How to Use Dirty Words When Talking to Women

Double Meanings of Sexy Talk with Women

Using Dirty Words When Talking to Women

Using dirty words with a girl means you are taking liberties with her, in much the same way as with other sexual overtures. A big difference though is that many girls who are quite interested in sex do not like being exposed to a lot of four letter words. They find it vulgar and irritating. After hearing this language frequently, as in many movies, the novelty wears off. Many men feel the same way.

If you feel uncomfortable with this language, by all means don't use it; or restrict your usage to a few of the milder words. I'm sure that there are very few girls who would be less impressed if you used no four-letter words.

However if you like to use a little salty language with girls, you can slip in an odd reference to someone being "bare-assed broke" or it being "cold as a witch's tit" (or any other mildly vulgar expression) and see how she takes it. If she gives you a cold response you'd probably be better off not going on to stronger words. But if she likes it she will probably bounce a few choice ones back to you. If she does, she is encouraging you to use stronger language with her; since she is accepting the liberties you have taken with her, she is encouraging you sexually, also.