performance should improve after you learn some more.

(6) The BIG Problem. Lack of Confidence. You just can't pluck up the courage to try. Probably your fears are based on the knowledge that you have problems in some (or all) of the five areas already mentioned. Or you may be affected by shyness or an unreasonable fear of rejection. P.S. This is an excerpt from our besting selling book called, "How to Talk to Women."

How to Succeed with Women Advice for Men

How to be Successful with Women

The most successful men I have observed, were successful because they had the ability, the perception, the sixth sense to know when to be hard with a woman and when to be soft. They understood a woman's wants, needs, desires and motivations. When a woman needed to be loved and cared for, she was. When a woman needed to be put in her place, she was. And throughout it all these men were loved for this ability. This perception of a woman's needs and the ability to deal with those needs is far more an art than a science, but it is something that every man can master.

I have found that women fully expect a man to be a master of the art of understanding a woman's needs. Women expect a man to know exactly what to do in every situation. After all, "Humphrey Bogart" knew how and you should too. And if you aren't perfect, if you don't know exactly the right thing to do, you are being judged. And one of the truly unfair things in life is that there is no defense for failure. It's part of filling the man's role and that's that.

So where do you learn this art if you aren't born with it? How do you learn where on the spectrum to be for any one situation? We learn from women. But, what women do and what women say has been confusing men for centuries. This book is meant to translate female behavior so that with an understanding of women, you can master the art of dealing successfully with them.

This is an excerpt from our best-selling book, "A Man's Guide to Women."

Some Really Great Places to Meet Women

Best Places to Meet Women from One of my Newsletter Subscribers

I would like to pass along some great tips from my subscribers on succeeding with women:

Here are some of the best places to meet women that I have found. I usually have a 90% success rate of scoring women at the following places:

1) (The most obvious) Clubs and Bars - Great place for conversation starters and getting to know all about the person you have your eye on. ie Buying a drink or (my favorite) dedicating her favorite song to her and making her feel special when the DJ reads out her name with a love message from myself.

2) At the gym - Comment on her figure and ask her how she manages to tone down so well and still look beautiful. Invite her for a health snack afterward or go for a swim together.

3) Single women at the dry cleaners or washers. Ask her about washing techniques for a stylist garment that you own. She is able to see the kind of clothes that you wear reflecting your personality and you can invite her for lunch while the clothes are being washed.

I once sent flowers to a girl I liked - but had the card written to say that it was from her dog - "To a wonderful owner, from your faithful dog ---". It got quite a laugh. Maybe you could try it!

The best place that I've found to meet women is going to dancing lessons. I've gone to swing dancing lessons and they're the best. Not many have partners, so you meet them and some of the dancing moves are very intimate!

How to Use Humor in Personal Ads

If You Have a Sense of Humor, Use It in Your Personal Ad

I've been told many times that an ad that shows that the writer has a sense of humor will get more responses than an ad that reads like a resume. People like people who make them laugh and smile. A little bit of wit in a well-written ad is a definite plus to most readers, men or women.

Most personal ads sound very similar. Many are boring to read. The people who write them usually sound so serious. There is a tendency to want to impress readers. Almost every ad somewhere says something like: I like good food, the mountains, movies, wine, etc. Great. How many human beings don't like those things? Say something that sets you apart from the crowd. Say something about yourself that shows that you are different from all of the other people who have ads that say they like good food, the mountains, movies, wine, etc. Give people a reason to want to answer your ad and find out more about you.

One of the best ways to make people want to know more about you is to show that you don't take yourself too seriously and that you have a well developed sense of humor. Some people don't have a sense of humor. If you are one of them, you probably can't develop a sense of humor overnight. It is never too late to start trying, though.

Do you have a sense of humor that other people have told you is really bizarre or sick? If so, you have to make a choice. You can try to curb your sense of humor or you can try to change your sense of humor. Neither of these are very realistic. You might want to expose your sense of humor very early and hope that you connect with someone who shares it. This is an excerpt from our report, "Effective Personal Ads - How to Write Personal Ads or Respond to Personal Ads."

10 Tips to Help You Succeed with Women

10 Inspirational Tips to Succeed with Women

  1. Success with women is getting what you want and happiness is wanting what you get.
  2. Give women you are attracted to gifts and make sure you expect nothing in return. Give out of the goodness of your heart.
  3. Success with women involves risk. You must take chances when you see a woman you would like to approach.
  4. Food for thought: We tend to respond to others in the same way they treat us.
  5. Positive action in pursuing women will eventually produce positive results.
  6. Worrying about getting a date is like a rocking chair: It keeps you busy, but it doesn't get you anywhere.
  7. Be aware that some women will play hard-to-get intentionally, because they don't want to appear to be easy.
  8. Waiting for "love at first sight" will prevent you from establishing real friendships with the opposite sex out of casual acquaintances.
  9. Picking up or meeting a single woman rarely happens just by accident.
  10. You have got to take the initiative and create your own action, it's not going to come to you out of the clear blue sky.
P.P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at: www.getgirls.com

How to Attract Women Advice for Men

Frame Yourself To Be Successful With Women

Written by Robert Lee www.aLoveLinksPlus.com

Knowing that your body language always speaks first to women, you need to know how to control this hidden communication and use it to your advantage.

When you're about to approach a woman what goes through your mind?

  • "I need something funny to say, a great opening line"
  • "She's hot, I hope she likes how I look"
  • "She's a higher class than me, do I have a chance?"
  • She's older than me"
  • "She's younger than me"
And all kinds of other fears that put you in a bad place, a bad frame of mind, that will defeat your approach almost every time. (I say almost because some women are incredibly forgiving but they're the 1% you almost never meet and let you get away with being a dork.)

I call this "The frame of your brain falls mainly into plain".

You make poorly distinguishable eye contact; you don't read her body language for her "come closer to me" signals; your attempts at easy conversation fall on her deaf ears because your confidence is so lacking that no matter what you say it comes across as unimportant or just a bad pickup line.

When you can stand out from the other men around you, you've become in control of your frame.

You understand women's body language, and you understand the signals she's sending you as you make your approach. Most of all, you know what to say and how to say it to transition from "nice-looking-stranger-guy" to the "guy that makes me laugh and has my attention" in her mind and attraction state.

This is called "creating attraction".

This is what your goal is with every woman you meet, whether it's a waitress and you want to encourage her to give you great service, she's a store clerk and you're going to ask for a discount, or she's a hottie and you want more than her phone number.

There are three things you can do with yourself that will instantly build you up, make you seem more confident and appealing with any woman that see you and more commanding around other men. You may think that you've been told these things before and maybe you have, but not like this!

  • Eye contact
  • Smile
  • Posture
Now we'll handle these three important affects head on.

Eye Contact

Flirting, creating intimacy and maintaining a confident frame starts with how you use your eyes. You see her and you lock eyes. If you're talking with someone else, keep your eyes on her, only looking at the person you are talking with in short pauses. This "eye locking" technique shows interest, and more than that, if you're talking with someone else at the same time you keep eye contact with her then you are showing how you want her to be involved in your conversation, how important your interest is in her (because you're looking at her while talking with a third person) and as you keep her eyes locked on yours you are intoning an invitation to get together and introduce yourself and talk with her.


Surely you've heard of "Helen of Troy" whose smile launched a thousand ships. And the "Mona Lisa" with a particularly enigmatic smile that has attracted viewers for centuries. And everyone has seen a clown with his painted on smile. These smiles have particular places in history. But how does your smile rate? Could you "launch a thousand ships"? Could you attract and generate an attractive aura with your smile when you enter a room, when you meet someone new, when you are with friends? Yes you can, and this is how:

When you are first facing someone, whether standing nearby or across a room (even a webcam) don't start off with a big clown smile. Big smiles, when your smile starts big, can be intimidating and a big turnoff, this type of "first glance" smile can even be viewed as aggressive!

Start your smile slowly, a second or two after making eye contact. Let your smile grow to fullness over two seconds. A nice slow blooming of you smile is a signal that says "I'm friendly and very interested in you". And this smile works every time! I want you to practice this smile for the next couple of days, first using your webcam or a mirror, then with real people as your audience.

You will be amazed at the results you get all from a simple smile that starts slow and envelopes your target.


Mother always said "sit up straight, no slouching!". We never listened and we never learned positive posture. Well, my friend, now is the time. I want you to first off start watching the people around you. Watch carefully for who is popular, who is confident, watch carefully for the people that command attention. Do you see how they stand? Head straight, shoulders back, stomach in, feet slightly apart. In real life and even on TV you'll see the same types of stances of people. The basics of good posture are also the body language that commands respect and attention.

You're likely sitting right now. I want you to stand up, slowly. Uncoil yourself from your chair, plant your feet firmly on the ground and slightly apart, push the chair back while standing up, straighten your legs and back together. Hold your stance and push your shoulders back. This is standing with proper posture. This body language makes people take notice of you. When you enter a room, this tall posture stance is how you come in and take command of the room. Practice this posture stance and walk for a few days and it will become a more permanent part of your instinctive routine. And a huge part of getting people to notice you.

This is the basic frame of creating an attractive body and personality. Eye contact that is intriguing, smiles that are effective and posture that is commanding.

Author Resources:

Robert Lee is the editor of www.aLoveLinksPlus.com, the source for online dating advice and dating service reviews since 1999. Article (c) 2009 and is published with permission

3 Ways to Get Women Wet with Conversation



Ever wondered how to sexually stimulate a woman by simply talking to her in the right way?

To consider you a sex-partner? Follow these simple steps and she will be putty in your pants... err, I mean hands.

1. Whisper in her ear

When hitting on new women, you have to jump-start the chemistry so that you can go from "nice friendly guy" to "potential sex-mate". The best way to start creating that chemistry is to whisper in their ear instead of talking to them face to face. Use the excuse that the bar or club is loud and reach in closer and closer in the first few minutes of conversing with her.

2. Keep your voice mellow

Don't shout. Don't talk too fast. Talk slow. Mellowing your voice tends to mellow out the other person. This is desirable given that you want to change her state from "strung out, scared and nervous" to " comfortable, relaxed and mellow" around you. Space out your words. Whispering slowly in her ear will put her in the right trance for further seduction.

3. Do the Boob-touch

OK, so she is relaxed, enjoying the fact that you make her feel calm, the whispering is tingling her inside. Now you got to do the boob-touch. The Boob-touch is a very powerful technique to turn her on physically. What you do is, while you two are standing, you hold your glass against your chest in such a way that whenever you reach in to whisper in her ear, you "accidentally" rub your knuckles against her breast. Very, very subtly. She might not even notice it the first time. She may feel it was a quick accident.



Ever wondered how to sexually stimulate a woman by simply talking to her in the right way?

To consider you a sex-partner? Follow these simple steps and she will be putty in your pants... err, I mean hands.

1. Whisper in her ear

When hitting on new women, you have to jump-start the chemistry so that you can go from "nice friendly guy" to "potential sex-mate". The best way to start creating that chemistry is to whisper in their ear instead of talking to them face to face. Use the excuse that the bar or club is loud and reach in closer and closer in the first few minutes of conversing with her.

2. Keep your voice mellow

Don't shout. Don't talk too fast. Talk slow. Mellowing your voice tends to mellow out the other person. This is desirable given that you want to change her state from "strung out, scared and nervous" to " comfortable, relaxed and mellow" around you. Space out your words. Whispering slowly in her ear will put her in the right trance for further seduction.

3. Do the Boob-touch

OK, so she is relaxed, enjoying the fact that you make her feel calm, the whispering is tingling her inside. Now you got to do the boob-touch. The Boob-touch is a very powerful technique to turn her on physically. What you do is, while you two are standing, you hold your glass against your chest in such a way that whenever you reach in to whisper in her ear, you "accidentally" rub your knuckles against her breast. Very, very subtly. She might not even notice it the first time. She may feel it was a quick accident.

You then repeat it a minute later. Then again. Very subtly, spaced out, so it gives her time to start enjoying it. Soon you will notice she will be reaching in to your knuckles, asking whatever question just so that it can happen again.

At this point, you can be sure that she is "ON". You are ready to take her to the next level, and soon you two will be in bed.

Remember, during this conversation, what is happening is a lot more important that what is being said. The fact that you are whispering, mellowing her out and turning her on is what counts; not your story about the time you chugged a 40oz.

Just keep the conversation flowing in any direction, and soon she will be wanting more physical interaction, like kissing, hugging and caressing.

P.S. This article is an excerpt from our new book, "Advanced Macking - The Shy Man's Guide to One-Night Stands." For more information on this sizzling book, please visit: http://www.getgirls.com/macking.htm

You then repeat it a minute later. Then again. Very subtly, spaced out, so it gives her time to start enjoying it. Soon you will notice she will be reaching in to your knuckles, asking whatever question just so that it can happen again.

At this point, you can be sure that she is "ON". You are ready to take her to the next level, and soon you two will be in bed.

Remember, during this conversation, what is happening is a lot more important that what is being said. The fact that you are whispering, mellowing her out and turning her on is what counts; not your story about the time you chugged a 40oz.

Just keep the conversation flowing in any direction, and soon she will be wanting more physical interaction, like kissing, hugging and caressing.

P.S. This article is an excerpt from our new book, "Advanced Macking - The Shy Man's Guide to One-Night Stands." For more information on this sizzling book, please visit: http://www.getgirls.com/macking.htm