This 40 minute audio cassette can magically turn you into an expert "Picker-Upper and Seducer" of single women overnight! It has eight actual recorded pick up scenes for you to learn from. You'll hear exactly how to pick up a single girl in a college library, a tall and gorgeous pretty blonde on the street, a dark-haired sexy dancer in a single's bar.

You'll also learn how to get a single girl out of a bar and into your apartment in less than an hour...and how to tell when a girl is attracted to you just by the sound of her voice.
You'll actually hear the voices of all the people involved: The men, as they begin to work their magic - the single women as they fall and become a willing victim of their charm.

Everything is spelled out for you, from attention getting opening foolproof closing lines that get you her telephone number, a date, and sometimes even her warm and sexy body right then and there. So, send for "Picking Up Girls Made Easy" today. It can magically turn you into an expert picker-upper and seducer of single sexy beautiful women overnight! Satisfaction Guaranteed. Full One Year Money Back Guarantee!

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