Inital Stages of Conversation with Women

How to Approach Women


You have just met a girl. Now you would like to convince her to enter into a relationship with you -date you, go out with you, or whatever.

In the language of a salesman, you have a prospect. You have your foot in the door. Now you must do a job of selling to get her to accept you.

She might have some doubts, and fears for her safety. For all she knows, you are not a safe person to be with. You could be trying to entice her to go some place to assault her. You must win her trust and confidence.

You must also impress her enough that she will want to see more of you. You have gained her attention. Now you must hold it.

In the FIRST PHASE we said you should not be misled by the girl's reactions. Now, this changes. Many of your actions at this stage will depend on her response to earlier actions. Feedback now becomes very important.