Dating Tips on How to do Better with Women

It's Easy to be a Good Listener If She's Voluble, But What If She Finds It Hard to Converse Easily? - If she's shy, inhibited, reticent, draw her out. Make her feel important, comfortable, relaxed, and appreciated. Your own spontaneity, informality and complete interest in her will help bring her out.

A Magic Formula If You Believe and Practice it - A famous, amazingly successful New York psychologist once said, During an interview: "I tell all my shy, inhibited, introverted patients: "Never be afraid to ask, you will be surprised and delighted to find out how often you receive a Yes! It is the expectation of receiving a "No!" which defeats most men "on the prowl" before they have half-started."

Why Some Men Never Get Past First Base - Many men with every advantage in looks, personality and the genuine affection of the women they court, never get very far in developing a love affair simply because they do not keep trying, do not keep moving onward. Ignore mild rebuffs, even repeated refusals, unless you are quite certain that the woman really wants you to stop!

Even then, unless she indicates plainly otherwise, you can always try again next time! Remember that most of the time she is only waiting for the opportunity to join you in love and sex if, in the process, you can make her feel secure and appreciated.

P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at: