Appearance is Important in Succeeding with Women

How to Improve Your Appearance to Attract Women

Within the first seven seconds of seeing someone we have formed an opinion about them. Obviously our appearance tells others many things about us i.e. if we are interested in fashion, if we have a sense of occasion, if we are neat, tidy and clean etc.

If you want to make a statement about yourself you'll say it loud and clear by the way you look. It can work for you as much as against you, for instance, pretending to be something you're not will only result in you appearing, at best, false, perhaps ridiculous and, at worst, untrustworthy. Even if you do not possess an interest in clothes you must try and ensure that whatever you do wear is clean, tidy and co-ordinated.

Look in catalogs or around the clothes shops for ideas of what is deemed as acceptable and unacceptable.

Pay attention to everything about yourself from the top of your head to the tip of your toe nails. Personal hygiene is a big issue on the dating front. Women find bad hair, bad breath, bod odor, dirty finger/toe nails, dirty clothes etc. extremely offensive and such things are difficult if not impossible to overcome.

Always ensure that you are clean and presentable. If you are fortunate enough to have a close friend, be they male or female, ask their opinion about your appearance and personal hygiene standards, you may be surprised at their response! A man who takes pride in his appearance is a definite turn on for most women.