Work Up To It

Wednesday, January 05, 2011 | | 0 comments »

It can be difficult to gaze into a woman's eyes for some men. To get used to making eye contact, focus your gaze a little below or between her eyes. For a few seconds look into the pupils, and smile. To ease the tension, look into one eye at a time. To relax, let your gaze travel over the features of the face: the lips, cheeks, nose, ears and hair. After a few moments, go back to looking at her right in the

From time to time, ask yourself, "Where are my eyes?" Out of habit, you may find your gaze has drifted onto the floor or out in the audience. Increase the amount of time that you experience direct eye contact. As you become more practiced, you'll be able to look directly into her eyes without even being conscious that you're doing

Be cautious lest your eye gestures be misunderstood. Avoiding eye contact can make both parties feel uncomfortable. If you avert your eyes out of shyness, you may be interpreted as saying, "I'm dishonest" or "I'm ashamed" or "I'm not interested in you." Too much eye contact is as bad as too little. It's impolite to stare.

As a cultural rule, a man should not look steadily at a woman for longer than a few
seconds - unless she gives him license with a smile, a backward glance, or a direct meeting of eyes. When a man gazes without smiling, women may think, "He's looking right through me." If you narrow your eyes in a frown, you may inadvertently be saying, "I'm suspicious." If you roll your eyes upward, she could think you are yawning, "Ho hum!" If you glare at a woman under arched eyebrows, most women will hear you growl: "I'm angry."

They say the eyes are the mirrors to the soul. And you can use the power of your eyes to influence single women to be attracted to you. You can even literally seduce single women with your eyes. Follow these guidelines to use your eyes to capture the hearts of single sexy women for love, sex, and romance:
Use your eyes to attract single women. Gaze into her eyes as you smile at her. It will make your message much more personal. When you see single women who look interesting, turn toward them and let your gaze linger a little longer. A suggestion of a wink while you're smiling gives an unmistakable come-hither look.
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In conversation, look into the eyes of the woman you're talking with. Direct eye contact says, "I'm listening. I want to hear more." To show agreement and interest, occasionally raise and lower your eyebrows. When she's talking, listen with your eyes as well as your ears. If you look away, you may signify, "I'm bored" or "I don't agree." The result will usually be a short and unfulfilling conversation. However, to look away while speaking is natural. It's a sign that the topic is being shifted or that thoughts are being collected. A pause while glancing away usually means an uncompleted thought, signaling, "I haven't finished. Don't interrupt."

A very important time for making beneficial changes in your love life and relationships with single women is coming up. And it will be a golden opportunity to turn your love life around.

What is this special time? It's the upcoming New Year 2011. This is the perfect time to make resolutions for the New Year to make changes and make commitments to meeting, dating, and seducing more single women.

As the New Year approaches, reflect upon the changes you would like to make. Here are some suggestions:

1. Take a long hard look in your closet. Is it full of old and out of style clothes and faded and worn out pants and shirts? Well, make a commitment to buy some new, up-to-date, and stylish clothes. Don't know what to buy? Just go to your better department stores and ask your sales clerks (preferably a female) to help you pick out some clothes. Tell them you want some stylish clothes that would look good on you and clothes that single women would be attracted to.

2. Maybe it's time to try a new hairstyle. Find the best hair boutique in town you can find. Make an appointment with their very best hair stylist and don't be be concerned about how much they charge, because this is an investment in your looks, which will help you attract single women.

Tell her you want a new look and ask for her opinion. While you're waiting for your appointment, you can look through their hairstyle magazines for some ideas. If she's a top-notch hair stylist, she will be able to pick out a hairstyle, which will make you look your best.

3. Are you driving an old clunker for transportation? Or even worse, a station wagon or an old folk's car such as a Buick or Oldsmobile? Maybe it's time for a new or slightly used sports car. Something that will attract single women. I just can't begin to tell you how much I improved my love and sex life when I bought a Corvette and got rid of my old Dodge Colt. Another good choice would be a luxury car such as
a Lexus, if you could afford it.

4. And last and most important is to make a commitment to get off your ass and start meeting some new single women instead of just staying cooped up at home whining and bitching about how lonely and horny you are and how there are no single women around to meet. You've got to take action to turn your love life around - Always remember that single women, as a general rule, are very passive. You're the one who has to make the first move. You've got to take the initiative to meet them!

Let me tell you about a golden opportunity that comes up quite often for meeting and making a good impression on single women.

Whenever you see a single woman about to light up her cigarette, offer to light it for her. And whatever you do, don't use a match or one of those cheap lighters you bought at the convenience store.

Buy the nicest and most elegant-looking cigarette you can afford. You can find some really impressive and attractive cigarette lighters at:

1. Your better department stores in the watch section.
2. Cigar and tobacco stores.
3. Luggage stores.
4. Jewelry stores.

Why am I stressing to you to buy an upscale cigarette lighter? Because when she sees it, it will make a good impression on her. She will think you are a man with class. And, succeeding with women is all about making good impressions, even with trivial little things like a cigarette lighter.

And don't forget - if you're giving a girl, who is a stranger, a light, be sure and introduce yourself and ask her if you can join her for some conversation. Whatever you do, don't just walk away!

Always light a girl's cigarette for her if you're on a date. This shows her respect and it's good manners that will leave a lasting impression on her. Single women love a guy who has good manners and who is a gentleman.

P.S. I would recommend buying the gold-plated lighters to make the best impression.

Here's some more great tips to do better with single women:

Tip #1 - Seeing a single girl that you have just started dating, more than once a week is pushing it. Any more than once, and you may be appearing overly anxious. Even if she is the one calling you and initiating the effort to see you more often, don't. If she is calling you, then you are in the driver's seat. Play hard to get and make her work for your time. She'll appreciate you more when she has it. And don't feel guilty about turning her down. Simply say, "I'd love to but I'm busy tonight." No more explanation should be given. Let her sweat it out. It is important that when you turn her down, you express the fact that you definitely want to do things with her, but you are just too busy with prior obligations to see her that night.

Tip #2 - Never hang on the phone for hours as if you have nothing better to do. Call, be pleasant, get the purpose of the call over, and excuse yourself.

Tip #3 - Flowers and small gifts, candlelight dinners, and romantic notes and cards are all great touches. Small in the time and money it takes, but large in their effect. It is important that all of these are out-of-the-blue and a surprise to her. For Example: Sneak over to her house and leave flowers and a note at her door. Again, use these romantic touches, but do so sparingly so that you don't come on too strong.

Tip #4 - Use imagination for your meetings - not just the same old date. Go for walks in the rain. Have picnics in the park. Go to showings of old classic movies, etc. Above all, do anything that is romantic.

Holiday Wishes from Don

Sunday, December 26, 2010 | 0 comments »

For those of you that celibrate Christmas, I wanted to wish you a belated Merry Chritmas. I hope you enjoyed your time with family and friends.