How to Talk to Women and Exactly What to Say

A good conversation flows in and out of several topics. People jump from point to point. A remark may spur a recollection about a completely different matter. Then the talk may naturally flow back to the original topic. You shouldn't feel that you have to completely exhaust all the possibilities of one topic before proceeding to the next.

Picking Up On Free Information

In looking for ways to change the topic, be attentive for free information - remarks that are made in passing, and that you can later pick up on.

If the person has mentioned just returning from a trip, for example, you have many opportunities to bring the conversation back to various aspects of travel. "What sort of accommodations did you have in Hawaii? Do you prefer big hotels, or condos?" "Have you done much traveling in the Caribbean?"

This topic also allows you to contribute your own information on the topic. "I was in Hawaii last year." Be sure to reveal plenty of free information about yourself throughout the conversation. This helps her pick up on subjects for later in the conversation.

When it seems to you that a subject is getting sluggish, change it by referring to some free information revealed earlier. Or else offer some new information of your own.

You might say, "It's interesting to hear you talk about Lake Mead because my favorite thing to do is to rent jet skis on Lake Mead." You might also refer back to a previous topic by saying, "I heard you mention earlier...."

P.P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at: