There was a time when dating was considered as an immoral thing but now the era has changed and it is considered as the need of the time. People do what their heart says. Heart is given privileged over the mind as it guides through the passage of love and that is what a person desires. According to their own desire, it is usually seen that most of the old men do not try to find the date of their age mate but they go for the younger girls who can give them a reminder of their previous years they have passed as golden period of their lifetime.
Research has revealed that this is not only the case with men. Even young girls try to seek the company of older men who can guide them perfectly and take a good care of them. This task of finding the partner of your own choice has been made easy by the arrival of online dating websites where you can find your desired partner in a nice and easy manner. For the sake of dating, you do not have to dress up properly. You can just switch on your computer and you can have a date with your loved one. The ease with which a person can find his date online has revealed many things including the choices of youngsters. On the basis of the results of different surveys that were conducted by such websites, it is said that mostly couples having younger girl and old men enjoy good time as compared to age mates.
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People find it really awful if they get to know about a marriage in which a 20 years girl has married to a man of 40 years age. But this is a fact that girls find old men more attractive as compared to their age mates and it has been seen that in most of the cases such couples live a pretty happy life. Hence, it will be unwise to say that this is an unhealthy trend. The youth body and charming looks of a young woman also attracts the older men and that’s why they love to find a young lady. Hence as a result of their mating, a strong relationship can be built that is long lasting and is sincere. However some cases can give deviating results also.
The trend of old men dating younger women by Javedpk
Thursday, March 03, 2011 | Dating Tips | 1 comments »If you commute by train, bus, plane, subways, etc., there's going to be golden opportunities to meet women. These places are filled with eligible, pretty women.
The whole trick to meeting them is to make it a point to take a seat next to them. This way you've got her pinned in and she's not going anywhere unless you scare her off. If you're on a train or plane, she doesn't have much choice.
All you've got to do when sitting next to her is to just start talking to her. Talk to her about anything and turn on that charm of yours.
If you take a bus or train to work or school, pick out any female riders you'd like to meet. Select one and make it a point to sit near or close to her. Do this each time you see her and after seeing you a few times you'll practically be old friends, even if you haven't spoken to each other.
My New Website Featuring Pheromones for Attracting and Seducing Women
Sunday, February 27, 2011 | Seduction Tips | 0 comments »
I am happy to announce my new website featuring lab certified potent and powerful pheromone colognes and pheromone sprays formulated to give you an unfair advantage over women, make women have an insatiable desire to feel your manhood, and drive them wild for sex.
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Overcoming Fears in Picking Up Single Women
Saturday, February 26, 2011 | Dating Tips | 0 comments »
To overcome these fears and pick up women, you have got to approach it like you would if you were going to jump in a cold ocean to go swimming. Hurl yourself into it. Take action!
You have got to practice at picking up single women. Sure, you'll get rejected a few times. We all do. So what if you get rejected. You may never see her again anyway. By practicing, you'll build up your confidence. Also, by accepting the fact that you're only practicing picking up women, the pressure to succeed won't be so great.
Has this ever happen to you? You see this beautiful woman that you would love to meet, date, and have an intimate relationship with. You try to build up your nerve to approach her and you make up an excuse not to approach her like, "I'm too scared" or "I'm too nervous." Pondering, stalling, postponing, reconsidering, these are all delaying tactics that impede action. If you find yourself telling yourself these lies and making excuses, block them out of your mind immediately and take action and approach that woman right then and there. Don't waste any time or you'll see one woman after another walk right out of your life. Don't delay trying to pick up a woman or you might find yourself delaying all your life and depriving yourself of romance with hot & sexy single women.
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Get rid of the idea that people are always watching you, sizing you up and evaluating you. The only people who do this are shy people who spend a lot of time fearing that they are being evaluated negatively. The reason you think you are being watched is because you do this to others.
The solution to breaking this habit is to stop judging and sizing people up and you will stop thinking that others are doing the same to you. Don't worry about people evaluating you unfavorably, because the reason for this is that they think they are better than you.
Mistakes Not to Make When Answering Personal Ads
Wednesday, February 23, 2011 | Playing the Personals | 0 comments »1. Your handwriting was very difficult to read. If you have bad handwriting, have your letter typed. If she can't read your writing, your letter is going straight to the trash can.
2. Your return address is a post office box and you don't give a phone number in your letter. Without a street address and a phone number, she may become suspicious that you are trying to hide something.
3. You screwed up in your letter by calling her "Babe" or "Darling" or "Baby" or "Honey," etc. These words are just too strong to use on a woman you don't even know.
4. Your letter was full of typos. Be sure and proof read your letter or have someone else do it. If you have a lot of spelling errors this is going to make you look like a real "dumb ass."
5. You mentioned that you like to give or receive massages. This statement has a sexual overtone to it and some women will think that all you have on your mind is sex. Don't mention anything about massages in your first letter to a woman.
6. Your letter was written on notebook paper or even worse, the paper is torn. Always use professional looking stationary with matching envelopes when writing to a woman.
7. Your letter lacked warmth and was very impersonal.
Well, I hope these tips help you figure out how you screwed up on writing your first letter when answering personal ads of single women. If you will follow these guidelines, it will greatly improve your chances of that "dream girl" writing back to you.
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5 Dating Rules That You Should Not Break If You Want To Succeed at Dating
Friday, February 18, 2011 | Dating Tips | 0 comments »Article by Lucy O'Brien
Love is not predictable so why should dating have rules? Well, the reason for this is that when women follow their hearts and not their heads during dating, the way that they act around men is not always in their own best interests. You can't expect to treat a man like you would treat a girlfriend if you want to make him crazy about you. Whether or not you agree, here are 5 dating rules that you must not break if you want to succeed at dating:
Rule #1 - Don't get Attached Too Quickly
He's gorgeous and cute on the surface but take your time and get to know the real person before you allow yourself to attach to him. This will save you a lot of heartbreak and disappointment when you find out he's not the man you thought he was or he was never really looking for a relationship. If you take some time to find out who he is first, you can eliminate the bad ones quickly and find yourself a top quality man.
Rule #2 - Don't Pressurise or Chase
OK, so this one seems unfair. Why should we have to sit back and wait while we let the man do the chasing? The reason is that chasing a man generally does not work in the long-term. A man will generally resist any pressure that you put on him and you could find yourself in a battle. Generally, pursuit is in the genes of a man. If you make it easy for him, he will not find you half as interesting as if you present a challenge. He might be flattered at first, but he will lose interest quickly. Don't believe me? Next time you are dating, try holding back just a little bit and see how much it sparks his interest.
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Rule #3 - Don't Expect Too Much Too Soon
Don't think that you are in a relationship just because you've had a few dates or he seems really into you. If you want to succeed at dating, you must take it slowly and be patient. When you start to display premature expectations of a relationship, everything changes and he starts to feel pressurised. Make sure you stay cool if you want to get that guy.
Rule #4 - Don't Reveal Too Much Too Soon
We women are fairly open creatures and we like to be honest. When we feel close to someone it is easy for us to open up and spill everything out about what has gone wrong in our lives and relationships. When you first meet a man, resist the urge to tell him anything that he might interpret negatively. It is easy to put a man off with tales of past boyfriends or premature confessions, so be on your guard and save these for when your relationship is stronger.
Rule #5 - Don't Sleep With Him Straight Away
OK, so you don't like this one either, but it's a fact. When you sleep with a man, you will start to become attached to him, even before you have established that he is a suitable partner. Now that you are attached to him, you will have expectations of a relationship. You have presented yourself as easy prey and the challenge is over for him before it begins. You have already broken most of these dating rules. Yes, he will happily sleep with you, although now he is more likely to see you as someone to have sex with rather than someone to have a relationship with.
When you hold back and see yourself and your body as too valuable to just give away to someone you barely know, he will see you as valuable too. He will be intrigued and want you more. You will be laying the foundations for long-term attraction and a relationship. When you don't give into your urges to break these rules, you will be able succeed at dating.
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