Best Places to Take Single Women on a Date

If you really want to a great impression on the women you take out for a date, here are some great ideas:

  • AMUSEMENT PARKS - This really makes for a fun date, especially if you both enjoy thrill-seeking rides such as roller coasters, etc. Also, don't forget to try and win her a teddy bear or other keepsake.
  • BALLOON RIDES - I am referring to hot-air balloon rides. This is a breath-taking experience you both will never forget. It's very romantic and some rides even come with champagne.
  • BOAT RENTAL - This makes for a unique experience and it's so relaxing and enjoyable. You can charter a boat with captain and crew or rent a powerboat for skiing, fishing, or just for cruising.
  • CAMPING - What a great way to enjoy the great outdoors! Things really get cozy and romantic sitting in front of an open fire! This is sure to melt her heart and make her want to share your sleeping bag.
  • CARRIAGE RIDES - This is one of the most ultimate romantic experiences. Just you and your lover or date in a horse-drawn carriage enjoying the scenery.
  • DINNER AT YOUR PLACE - One of my favorite things to do is to invite a woman over for a candlelight steak dinner and champagne. I do all the cooking and wait on my date hand and foot. I really make my date feel special. So, if you really want to make someone feel special and have a romantic evening, do this for a very special date.
  • DINNER THEATRE - There's nothing like good entertainment while you're eating. Your date will really be impressed and this is one of my top choices to take a date to.
  • GO-CARTS - These are a lot of fun for adults too. Why not challenge your date to a race around the track.
  • HAY RIDES - Have you ever been on a hayride? It's a lot of fun and something very different to do.
  • HELICOPTER RIDES - This was one of the most exciting dates I ever went on. My date and I took a helicopter tour of downtown San Diego and the Shoreline. I was especially fascinated flying over the skyscrapers and looking down on them. This will be an expensive date, because to charter a helicopter can cost you up to $500 an hour. If you can afford it, it's worth the money just for the experience.
  • HORSE RACES OR DOG RACES - Here's another fun activity you can both share and make some money too, if you are lucky.
  • ICE SKATING - Don't know how to skate? No problem, It's a lot of fun just learning. Sure, you're going to take a few spills on the ice. It's all part of the fun! This is great place to go on a date even if you don't know how to ice skate. You can always take lessons, too.
  • JET SKIS - This is like riding a motorcycle on the water and your date can ride on the back. Take my word for it, this is the ultimate joy ride while having some great fun on the water. You can rent them for about $20 for a half-hour.
  • KITE FLYING - Stop by any toy store and pick up a kite and go on a kite date. Head for your local park, beach, or any wide-open space. Kites are not just for kids. It's a fun experience for all ages and it's kind of romantic. So, get your date and go fly a kite.
  • LIMOUSINE DATE - When you want to tell someone they're special, what better way to do it than with the unexpected. Sending flowers is nice, but sending flowers with a limousine is unforgettable. This is a great way to let dancers know they are real special to you.
  • LIVE MUSIC - This will put you and your date in a good mood, especially if the band is good. Check out your area for places that offer live music. Take her to Rock Concerts too.
  • MOONLIGHT STROLLS - When there's a full moon and clear skies, head for any lake or seashore. It's so romantic to take your shoes off and wade along the shore with the full moon gleaming on the water.

P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at:

Best Ways to Ask for a Date

Wednesday, September 29, 2021 | 0 comments »

Advice for Men on How to Ask for a Date

There are correct ways and incorrect ways to ask single women for a date. You increase your chances of getting rejected if you ask the wrong way. It's amazing that just by selecting the right wording, it can make such a big difference in getting a woman to say, "yes" to going out with you.

Here are some examples of the best ways to successfully ask single women for a date:

  • "Would you like to join me to go the arts & crafts show this Saturday afternoon? On the way home we could stop and get something to eat." By the way, women love to go to arts & crafts shows.
  • "Would you like to join me and share a pizza and something to drink after work next Thursday? I'll be disappointed if you can't make it."
  • "I have tickets to the symphony for_______(name a date a couple of weeks in advance, so you can buy tickets if she accepts your offer), and I would like to take you as my guest, if you're available for that evening."
Here are some examples of the worst ways to ask single women for a date:
  • "Are you busy this Saturday night?"
  • "Would you like to get together and do something this week?"
  • "How about us going out this weekend?"
  • "What are you doing Friday night?"
The above improper proposals are very general questions that are very easy for her to say "no" to and the examples of the best ways to ask for a date which are very detailed and specific and are more likely to get a "yes."

P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at:

Advice for Men Pursuing Foreign Single Women

I was looking at your website, and although I agree with most of the advice given about meeting and marrying single foreign women using dating services, I do think that you need to give a more realistic view of what foreign women want with American men.

I am a 29-year-old foreign woman living in the US. No, I am not married to an America man, and yes, I do like AM (American Men). The thing is that most foreign women do like AM. The idea of the AM, and what we hear, and see on television is usually very attractive and well spoken. So most have that ideal vision of the AM.

Until these men go overseas and we see what we are dealing with. I think it is a mistake to give AM the impression that foreign women are so desperate that any AM will do. That is not true. If you have problems dating women in your own country, maybe you should look at yourself first, and see if there is something you can do about it.

I, and many of my friends have been disappointed to see many short, unfit, bad teeth, bad hygiene, bad dressers, poor social skills with the opposite sex come to my country and expect a goddess because she has to be desperate, and therefore happy to have them. Can you please tell these men that if they choose a woman who is too young, and too pretty for them (that seems to be they all want, looks, even if they do not measure up. What happens when she comes to this country, begins to work, and realizes that many, many men who are intelligent and attractive are attracted to her? She may find that she has chemistry, real chemistry with a man that she really cares for, who can also take care of her. Maybe her American husband had no luck with women because he never understood women. Now she has the attention of many AM, many who are successful with women, and know how to talk to her, and can choose.

Can you please advise the men that go overseas with expectations for a wife to be more realistic in their choice. If an American woman traveled to a foreign country, a woman who was unkept, or out of shape, but had a lot of money, got herself as good looking husband (I know of a man who married such a woman, but we all know why he did it) all the men would be able to figure out his motives. They would know that this would not last, and the second he meets a prettier, younger American woman, who has financial stability he will leave.

Why? Because that woman never understood that she needed to get herself in shape, and develop more social skills and confidence in order to find the partner she wanted. Going to another country and finding a mate did not do anything but give her a temporary partner. If these men like foreign women so much, why not date ones that have been in the US 5 years or less? Most say that by then, she has become Americanized, and has more of a choice with men. That is correct, but how do these men plan to keep their wives from seeing the American culture, and what is truly available to a beautiful, intelligent foreign woman. How long will it take that pretty 20 something girl married to the 40 something divorced man paying alimony and child support to figure out that she can have it all and not settle for this man who married her?

I think if these men are truly looking for a partner, they should look at women in their 30's and 40's,who may not be so beautiful, but still better than the women they could have gotten in the US. I sometimes feel very sorry for these men looking for the beautiful women, because I understand that it is easy for both parties to be grateful in the beginning. The young girl looks at this man as her savior, and she is grateful (for now), and the man cannot believe his luck.

Remember, if it looks too good to be true, IT IS! But after a few years, her gratefulness begins to disappear, and resentment sets in when she realizes that she really did not get a prize. When she goes to work, or the supermarket, and sees other women with good-looking successful men, and she wants the same. Thank you for taking time to read. - Article contributed by Karen C.

Best Advice on How to Talk to Single Women

If the topic you've been discussing seems to be on the verge of dying, one way of changing topics is to ask a ritual question. You might say, "You said you've been in Florida for three years. Where were you before then?" Sometimes you might want to change to another topic for only a brief moment. All you have to do is say: "Excuse me, but I'd like to change the subject for a moment," and then make your comment or ask your question.

Try to complete your ideas quickly and then return to your original topic of discussion. Don't do this too often. You may give the impression that your mind is scattered, or that you cannot (or don't care to) discuss a particular topic on a meaningful level, and therefore are avoiding the topic. It may also suggest that you are not listening or that you are bored with the subject matter.

Make Use of Names

Repeat her name several times as you speak. That will help you remember it. Moreover, using her name is one of the easiest and most meaningful compliments you can give. You might find it easier to remember names if you visualize them written out. Ask how to spell a difficult name. If you happen to forget her name, it's perfectly OK to say, "Forgive me, but tell me your name again." Don't be embarrassed. And don't try to fake it - a "Christie resents being called "Crissie."

P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at:

For Shy Men Only

Sunday, September 26, 2021 | 0 comments »

Advice on Overcoming Shyness

What is shyness? Webster's defines shyness as being "uncomfortable in the presence of others." For the shy man this refers to being uncomfortable in the presence of the opposite sex.

Shyness can be a crippling mental handicap and its consequences can be devastating in the following ways:

1. Shyness breeds negative feelings like anxiety, depression, and loneliness.

2. It encourages you to think too much about yourself and to be over-preoccupied with your own reactions.

3. It will limit you in voicing your own opinions and values and speaking up for yourself.

4. Shyness hinders your thinking and ability to communicate effectively.

5. It has an unfavorable bearing on how others will evaluate your personality.

6. Shyness makes it more difficult for you to meet new people, make friends, or enjoy potentially good times. Thank goodness, shyness can be cured and overcome!

As an example of shyness, at every nightclub you will find the shy man. You'll see him just standing around all night, being afraid to approach a woman and start up a conversation or even to ask a woman to dance. So what happens? They get frustrated and leave the club. They keep coming to the nightclubs and repeat the same routine. They stand around wishing they could meet someone, get frustrated, and then go home frustrated and depressed.

You can overcome your shyness and you "must" if you're going to nightclubs, etc. This kind of social setting can be most threatening and anxiety-provoking if you are a shy man. This kind of setting will only aggravate your shyness condition if you don't take the appropriate steps to overcome your shyness.

In order for you to promote this change yourself, first you must believe that change is possible. You must really want to overcome your shyness condition. Last, you must be willing to commit time and energy to take action and to risk some temporary failures in initiating change procedures that can lead to long--term success. To sum it up you can change if you believe you can but it takes work...hard work.

P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at:

A Technique on How to Seduce Single Women on the Dancefloor

Let me give you a few pointers if you're slow-dancing and by all means try to dance to every slow dance because of the physical contact involved.

Just as in fast dancing, immediately start introduction procedures. Open up by saying, "My name is_______ What's yours?

When slow-dancing, try to hold her as close to your body as possible. Gently now! Don't squeeze her like an octopus. When moving your right leg, gently brush her inner thighs. While dancing, gently squeeze her hand and see if you get any response. If you do, continue with the next step. Start rubbing her back with your hand. At this point if she starts rubbing your shoulders, neck, or back and starts grinding her crotch against yours, you are on your way.

At this stage of the game it's time to try and kiss her. Begin kissing her neck and work your way up to behind the ear, then the ear lobe, then kiss her on the lips. If you've gotten this far, chances are you're going to become intimate with her tonight, if not later for sure.

If you have tried all these moves and you do not get any response, don't be concerned about it. Some women are reluctant to show any affection towards a total stranger. This is quite common, so don't jump to conclusions thinking that she's cold or not interested in you.

P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at:

A Method to Seduce Topless Dancers

These are just some simple strategies to lure her away from the club when she gets off. It's really a lot like fishing. You will be baiting your hook and hopefully she will bite on it and you can reel her in.

Here are a few suggestions to bait your hook with:

1. Ask her out for breakfast or dinner, then suggest coming over to your place to party and have some fun.

2. Invite her over for a "Hot tub party." If you don't have a hot tub, I would suggest that you invest in one. Why? Take it from me, there's just something about laying in a hot tub sipping champagne or margaritas that makes dancers lose their inhibitions. Don't be surprised either if she goes topless or even nude in the hot tub. Can you just imagine yourself in your hot tub with a naked topless dancer? Just keep feeding her champagne or margaritas and make your move. You should be able to score if she's attracted to you or so drunk she doesn't know what she's doing. If she passes out, whatever you do don't try to have sex with her. In some states you could be charged with rape if she's aware that you've had sex with her or attempted to rape her.

3. Invite her over for a massage. You really need to know what you're doing though to seduce her with your hands. If you're really good at it she will become like putty in your hands. She's yours for the taking! So, how do you become an expert masseuse and give erotic and sensual massages? You learn how! To learn how go to:

4. Ask her if she would like to go for a ride down to the beach. To pull this off it really helps if you have a convertible sportscar, Corvette, jeep that you can take the top off of, luxury cars like a Lexus, or sportscar with T-tops. Dancers love sportscars and riding with the top down or T-tops off. Then after you have hung out at the beach, you can ask her to come over to your place.

P.S. Don't forget to bring your swim trunks in case you go for a swim.

Also, bring your cooler with beer, canned mix drinks, or even ice down a bottle of champagne (Don't forget the glasses).

5. By all means, if you have a large boat such as a cabin cruiser, sailboat, speed boat, yacht, etc. and it's at a marina not too far away, ask her if she would like to go for a boat ride or just load up the whole boat with topless dancers.

Advice on How to Meet Effluent Single Women

One of the cardinal rules in your search for the well-to-do woman is to forget the bars. The person you're looking for isn't wasting time in them. You have to go where the rich and soon to be rich spend their time. If you like boating and water, many yacht clubs allow people to join on social status who don't even own boats. What better way to meet a well-to-do woman than to be a member of this club and be present at the various social functions the club provides? This allows you to mingle with a lot of people of means without having a large cash outlay yourself.

If you're a horse lover, find an exclusive stable or riding club and join up. This doesn't mean you have to have a horse of your own to learn to ride.

Better supermarkets are excellent meeting places for the upwardly mobile, as are better department stores. You can be working there or shopping there, just as long as these eligible women see you. Some of the really large stores such as Bloomiingdales in New York have entire departments devoted to party needs such as wine, cheese, crackers or hors d'oeuvres, etc. Want to meet a nice on-the-way up type of woman, she's here buying for a fun party. It's a sure bet if you're looking around this type of party center; conver-sation will develop if you let it or even better, start it.

In University towns, the libraries are excellent meeting places for soon to be lawyers and doctors and other assorted professional types. Ideally, you should be in the University library as opposed to the public one. This could necessitate enrolling in one course to get the card entitling you to use the library. Take something fun and easy.

Real estate is always a good avenue to follow in pursuit of a good career and chances to meet well-to-do women. You will meet successful women looking to buy a home. So, get to night school and get that realtor's license so you'll be ready to meet those women looking for a home.

Male airline flight attendants meet great many successful women. Airline ticket persons meet the same people but usually don't have the time to start a relationship because of the lines and the need to get these people out. A flight attendant can get more exposure to the well-to-do passenger and perhaps start a relationship that will continue after the plane has landed.

P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at:

Advice on Writing Foreign Single Women

I'm sure you have seen all the ads from matchmakers to meet and marry foreign women. If you pursue this way of meeting single women, here's some valuable information:

Let me give you some advice on writing these lovely ladies in the Far East:

1. There will be a lot of competition for the real beautiful young girls. They can have their pick of the handsome, well-to-do, successful and financially well-off guys. If you're not in this category, you're going to have some problems connecting with these cream-of-the-crop beauties.

2. There are plenty of other attractive ladies to choose from. Don't judge these ladies by their photos alone. Photos can be deceiving. I've met lots of girls that didn't photograph well and were knockouts in person. Besides, love generates true beauty. A person can become so beautiful once you get to know them well.

3. If you're a much older man (50+), don't just write to the real young women. Most of these ladies seem to prefer men up to 15 years older. Beyond that range you'll get fewer responses.

4. If you have poor handwriting, type your letter or have it typed. If she has problems reading your writing, she may just discard your letter in favor of the ones that are easier to read. Be sure and use good stationary.

5. Make your envelope stand out. What I used was colored envelopes with large commemorative stamps on it. Also, I put these colorful red heart stickers on the back flap of the envelope.

6. On your first letter don't make it too long, telling your whole life story. Also, keep your letter friendly, interesting and entertaining. Don't ask real personal and intimate questions. Save them for later when you get to know her better.

7. A word about photos. Send one with your first letter if you feel you are good-looking. If you're not that attractive, maybe it would be better to send one later. Be sure and send the best photo that you can. Send one with a happy smile on your face. This makes the best impression.

P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at:

10 Top Pick Up Lines to Meet Single Women

Has this ever happen to you? You go out to eat and you see a gorgeous girl that you'd give your left testicle to meet and get to know better. But, you don't know what to say and how to approach her. Well here are some opening lines to help you meet those dream girls you keep running into at restaurants:

  1. Would you be interested in a hot and steaming bowl of conversation?
  2. Weren't we supposed to meet for dinner?
  3. I just hate eating alone; do you mind if I join you?
  4. Nothing quite tastes as good as you look today.
  5. Do you know of a nice French restaurant where we could share a bottle of wine?
  6. Hi. I just moved to this city and was wondering if you could recommend a good restaurant here. Would you also like to join me for dinner sometime?
  7. Can I buy you lunch/dinner?
  8. Can you please pass me the ketchup and your phone number?
  9. When you notice that a woman has finished her meal, approach her and say, noticed that you have finished eating, can I join you for some desert?
  10. If you spot a girl waiting in a restaurant for someone, go up to her and say...If he doesn't show up, I'll be right over here waiting for you.
P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at:

Online Dating to Find Single Women for Romance

Some guys may think that online personals are for losers. Nothing could be farther than the truth and here's why:

According to recent research, online personal dating sites are the fastest-growing category of paid internet content. In the third quarter alone last year there was $87 million dollars collected in subscription fees from dating sites which is an increase of over 300 percent compared to the third quarter of 2001, according to the Online Publishers Association.

According to ComScore Media Metrix, about 26 million people visited personals dating sites last December and this includes nearly 8 million people going online from work to find romance.

So, my friend what does this tell you? Online dating is very popular and a great way to find romance. Every day, ordinary people make a "love connection." These are genuine people looking for romance and not a bunch of weirdo's or losers.

I played the personals myself for many years and met and dated lots of lovely single women.

In closing, these are the dating sites which attracted the most traffic for people looking for romance:

  2. Yahoo Personals
  5. American Singles
Be sure and sign up with these sites to meet and date lots of lovely and attractive single women. Do it today. What have you got to lose?

P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at:

Attracting Single Women with the Right Image

How women perceive you is very important in whether she will like you or not. Here are some tips to project a good image:

1. Pick out your strong points, your assets, your attributes, and accent them. Try to put your weaknesses in the background.

2. Make it an honest portrayal. We are not advising you to portray a phony image. People will read it as phony, and you'll get nowhere. What we are saying, is that you must present your best side, and do it in a way that appeals to what women are looking for in men.

3. Make sure your total image is consistent. In other words, there should be consistency between what people see when they look at you and the things you say and do. If your behavior is in conflict with your image, it can be a "turn-off" to women - and everyone for that matter. Remember, what might work great for one guy may have a detrimental effect with women if you try it. An example of this would be if you were perceived by people to be sophisticated, then you will be attracting women who are attracted to sophistication. So if your opening remarks to a woman you just met are a series of rude, off-color jokes, chances are you will be turning her off. On the other hand, if your image is one of a "good-time Charlie," she will think those very same jokes are funny.

4. Evaluate the feed back you get from women. Be conscious of what things you do that give you positive response from women, and what things give you negative response. Let this feedback be your guide in determining how to present yourself.

This article is an excerpt from our best-selling book, " A Man's Guide to Women."

Advice on Making Single Women Want to be With You

You must convince a girl that she would be lucky to be with you. You may do this to a great extent just by properly presenting yourself with your image.

Examples: Dress as well or better than her. Be knowledgeable about the movie, the dinner, the wine, politics, or whatever. Use all the methods you learned in the chapter on image but above all don't brag about yourself. They've heard "bull" before and they won't fall for it. Let your image speak for you. By keeping the conversation aimed at her, you say a lot about yourself.

Another way to convince a girl that she will be lucky to be with you is to play on her inadequacies. This has to be subtle so you don't come off as being negative.

Examples: If it comes up in the conversation that she's never been to Hawaii, accent the fact with, "Really, you've never been there? You should go sometime." If she mentions that she does not like her job, say, "It's hard to work in those conditions. You should get out of a situation that makes you unhappy." If she mentions a health problem, ask a few questions about it to accent the fact that she is not perfect. If she exposes insecurity, ask why she lets that bother her.

Rebuttal about Dating Services

Friday, September 17, 2021 | 0 comments »

Answers to Dating Services Scams

If any of you have been to this website in the past, you know that I have a free book online for you to read about getting ripped off by dating services (especially video dating services). Well, I was contacted by a sweet young lady who works for a prominent dating service who offered this rebuttal to my book:

I've worked for a large dating service for over two years. I have seen that most men that come in (especially if they are age 45 and up) have incredibly high standards and that they will never ever meet someone that fits their criteria. They do not understand that we cannot create someone for them. They are their own worst enemy.

The situations I see happen most are these:

  • A man will come in and be very open on who he is hoping to meet. Prior to speaking with his first introduction he will change his criteria dramatically, to the point that we cannot match him. He is notified that this will make introductions go painfully slow, but since "this is what he paid for" he will not flex. He fails to realize that the women also have criteria and it has to match both ways. Now that he receives no introductions he claims it is our fault and we scammed him.
  • A man will receive an introduction and when he calls the woman she is not available. This he claims is also our fault. Yet when he forgets to tell us that he is not available and receives an introduction its not a big deal.
  • After speaking with the woman she does not want to meet him. This he claims are also our fault.
We have some excellent clients both male and female, that are realistic in whom they are looking to meet and enjoy their membership. Let me explain what I mean by realistic. If you are a 57 year old man that weighs over 300 pounds and is 5'7 and expect to meet a 34 year old woman that is 5'3 and weighs 110, then you can keep dreaming. Really the key to see if your being scammed is to ask for a girl like this and if they tell you that they can match you, then you know their gonna take your money and run. Another way to tell if you are being scammed is if they guarantee you will start a relationship with someone. No one can guarantee this, this is common sense.

Unfortunately, there are a lot of people out there that will take advantage of people that are lonely. I know that the company I work for is not like this, still people with unrealistic expectations will complain. You cannot make everyone happy and people should not expect to meet the woman of their dreams regardless of what they pay. If someone is going to join a service they should look at it as meeting new people and having fun.

Just thought I'd pass my inside info along, let me know if you have any questions.

Thanks for your time,


Advice on How to Meet Single Women

When you first meet single women, do these important steps to create a bond. Be the first to extend your hand during your initial greeting. While shaking hands, give her a warm friendly smile and say, "Hi, my name is _____." That's the best way to open the channels of communication between you her. She will be impressed by you shaking her hand also because most men don't. You are showing her respect and making her feel special. It shows that you're a warm & friendly person and it helps to lower her defenses. It creates an atmosphere of receptivity between you and her.

When you shake hands, be sure your hand acts as your private diplomat. Use a firm grip to show strength and friendliness. A grip that's too hard seems aggressive. A grip that's too soft suggests that you're weak, retreating or indifferent. As soon as you feel her grip relax, break the handshake. If it's a very quick handshake it indicates an obligatory handshake. I'll bet you didn't think handshaking was such an art.

Let's talk about smiles during your first meeting. A warm and sexy smile can do wonders in getting single women attracted to you. A smile is your best way to break the ice with her. It shows that you are a positive person. It lifts the spirits of the woman and indicates that you're open to conversation. A warm smile communicates to her that you've noticed her in an approving way. Your smile says to her, "You look nice. Let's get to know each other." Be sure and examine your smile. You need to make sure that you're sending the right message when you smile at her. Stand in front of a mirror. Smile naturally as if you were smiling at a woman and check:

1. Does your smile look warm, friendly, and sexy?

2. Are your teeth shiny and white?

Work on the areas that need improvement and beware of a smile that looks more like a forced grin. You probably need to relax your face more. Watch out for half-hearted smiles. This may be caused by shyness but they come across as not very warm. Also, if you smile comes across as phony, it may have been on your face too long. After smiling for a minute or so your lips begin to get tired and freeze into a glazed look. To cure this and freshen your smile, rest a moment. When you're not smiling, don't let your mouth give off negative messages. Tightly pursed lips can suggest anger and you certainly don't want to come across as angry when meeting single women. Also a turned down mouth communicates sadness or disapproval.

P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at:

False Beliefs About the Dating Game

Misconceived Beliefs of Single Men When Playing the Dating Game:

If You're Really Going to Make It With a Woman, You'll Both Know It When You Meet and There Won't Be Any Problems

This is the man who is waiting for "love at first sight" to occur to initiate a relationship. Upon meeting a woman, if there are no vibrations or chemistry between them he simply dismisses the encounter. He uses this as a defensive excuse for initiating any intimate contact with single women.

Waiting for "love at first sight" will prevent you from establishing real friendships with the opposite sex out of casual acquaintances. You don't have to be madly in love with a woman to show interest and to establish a friendly rapport.

Most Men Are Lucky That Meet And Attract Single Women

This is a misconceived notion that meeting women happens to other men because of luck and good breaks. Picking up or meeting a woman rarely happens by accident. Somebody has got to take that first step to initiate contact with a woman. The only difference between you and the other man is he takes action, not because of a stroke of luck. So remember, you must go out and initiate action. You must make the effort to meet women.

P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at:

A Mission Statement to Succeed with Single Women

Every man should develop a mission statement for succeeding with single women. This will give you purpose, a plan for doing better with women, and motivate you to take action to seduce women.

Here's the mission statement that I recommend that you use:

1. I have supreme confidence in myself and my abilities to meet, attract, and seduce any woman I desire. When I approach women my mind is programmed for success and I am not upset if I get rejected.

I will not feel sorry for myself or feel defeated if things don't go my way with women. This will only make me try harder and be more focused and determined.

2. I will not focus on any weaknesses that I have when it comes to doing better with women. I only concentrate on my supreme powers in attracting women instead of any problems I may have in the romance department.

3. I set goals for succeeding with women and a deadline to accomplish my plan for seducing women. I monitor my progress in achieving these goals day-by-day, week-by-week, and month-by-month. By setting goals it help me to organized by activities in pursuing the women I desire and helps me to create enthusiasm, desire, and determination to do whatever it takes to succeed with women.

4. I have a burning desire at a deep gut level to improve my love and sex life. This burning desire creates a "success consciousness" in my mind that, which in turn creates a habit of continuing success with women.

5. Once I have developed my goals and plans to seduce single women, I follow through with a dogged determination that does not recognize failure or defeat and if I come across obstacles I go under, around, and through them, and I am not influenced by what others may think, say, or do about my plans.

My personal advice is to keep your plans and goals to yourself. This is private and your own personal plan to do better with women. If you share it with your buddies, relatives, co-workers, etc. they may ridicule you or discourage you.

P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at:

How to Meet Single Women at Work

Sunday, September 12, 2021 | 0 comments »

Approaching Single Women Where You Work

Take a real good look around you when you're at work. Depending on how large of company you work for and what type of work you do, you're going to see a lot of eligible single women. Don't pass up the opportunities to meet women. You can make a lot of social contacts, being that you spend a lot of your time at work.

At a very large company you may actually have anywhere from a hundred to a thousand women to choose from. Talk about heaven on earth! Places of employment are hot beds for romance and behind the scenes activities.

How do you approach single women at work? Just introduce yourself. Say, "Hi, my name is ______. I work in the _____ dept. Being that we work for the same company, I thought I'd introduce myself." Then carry on a conversation from there. Don't forget to charm and compliment her.

After you've gotten to know her and established some rapport, ask her out to lunch. Who knows, that could lead to an intimate relationship?

A word about any new single women at work. Be sure and hit up on them right away. Don't let the other men beat you to the punch. Welcome her to the company and try and make her feel at home. Introduce her to your co--workers. Invite her to join your lunch group for something to eat.

Finally, don't pass up any company parties, picnics, trips, bowling or softball leagues, banquets, etc. These are great for meeting and mingling with your female co-workers.

P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at:

Advice on How to Score with Single Flight Attendants

Beautiful and vivacious flight attendants. Go to the concourses of any of the world's airports and you can see them walking in the airport. These are women of mystery. They are like birds in never ending migration. They have an air of confidence about them and are extremely poised.

This is a very proud and select group of women. After all, they have been screened and selected from literally hundreds of applicants to represent their airlines in this highly competitive industry.

I couldn't think of a worldlier woman than a flight attendant. After all, how many ordinary women do you know who may have just had breakfast in Boston and lunch in St. Louis and is about to eat chop suey in San Francisco's Chinatown?

Flight attendants are really ideal for a warm, mature, and perhaps a completely physical affair. Why? Well she's not around very much; she usually is intelligent and outgoing; she can shower you with exotic gifts from afar; and finally, she has friends that are flight attendants also.

Now, let's discuss how, when, and where to meet single flight attendants.

This may surprise you, but the best place to meet a flight attendant is not in the air, but on the ground. OK, am I telling you not to approach them in the air? No, but you will be much more successful on the ground and I will explain why and where to find them later.

Here's how to approach them in the air, if you want to give it a try: After you're in the air and things have calmed down and things are slow, ask the flight attendant for some coffee. Try to establish some eye contact while she's taking your order and be sure and give her a warm and sexy smile. Literally try to melt her with your bedroom eyes and tell her, "You sure look great today." When she returns with your coffee say, "Being a flight attendant sure is a demanding job isn't it?" This sure could open up an avenue for some prolonged . What you're trying to do is establish as much verbal contact as possible.

After you've finished your coffee, call her to pick up your cup. This is when you're going to "move in for the kill." Ask her, "Would it be possible to talk to you in private?" She will probably respond with, "About what?" Just say it's personal. Whether you get to talk to her in private or while in your seat, this is the approach to use: "I'm very attracted to you and I'd like to get to know you better. Can we have dinner or a couple of drinks together?" That's all there is to it and hopefully she will say "yes." If she doesn't, you can't say you didn't try.

Also, if you don't get to speak to her in private and you have to speak to her from your seat and you're sensitive about other passengers listening in on your lines, just have her put her ear down to your mouth and whisper in her ear.

You might try this if you get turned down for dinner or drinks. When you're getting off the plane, be sure and say on your way out, "Are you sure you still don't want to have dinner or a couple of drinks?" You never know, she just might change her mind.

In conclusion to approaching flight attendants in the air, be sure and do it at the beginning of the flight. Don't wait until mid-flight or at the end of the flight. The reason for this being, that she may be tired or fed up with difficult passengers. So strike early and get a jump on any possible competition.

P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at:

Attracting, Meeting Single Women at Parties

Never, never turn down a party invitation. Whether it is a friends, a beach party, office party, etc. Parties are a real gold mine for meeting single women. The atmosphere is very sociable and conducive for flirtations.

All you've got to do is walk up to a woman you're interested in and introduce yourself. Then follow up with your conversational skills.

Also, it's a good idea to throw your own party. Invite everyone you can think of. For instance, if it's a male friend you invite, ask him to invite some of his female friends. If it's a female friend, ask her to invite some of her female friends. This way your party will be stocked with an ample supply of single women. This will give you an opportunity to meet some new women and make friends.

When at a party, whatever you do, don't stand in a corner. Be sure to mingle and flirt with as many women as possible. There's nothing to fear because people will be friendly and rejections are rare unless you make a fool of yourself.

P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at:

Advice on Using Your Eyes to Attract Single Women

Are Your Eyes Right With Single Women?

Be cautious lest your eye gestures be misunderstood. Avoiding eye contact can make both parties feel uncomfortable. If you avert your eyes out of shyness, you may be interpreted as saying, "I'm dishonest" or "I'm ashamed" or "I'm not interested in you." Too much eye contact is as bad as too little. It's impolite to stare.

As a cultural rule, a man should not look steadily at a woman for longer than a few seconds - unless she gives him license with a smile, a backward glance, or a direct meeting of eyes. When a man gazes without smiling, women may think, "He's looking right through me." If you narrow your eyes in a frown, you may inadvertently be saying, "I'm suspicious." If you roll your eyes upward, she could think you're yawning, "Ho hum!" If you glare at a woman under arched eyebrows, most women will hear you growl: "I'm angry."

Here's one last additional tip: Use your eyes as well as well as your mouth. Gaze into her eyes as you smile at her. It will make your message much more personal. When you see single women who look interesting, turn toward them and let your gaze linger a little longer. A suggestion of a wink while you're smiling gives an unmistakable come-hither look.

P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at:

How to Succeed with Single Women in Nightclubs

Nightclubs, in my opinion are not the best place in the world to look for permanent relationships with single women. However, you must not overlook this source of meeting potential mates. You can get lucky sometimes and meet someone special. And the odds are in your favor that you can meet some women for a good time (if you know what I mean).

To help you succeed with single women in nightclubs, here are a few tips:

  • In general, single women don't go to nightclubs to get picked up. With this in mind, don't treat them like they are a piece of meat.
  • While you're there ask guys there where are the best nightclubs in town to meet women.
  • Don't go to nightclubs where you feel uncomfortable. This interferes with your success in meeting women.
  • If you are not having much success with women at your local nightclubs, try nightclubs in another town near you.
  • Don't wait until the end of a song to ask for a dance. You want to ask at the beginning of a song so you can spend more time with her on the dance floor.
  • To save money on your bar tab, sip on wine all night. This way you will stay sober and not get drunk. Keep in mind that women are turned off by drunken men at nightclubs.
  • Always keep these facts in mind when you are at nightclubs: Women drink alcohol at nightclubs and this tends to loosen her inhibitions, which is to your advantage.
  • Women in nightclubs want a non-physical and non-sexual approach. In other words don't be pawing at a woman's body after just meeting her.
  • Don't stand around all night waiting for something to happen - You Must Take Action!
  • Send women that you are attracted to a glass of champagne. Use your waitress for this purpose. She will be very curious who sent her the drink.
  • If a woman smiles at you first, she's interested in you and you must take advantage of this gesture. Approach her immediately and introduce yourself. So, be on the lookout for women who smile at you.
  • This last comment is very important to your reputation at nightclubs: If you are a player at nightclubs and use women just for sex you will develop a bad reputation. The girls that you use have other female friends and they will warn them about you and to avoid you.
P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at:

Advice on Stocking Liquor to Seduce Single Women

This week I want to focus on stocking your place with the appropriate liquors for when you pick up single women and bring them back to your place or when you have women over after a date.

Even if you don't drink, it's important to have liquor on hand that she will like for this reason: Liquor will loosen a woman's inhibitions and make it easier to seduce her. However, I must warn you to never get a woman so drunk that she passes out and you take advantage of her sexually. This is date rape and can land you in jail.

So what kind of drinks do you need to stock? Here's a good list of suggestions:

1. White Wine - I would suggest buying a good quality California Chardonnay (don't forget to buy a corkscrew). Don't buy the cheapest wine you can find. Some women know their wines and if you have cheap wine then she may think that you are cheap too.

2. If she wants to drink water, don't get it from the jug in the icebox that you drink out of. And don't put ice cubes in a glass and fill it up from the faucet on your sink. You must offer her bottled water. That's what women prefer to drink, so be well stocked with the small nine ounce bottles of spring water. I would buy a case of these to have on hand.

3. Wine Coolers are very popular with single women, so buy an assortment of different types.

4. Lots of single women like to drink vodka drinks. So, be sure and stock your liquor cabinet with vodka. And have something to mix it with such as Bloody Mary Mix, Vodka Sour Mix, or canned orange juice.

5. A lot of women don't drink beer, but it never hurts to have some on hand. Buy quality name-brand beer and not the cheap brands on sale at the grocery store.

P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at:

A-Z on How to Succeed with Single Women

  • A-Makes you "Active" in your pursuit of women. You never pass up an opportunity to meet a new woman that interests you.
  • B-Expects you to be "Brave" and have the balls to approach women that you are interested in.
  • C-Wants you to be "Committed" to seducing as many women as you can.
  • D-Wants you to be "Determined" to meet and date any woman you desire.
  • E-Is for "Effort" in doing something about your love life and not sitting around feeling sorry for yourself.
  • F-Expects you to have "Faith" in your abilities to meet and date any woman you desire.
  • G-Advises you to be "Gentle" with women. Don't treat them rough like one of the guys.
  • H-Makes you "Honest" with women. You don't lead them on with a bunch of lies.
  • I-Makes you strive to be "Intelligent." Women are turned on by men who are highly intelligent.
  • J-Teaches you to not "Judge" women on the basis of a first date. Date them a few times to get to know them and not prejudge them on the basis of your first date. It takes time to get to know someone.
  • K-Tells you to improve your "Knowledge" on how to succeed with women by using our products and free dating tips.
  • L-Tells you to "Love" yourself. You must love yourself before you can love others.
  • M-Advises you to be "Merry" when on a date. Women like a man who is fun to be with.
  • N-Tells you to keep your house or apartment "Neat." Nothing turns a woman off more than a messy place. It gives the impression that you are a slob.
  • O-Wants you to strive to give every woman you make love to an "Orgasm." Be the best you can be in the bedroom.
  • P-Teaches you be "Punctual" when showing up for a date. If you are late this is very disrespectful to your date.
  • Q-Tells you to be "Quick" to recognize opportunities to meet women.
  • R-Teaches you to "Regularly" go out and pursue women. You certainly can't meet women by just staying at home.
  • S-Says to practice "Safe Sex" in these days and times. It's better to be safe than sorry.
  • T-Advises you to "Try" and meet as many single women as possible. The more you try it increases your chances of meeting someone special.
  • U-Be "Understanding" with women. Listen to their problems and be sympathetic. Don't always offer solutions. All she wants to do is air out her problem to get it off her chest. She just needs someone to listen, so lend her your ear and undivided attention.
  • V-Forces you to be "Vigorous" in succeeding with women. You must never give up!
  • W-Advises you to be "Well behaved" when out on a date.
  • X-Tells you to not use "X-rated" language when around women.
  • Y- Tell you to not talk too much about "Yourself." You don't want to come across as conceited and all you can think about is yourself. Focus on her and her interests. People love to talk about themselves.
  • Z-Tells you to be "Zany" when on a date. Women like a guy who can make them laugh.

P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at:

A Few Rejection Lines to Turn Off Single Women

Rejection Lines - There comes a time in certain situations where you have to reject a woman or put her down. Here are a few lines to help you get your point across:

  • You ask a girl to dance and she says no. To return the favor just say, "Maybe you didn't hear me correctly...I said you look really fat in those pants!"
  • She asks, "What do you do for a living?" You reply, "I'm an actor in porno films."
  • Here's another one to use if a girl turns you down for a dance by saying no thank you. Just say, "Don't thank me, thank God somebody asked you.
  • After hearing a pick-up line from a girl you are not interested in say, "I like your approach, now let's see your departure."
  • Lets say a much older woman you don't care for approaches you and says, "Where have you been all my life?" For a rebuttal say, "For the first half of it I wasn't even born yet."
  • A woman you don't care for comes up to you and says, "Haven't we met before?" You say, "Yes I'm_________(your name), the receptionist at the VD Clinic."

P.P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at:

How to Succeed with Single Women on Dance Floor

Here are some great tips for that awkward moment when you have asked a woman to fast-dance and the song is over.

So now this first song is coming to an end. When it ends don't hesitate and look at her to see if she wants to dance to the next record. Just turn away from her while continuing to dance and look at her out of the corner of your eye to see what she is going to do. You see, by hesitating at the end of a song, you force a direct confrontation on whether to dance to the next song. If you just keep on dancing into the next song, taking it for granted that she wants to dance again, you'll be more successful in keeping her out on the dance floor. The longer you dance with her the better your chances of getting to know her.

Now we get to the part when you finish dancing. This will usually end in these following ways:

  • She stops dancing and says, "Thank you."
  • You're both hot, sweaty, and exhausted from dancing and mutually agree to leave the dance floor.
  • Either one of you develops a cramp and has to leave the dance floor. Has this ever happen to you?
This is very important! After you have finished dancing whatever you do, don't let her get away after thanking you for the dance. Just simply say, "Can I join you for a drink?" Also, you could say, "Can I talk to you about something?" After this statement, she will say, "Talk about what?" Then you say, "I'll tell you when you when we sit down." After this, just start making conversation. Also, if she doesn't have a table and she is just standing like yourself, just say, "Can I talk to you for a little while?"

So, what you do after you finish dancing can determine the future of your whole night and whether you're going to become intimate with a woman or not. What I can't figure out is these men that dance with a woman and don't even look at or talk to her while they are dancing and when they finish, he says, "Thanks" and just walks away. Needless to say, you don't meet any women this way.

So when you have finished dancing, move right in for the kill. Don't hesitate; just proceed immediately with determination that you're going to make contact with this woman.

P.P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at:

10 Personality Traits That Attract Single Women

When doing research for my first book that I wrote called, "How to Pick Up Women in Discos" I interviewed hundreds of single women about what they look for in a man and personality traits that turn them on. Here are the top ten that they told me:

  1. Sense of humor.
  2. Fun to be with.
  3. Good conversationalist.
  4. Intelligent.
  5. Good dresser.
  6. Good dancers.
  7. Projects happiness (smiles a lot, laughs a lot, etc.).
  8. Ambitious and knows where he is going in life and how to get there.
  9. Sober (nothing turns them off more than drunk guys hitting up on them).
  10. Guys that keep their hormones in check when they first meet you. Women are very turned off by guys that act like a dog in heat that make sexually suggestive remarks and paw at their bodies upon first meeting them.
So, guys if you lack some of these desirable traits I would suggest that you get busy and acquire these traits that turn single women on. It will be to your advantage to succeed with women.

 Drive Women Wild with Powerful Pheromone Cologne

P.P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at: