When You Need Space in a Relationship

Dating Advice When You Need Space

So you're not in your twenties or thirties anymore and you want to get back into the dating game. Dating can be hard at any age but it's especially hard it you haven't done it for a long time. Everything can become much easier, though, if you understand some basic concepts about women. Use the following dating advice for men from women to your advantage.

A lot of men that get back into dating have been set in their own lifestyle patterns for a while and find it a bit overwhelming to bring a new person into their routine (or to adjust their routine to fit this new person). Some men are very eager to make their new girlfriends or dates happy and initially try to bend over backwards for them. This may include giving up time with friends, by themselves or just an afternoon in front of a football game on TV. This might work for a little while but eventually you will most likely become resentful of these missed events.

If the new woman in your life is starting to demand more and more of your time and it makes you uncomfortable, you will need to convey this to her. . .but you need to do it the right way if you want to keep her. This piece of dating advice for men from women is extremely important so pay attention. Here's what you might want to say. . ."Things are moving a little too fast for me and I need some time by myself". But please don't say that. While this might not seem to be a rejection in your eyes, your new girl will definitely see it as that. She will most probably take this very personally and either cling to you even more or just back off and start over-analyzing what you said over and over. Women are very sensitive and have a natural tendency to over-analyze everything. She will no longer be comfortable around you and you will probably feel awkward as well.

So, that's what you don't want to do. The right way to discuss your feelings with the new lady in your life is to tell her that you want to work on a couple of things to make your relationship better. And that includes taking a little time for yourself because that is very important to you. Keep the focus on "improving the relationship" by going a little slower and not rushing into things too much.

Remember that women can turn very many comments into rejection in their heads. Something that you could say to another guy could be forgotten after two minutes. That same comment will not leave a woman's head and it will be turned around over and over again. So keep that in mind.

So, just to recap this dating advice for men from women. . .if you're feeling like things are moving too fast and you don't have your own space, you do need to bring it up to your the new woman in your life. Tell her in a way that shows her you want to work on the relationship and not to shut her out of your life. Remember that women feel hurt and rejection very easily.

Do Women Like Bad Boys or Over Nice Guys

What Kind of Men do Women Prefer?

Bad boys or nice guys?

This is truly a matter of personality choice. Each has its own crowd of admirers, where every woman is ready to defend their dearly beloved partners.

However, the debates seemed to never cease. This is because women never have clear distinction as to what type of mate would they rather prefer. And after a long scurrilous deliberation and poll voting, it seems that the choice between bad boys and nice guys are endless discussions.

Sounds impossible? Read on.

According to survey polls online, nearly 30% of the women respondents have stated that the personality matters most. Though, it was not clearly identified what kind of personality that these women would want from the guys.

But there are some reports that the nice guys are apparently unappealing to most women. Why is this so? What could possibly cause this evident weakening magnet of the nice guys? Does that account for the reason why more men are “behaving badly” these days?

There are so many speculations why these things happen. But there are just as many instances that could attest that women seem to like bad boys rather than the nice guys. For instance, there are those cases wherein the more a nice guy gets “nicer” to women; the more they will not opt to be romantically involve with those guys. Instead, they outwardly become attracted to men who deal with them harshly.

However, this does not necessarily mean that women would literally choose bad boys, as in the really mean ones, over the nice guys. The only reason why some women opt to date those who are not under the category of nice guys is that the nice ones create an impression of not being romantic. They appear to be less appealing as far as sexual attraction is concerned.

In fact, some women contend that those who are really nice seem to offer friendship instead of romance. So what is the point of being romantically involved with them if this is what women think of them?

The point here is that women do not literally prefer bad boys that are really bad as in those who commit crimes or whatsoever. They just have the tendency to be physically attracted to men who treat them a little harsh, those who do not pay attention to them, those who seem not to care for them, and those who do not give them 100% attention.

These are all boiled down to the fact that women are actually adventurous people. They would rather love men who start taking actions instead of trying to act “nice.”

More ever, in order to understand why women are more physically attracted to the bad-boy image is to focus on the very core of attraction. It is merely based on attraction that women are paying more attention to the nasty ones. But this does not necessarily mean that women would prefer to have bad boys as their lifetime partner rather than the nice guys.

In fact, according to some recent surveys, almost 38% of women that were included in the respondents would still prefer nice guys, while only 15% want the bad ones. Consequently, nearly 34% would rather have a combination of both personalities.

So what do these figures show? It just means that women are still not insane who would literally choose the bad guys. They are only attracted to those who seem to carry a bad boy image but for a more serious relationship, the nice guys, or a combination of both personalities are much preferred.

Given all that, the choice between the two kinds of personality is not a matter of who is the most preferred type of guy, rather, it is a matter of attraction. As long as the nice guys have what it takes to attract women, chances are they would be able to date women.

The bottom line is that women can be very fussy and may not make sense whenever they choose the kind of guy they would be interested in. In fact, they can go from one type to another type in just a short span.

But what makes women fall in love deeply is to have a personality that is not so straight and, yet, not that crooked. This pertains to those who are funny, confident, and has an air of mystery on the side.

After all, who would rather choose a boring man whom women were supposed to live with for the rest of their lives? Certainly not those-goody-two-shoes, right?

How to Get Out of a Love Depression

Are You in a Love Depression

Are you in a love depression? This is where your heart has been broken and you feel low about it. You may believe that you will never have another romance. Here’s what to do if you are in a love depression.

First of all, you need to recognize that, however painful, this is a temporary period in your life. You will get through your love depression. But, you may need help.

Turn to your friends and family during this tough period in your life. They will always be there for you. Don’t be afraid to cry on their shoulders. One of the ways you will know when you have come out of the love depression is when you yourself are bored with talking about your ex.

But, if your friends and family get tired of hearing about your ex before you are healed, it may behoove you to go into counseling. A trained therapist can help you work through the break up issues. By talking to a counselor, you will be able to identify many issues in your life. Some of these will be about why you and your ex broke up. Others will help you be a better boyfriend or girlfriend in the future.

Sometimes talk therapy isn’t enough. When this happens, you need to see a psychiatrist who can put you on anti-depressant medication. Prozac, Paxil, and other SSRIs can make a big difference in how you feel about the world. Don’t be embarrassed to ask for medical help when you need it.

There are other things you can do for yourself when you are in a love depression. For instance, when you go to the gym to work out, you not only improve your body, you also improve your mood. Getting your body moving sends chemicals to the brain which elevate your mood.

Pampering yourself can also help you believe that you are a worthwhile person. Getting a massage can bring a physical relief to your weary body.

Sometimes eating, in moderation, can soothe your soul. Chocolate, ice cream, and comfort foods all help ease the pain of a break up. Don’t overdo it and gain too much weight though, because you don’t want to ruin your physique.

Perhaps the best tonic for love depression though, is falling in love with someone new. Remember that in order to do that, you have to get back in the game. Don’t believe that you have to be 100 percent ready for a new relationship before you start dating again. When someone asks you out or strikes your fancy, have coffee with them. Go to the ballgame with a friend who might be interested in being more.

At some point, you have to get back on the dating scene. Whether talking to your friends, going into therapy, getting some psychiatric medication, or treating your condition yourself, you need to work out a way to cure your love depression. The sooner you do, the sooner you’ll feel a lot better.

Has Your Marriage Ended

Sunday, March 19, 2023 | 0 comments »

Has Your Marriage Ended

Failure with Women

After Marriage Put Your Best Foot Forward After Your Marriage Has Ended

Has your marriage ended before you were ready for it to end? Are you now, after marriage, looking around for a way forward?

Well if you are down in the dumps and don't particularly know what you're going to do, then quite frankly, you need a plan to get yourself up and looking forward to the future.

So, let's approach this new situation with optimism and hope. The first thing that you need to do is come to terms with whatever happened in your marriage to end it. If you made mistakes, then forgive yourself. We're all human and we all make mistakes. If all you're doing is sitting home and feeling sorry for yourself, then you'll make no progress. So accept that you've made some mistakes and get ready to move on. Of course give yourself time to get over the ending of your marriage, but it would be a huge mistake if you were still stuck in the same emotional place a year from now.

Once you've had some time to come to terms with the end of your marriage, then the best thing you can do next is to think about what you want to do as an individual. Is there a different career path that you're interested in but you just never had the time or inclination to pursue? Have you always wanted to travel and never been able to find the time? Perhaps your ex never shared your love of a particular country? Well you can get up, get motivated and take that trip now!

If you have children to consider then whatever life journey you embark upon make sure that you leave space for them. After marriage it is very easy to find that you and your ex have both blamed and taken your respective sides and forgotten about the children. Make every effort and then some, to reassure your children that you are still part of their lives and you love them and want to see them as much as you can. If you're hurt and upset about the break down of your marriage, imagine how hurt your children are!

After marriage there is no time limit by which you should aim to start dating again. Only you know how you feel and if and when you want to start dating again. However, don't be afraid to actually start dating again. Yes you've been hurt by the end of your marriage, but get your head together and don't let that stop you from having some fun.

Above all remember that your marriage might be over but it doesn't mean that your life is over. Whether you were ready for the marriage to end or not, the marriage has ended. What you have to do now, after marriage, is to give yourself time to recover emotionally but then always, at the forefront of your mind, get ready to move on.

Saving Money at Topless Clubs

How to Save Money at Topless Clubs

I know this is just common sense, but arrive at a topless club after ll pm or even later. How does this save you money? If you arrive early, say after 7-8 p.m., you will spend a lot of money on drinks, table dances, etc. To pick up topless dancers, you need to arrive after 11 p.m. and close to closing time. So, arriving late can save you money and increase your chances of scoring. Around closing time the dancers may be loaded and easier to take advantage of.

Dating Tips for Asking Women Out

Failure with Women

Don't Push

Now, this isn't something you ALWAYS do. If a girl is out with her friends you don't want to impose, in fact, for that reason you should always set a time limit when you've started talking with a woman. I have to get back to my friends in a few minutes, but before that or I have to leave soon.

If the lady you like seems ready to follow, then you can say I'm going to xxx, it's a good spot, you should come. SOMEONE needs to teach you what this city has to offer. (By the way, this is a KILLER line if you're not a local.) 

Oftentimes the woman won't be able to join you for whatever reason could be she's got plans already, maybe she doesn't want her girlfriends gossiping, she might just be shy. That's ok. You can still meet her but here's how you do it.

Don't Be Ordinary

Don't ask her to dinner. If possible, don't even ask her in advance. A spontaneous meeting at a coffee shop or going shopping in an eclectic neighborhood with built-in conversation is great.

Your call should sound something like this: What are you doing right now? I'm about to hit Java Joe's, you should come and entertain me.I'm shopping for some clothes, and I'd like a woman's opinion. What are you doing now?

Make sure you're going somewhere fun. The kind of place with strange knick-knacks all around so you're conversation can naturally flow from your surroundings. Why do extra work when you can let the atmosphere help you

Dating Tips to Succeed with Women

Failure with Women

This is one of the main reasons for the failure of your relationships with your wives and your girlfriends: if you look backward there was a moment where you started to feel:"This is not fair, I am more powerful, I should raise her at my level".

Soon after you wondered why you get absolutely no "thank you" from her and why she seems to want more and more and more out of you.

Guys tell me the truth: each one of you has been in his marriage or relationship with a woman in the point where he has to ask from himself:"What the hell is going on here? The more I give to her the more she takes!"

This process went on until.. you were made weaker and she went out of the relationship with you with half of your property.

Or until you had to stop her from doing that in a pretty rough way.

No matter how balanced and sexy a woman is, no matter how great you and she get along she will have to be reminded not to be selfish. She is incapable of what you guys call "altruistic" behavior toward her same-age partner.

She can only be "altruistic" toward her children.

That doesn't mean you can't teach her how to behave to relate with you in a different way. What you need to take out of your mind is that you will be able at a certain point to have her internalize fairness. That will never happen.

When a male perceives himself in a situation in which he is taking advantage of the other person, he tends to feel guilty

He either constructs psychological defenses that allow himself to continue in the one-sided business in which he gains at the other person's expense or, he somehow goes about increasing the gain for the other person while reducing his own until that point at which he feels things are "fair" or "equal" again.

In other words, he somehow tries to build an altruistic balance.

When a female, on the other hand, perceives herself to be involved somehow in a one-way relationship, she recognizes it as such but then doesn't take the next step. Instead, her typical response is to attempt to perpetuate the situation, cause it to continue, figure out how to make sure she continues to get that stuff.

It isn't nasty behavior from her; it is, simply, her own instinct to preserve herself. When her children get messed up she sacrifices herself; but not before that time. Well maybe some modern women not even when their children get messed up.. but those are extreme cases.

So if you set yourself in a relationship with a woman in the position of being "fair" to her in everything she will take out of you everything, even the last penny. Instead the position you need to take towards her is the one of constantly teaching her how to give you things in return for what you are giving to her. You have to teach her that whatever you give to her is not for free. You need to teach her fairness and altruism.

When you do this you achieve her respect: you are showing her that you can hunt around and also hunt her.

How you do that on daily basis? Like this:

- Your leadership over a woman is not for free. Every time you lead her you need to communicate / sub-communicate that you do that only if you are treated well and get something in return. If she stops giving you stop leading. Verbalize this at need.  Drive Women Wild with Powerful Pheromone Cologne

- Be specific in asking things from her. Women like to take care of you. You can be specific about how you want her to make love with you, in which way you want to be touched, tell her openly what pleases you sexually.

- You can be specific in regard on how you want her to behave socially, how you want her to dress, how you want her to come close to you, of which subjects you want her to talk with you and so on.

When you teach her to give things back to you in return for your existence in her life you are behaving with her like her Prince. Women love to be devoted to Princes because they are usually the best hunters.

Instead if you get into the downward spiral of giving her all what you have for the sake of fairness you will be taken into a black hole, her attraction and respect for you will go down and you will finally lose her.

She will think that you are pleasing her because you want to rest and stop hunting and will behave accordingly by taking all what remains of your prey out of you. An alpha male cannot rest. That is an illusion. If you are alpha you know that you can rest only in your grave.

Put your energy into business, pick-up, seduction and never enter a relationship where you are being made weaker !

To be able to understand the deep differences in psychology between you and women is a very important skill.

If you are a single man willing to seduce women to get a wonderful girlfriend.

Or a husband willing to make his own wife happy in the relationship.

Or a playboy willing to have a lot of fun.