I sincerely hope you're not one of those men who go to strip joints just to watch the exotic dancers. Most men do and they don't know what they are missing out on. These women can be picked up and are generally easy to meet. A lot of guys don't even try to pick them up and it's a shame because these girls need lovin just like any other girl.

How do you approach these women? Well, normally they will be approaching you, possibly to hustle you for drinks or a table dance. Don't hold this against them and think they're just trying to take you for a ride. They're just trying to make a living and they get a commission on these drinks.

You might as well face the facts that you just might have to buy them a drink or table dance to talk to them. These can be house rules.

Buy them a drink or two, it won't kill you. Just be nice to them and treat them with respect and you can get somewhere with them.