How to Use Waitresses to Meet Topless Dancers

Using Your Waitress to Meet Topless Dancers

Get to know your waitresses in topless clubs! It can pay big dividends. Why? Because she usually knows the dancers on a personal basis. If there is a dancer you are attracted to, want to get to know on a personal basis, she might be able to tell you some valuable personal information about the dancer. A lot of these waitresses are really pretty, have a good personality, fun-loving, and wear sexy outfits. Flirt with them and try to pick them up. Establish a friendship with them and ask them out.

 Drive Women Wild with Powerful Pheromone Cologne

These girls need love too, you know. Some of them don't get to date much because of their weird working hours. Some of these waitresses become topless dancers, too. They see all these dancers making all that good money and say to themselves, "Hell, I can do this and make a lot more money than I'm making as a waitress." Also, the club management tries to recruit waitresses to become dancers.

Asking for Help to Meet Women

Friday, October 07, 2022 | 0 comments »

How to Ask for Help to Meet Women

Asking for Help to Meet Women

This is the best all round opening approach. You can usually think of something you need to know, such as directions, general information, or advice about something a woman would be likely to know, like cooking, housekeeping, grocery shopping, or women's clothing. You can ask her to help you do something, just about anything. You can ask her to hold something or watch something or even help you carry something. If you are outside working on your car, or working in public in any way, a passing girl can be asked for many kinds of assistance. If you are taking photographs you may need help holding lights, in controlling people, or standing in a picture as an extra. You surely can think of many more examples.

Try to make the job of helping continue on for a while. Then when finished, you should express your gratitude profusely. Nothing is more natural, then, than to offer to take her somewhere for refreshments. She will probably know you were using an excuse to meet her, but if she likes the look of you she won't mind. If the help you request takes a short time, such as a receiving of directions, you should be ready to follow up with one of the other conversational approaches.

It is usually best to open up your approach with "Excuse me, do you have a moment?" or a similar apologetic opening remark.

You can ask for something like a match, an aspirin, a Kleenex, or a safety pin. You might borrow a pen, pencil or a piece of paper. The suitability of these requests depends on the circumstances.

A Guide to Picking Up Women in Nightclubs

Do you stand on the sidelines at nightclubs watching other men meet and pick up women? Have you ever been at a nightclub and seen a beautiful woman that you were dying to approach but you couldn't get up the courage? Do you continually strike out with women? Are you shy and don't know what to say to women in nightclubs?

Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert) has written a new ebook called, "How to Pick Up Women in Nightclubs" that will help you overcome these problems and you'll be meeting more women than ever before and you will be transformed into an expert picker-upper and seducer.

You Will Learn:
  • Confidence-building techniques that will get you off the sidelines and have you scoring with women, night after night.
  • Confidential interviews with nightclub women - They tell you exactly in their own words what it takes to pick them up and take them back to your place.
  • Complete game plan for seducing women from "Hello" to romance.
  • How to use mental telepathy to make women do anything you mentally command them to do.
  • Step-by-step procedure on how to seduce a woman on the dance floor.
  • Foolproof methods to get her to leave the nightclub and go to your apartment.
  • How to recognize female body language that says she wants to be picked up.
  • A method that will make women approach and pursue you in nightclubs that is guaranteed to work and never fail.

Now that's just a small sampling of what you'll find in this tells-all (27 chapters) free ebook on how to successfully meet, attract, and seduce women in nightclubs called, "How to Pick Up Women in Nightclubs." There's much, much more...

"How to Pick Up Women in Nightclubs" will teach you a whole new system for meeting and picking up women - a system that is so complete...and so absolutely'll soon be picking up women automatically!!!

Yes, this incredible ebook will heal all the negative images you have of yourself. After reading this book and applying the techniques, you will see yourself as a new person - not a guy that stands on the sidelines or an average Joe, but a charming, sexy, and desirable male - a guy truly deserving of lots of love and romance from all those hot & sexy women in nightclubs.

How to Pick Up Girls Taking Photos

Advice for Men for Approaching Women

In olden days, the romantically inclined artist was always on the lookout for attractive models, which of course was a fine way to meet girls.

You can still do that. But a good camera provides a much easier way to pursue the art. You have quite a legitimate reason to approach any pretty girl, anywhere, if you are into photography and think that she would be a good model. If you are involved in amateur theatricals, any pretty girl might be a possible recruit for a drama group you are working with. All you need do for such an approach is to come right out and make your proposal.

"Excuse me, but I am working in glamour photography (or a theater production) and we are looking for new talent. You are very attractive, and I though you might be interested in doing something in this field. By the way, my name is...And you are...?"

Other interesting occasions for pick-ups can be: during participation in sports; at sporting events (non-participation); at entertainments such as concerts, etc.; at museums and art galleries; at work (and at lunch and coffee breaks); at the ski lodge; on ocean cruises and at health spas.

Tips for Men on Approaching Women

Advice for Men for Approaching Women

Another of the more difficult techniques is to approach the girl with a challenging attitude. This puts the girl into a defensive role. The man' 'takes charge" of the encounter. Many girls are impressed by men who can do this.

The man might challenge the girl with, "What's your name?" or, "Hey!

I haven't seen you around here before." And as they talk, continue to ask searching questions.

Some strong willed girls resent such an approach, and may answer, "None of your business."

Men who use this technique are usually most interested in finding girls who will allow them to be dominant. So, their approach is also a selective process. They are not interested in the strong willed girls and are quite happy to back off when they encounter one. Luckily for them, there are plenty of girls around who actually prefer that the man take the stronger hand in a relationship.

Of course this type of approach requires that the man be very confident, self -assured, and able to handle the rejections he will get.

P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at:

5 Sex Tips on How to Make Love to Single Women

5 Tips to Turn Single Women on Sexually

TIP #1 - Once a single woman has decided that she wants to sleep with you and once you have perceived that fact, then it is up to you to pick the proper time, place and mood for your first sexual encounter. Perhaps not just the first opportunity that affords itself, but the perfect time and place so she will always remember it.

TIP #2 - Just like in everything else, it is important to lead the women through the sexual experience. Gently, but firmly, tell her to show her where you want her and what you want her to do. Make sure that through the whole experience you keep moving from one activity to the next. Never continue one activity so long that it interrupts the building of excitement towards intercourse itself.

TIP #3 - The most difficult thing for most men is to have the patience to lead a woman through foreplay without giving in to his own sexual desires and enter into intercourse too soon. The emotional and sexual pleasure for the woman can be greatly increased by taking the time to bring her to her maximum level of arousal before intercourse begins.

TIP #4 - During foreplay it is important that you are changing activities. Move up and down her body from her head to her toes. Change positions and activities before the old one becomes boring.

TIP #5 - The most effective thing a man can use to increase the pleasure a single woman gets from sexual experience is her anticipation. You can literally tempt a single woman with the anticipation of intercourse during foreplay. Of course, it is important that her desire continues to build - never letting the excitement of the experience die.

P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at:

Learn to Forget Your Past Negative Dating Experiences

Are you determined to forget what lies in your past as far as negative dating experiences go?

I know a lot of single guys who just don't know how to forget the past. They say to me, "How in the hell can I forget all these failures and rejections in my dating life?" Some are even tempted to just throw in the towel and give up on finding love and romance with the women they desire.

I tell them that they need to forget their past so it does not interfere with them moving forward in finding someone special. If you don't let go of your old negative experiences, you will never be able to embrace the new positive experinces that are in your future.

Remember, it does not matter what has happened in your experiences with women in the past, it's now the time to make the commitment to move forward and get on with your dating life. Trust that there is a new love in your future and you will meet her soon. Don't let any of those old memories that steal your joy and hold you back from finding the love of your life you so deserve.

P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at: