Observing behavior and actions and not theory has shown us time and time again that as soon as a man gives up the control that he "should have," a woman sees this as a sign of weakness and becomes dissatisfied with his performance in filling the "man's role." Women respond favorably to the man taking control of a situation, from which movie to go see to sexual encounters. They want the door held, the wine opened, the evening planned, and the car driven. They want traditional male/female roles fulfilled. They are happiest in every phase of a relationship when they feel a high level of power and security coming from men leading the situation.
Does this mean a man should become a tyrant in order to control a relationship? No. Filling the man's role can be done in many subtle ways which often amounts to no more than awareness of the situation, making the decisions, and expending the energy to take the lead. In the next chapter on "your image" and throughout the book, you will learn exactly what we mean by "power and leadership" and how to fill the man's role.
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This article is an excerpt from our best-selling book, "A Man's Guide to Women."