Impressing Women for Dinner Dates

Impress Women at Dinner

Let me give you some great tips that will help you score a lot of points with women. When a woman invites you over to cook you dinner, be sure to:

1. Ask her if you need to bring something like wine, bread, covered dish, beverages, champagne, desert, etc. This is a very thoughtful gesture on your part.

2. Offer to set the table.

3. Before you sit down to eat, pull out her chair for her and give her a soft and gentle kiss on the cheek and say thank you for the dinner.

4. After you have finished eating offer to help her clean up, put the food away, and clean the dishes.

And don't worry about coming across as a sissy for doing this. Forget about being a macho man. Doing these things are going to make a very favorable impression on her and that's the whole ball game here, to score points and don't worry about your masculinity.

How to Get Over Setbacks in Dating

Don't Feel Sorry for Yourself

I know the dating scene can be tough sometimes, but don't fall into the trap of feeling sorry for yourself and complain about how unfair women have been towards you. Ask yourself this, "Do I really want to find someone special to share my life with or have I gotten just a little too comfortable about having no girlfried and whining about it all the time?" You have to get over your setbacks in dating and quite talking to yourself about it. Don't keep opening up this old would. It's time to move on and let it go. There is no need in focusing on the past and mourning over something you can not change. It's time for a new beginning in your pursuit of finding someone special. A fresh start with someone new. Never give up. A special lady is out there for you and you will find her. Just keep looking.

Pick Up Lines to Use in the Summer

Summer Pick Up Lines

The summer is coming to an end and you need to think about some good pick up lines to use when trying to meet girls at the beach or swimming pool. Here are some good ones to use:

  1. "I don't know which is prettier today...the blue/green water or your pretty blue/green eyes."
  2. "Could you watch my stuff while I go for a swim?" (Then ask her to join you.)
  3. "Can I borrow some of your suntan lotion to put on my face?"
  4. "I haven't seen you at the pool here before, are you new in town?"
  5. When you see a girl drying herself off with a towel reply, "I sure wish I was that towel you're using."

How to Buy Table Dances from Topless Dancers

Guide to Buying Table Dances

Here's a tip to save you from wasting your money on a bad table dance. Always ask a topless dancer when you first meet her, "How long have you been dancing?" If she hasn't been dancing very long, she will be inexperienced and it will show. It may not be very sexually stimulating and seductive. Also, she may feel very uncomfortable or shy about giving a table dance and this will show, too.

If you want to get your moneys worth, buy your table dance from an experienced dancer. Watch the dancers giving other guys table dances. If you see one that really turns you on, buy a dance from her. At least you'll know what you're getting.

Here's another tip. Don't buy a blind table dance. What I mean by blind is buying a dance from a dancer without seeing her body first. You may be attracted to her pretty face but once you see her body, you may be disappointed and feel you threw your money away. She may have some features that turn you off such as stretch marks, sagging breasts, flat chested, too many tattoos, cellulite, big ass, etc. It's better to see a dancer naked first before you buy a dance so you won't be disappointed.

Pick Up Lines and Dating Advice

Dating Tip and Pick Up Lines

Don't allow yourself to become boring. You must continue to be a sharp dresser and practice good grooming habits. You have to watch your manners and deal with waitresses properly. You have to be busy and important. Always maintain a level of mystery about you. Also, you need to continue to let her know that other women find you attractive (Don't do this by blatantly flirting with other women in her presence).

  1. "I saw you at the party last weekend and you look kind of interesting...Let's get together sometime."
  2. "I am writing a new algorithm, and I need some test data. What are your measurements?"
  3. "I'm filthy rich and have just six weeks to live. Will you help me make these next few weeks the happiest days of my life?"
  4. Whenever a big name group is coming to town for a concert ask, "Did you know________is coming to town for a concert? I've got an extra ticket, would you like to go?" (If she says yes, just go out and buy the tickets.)
  5. "Would you mind if I be your slave tonight, please?"

Diversify Your Places for Meeting Women

Don't Put All Your Eggs in One Basket

Putting all your eggs in one basket

A lot of men make the mistake of what I call, "Putting all your eggs in one basket."

A good example is thinking that the only place you can meet women is at a nightclub or bar. So, you spend all of your time, money, and energy pursuing women in bars and nightclubs. And you find yourself not having much luck. But, you continue going back week after week like butting your head up against the wall. It's a continuous cycle of going there to meet women, but you go home all frustrated and horny.

Always diversify your places to pursue women. Don't hang all your hopes on just one way or place to meet women. Try the personals, chat rooms, dating services, meeting women through friends, relatives, co-workers, through clubs and organizations, at church, pursue a co-worker, etc. I think you are getting the point. Always have a game plan to meet women any place and everywhere.

Just take a look around in your every day environment. When you shop for groceries, at the mall, at the bookstore, at college, sporting events, etc. There are lovely women everywhere. You just have to have the balls to approach them. And if you use our products and the free information at my website, there's no reason why you can't have the confidence to approach women anywhere, any place, anytime.

Letting a Relationship Go

Wednesday, March 15, 2023 | 0 comments »

Letting a Relationship Go

When do You Give Up on Dating a Woman

So, when do you give up on a woman? When do you come to the conclusion that the relationship is not going anywhere? It really boils down to common sense. It's time to give up when you're the only one trying to advance the relationship and keep it going. If she's not putting any energy into the relationship, just take the hint and move on to the next dancer. Don't make a fool out of yourself and hang around where you're not wanted or appreciated.

If this does happen, try to learn from your mistakes. Try to analyze just what went wrong, why you turned her off, how she observed you, etc. At this point, if you've really done your homework, been on your best behavior and maintained your cool, your next step will be moving on to a happy and passionate relationship with her.