This is a great place to meet women. Some women go by themselves to meditate and think about their problems. Some go to read and even some go just to meet guys.

If you see a woman all alone looking sad and blue, approach her and say, "You look sad, can I be of any help?" She just may pour her heart out to you.

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If you see a woman walking a dog, approach her and say, "That sure is a cute dog you have there. What's his name?" This can open the door for more conversation.

You might want to bring your frisbee with you and ask a woman, "Do you want to toss some frisbee?"

What you can do when you go to a park is bring a picnic blanket, a bottle of wine, and lunch for two. When you spot a woman you like, set up your blanket and picnic supplies near her. Then just invite her to join you. You can really have some fun times this way.