Advice for Men Pursuing Foreign Single Women
I was looking at your website, and although I agree with most of the advice given about meeting and marrying single foreign women using dating services, I do think that you need to give a more realistic view of what foreign women want with American men.
I am a 29-year-old foreign woman living in the US. No, I am not married to an America man, and yes, I do like AM (American Men). The thing is that most foreign women do like AM. The idea of the AM, and what we hear, and see on television is usually very attractive and well spoken. So most have that ideal vision of the AM.
Until these men go overseas and we see what we are dealing with. I think it is a mistake to give AM the impression that foreign women are so desperate that any AM will do. That is not true. If you have problems dating women in your own country, maybe you should look at yourself first, and see if there is something you can do about it.
I, and many of my friends have been disappointed to see many short, unfit, bad teeth, bad hygiene, bad dressers, poor social skills with the opposite sex come to my country and expect a goddess because she has to be desperate, and therefore happy to have them. Can you please tell these men that if they choose a woman who is too young, and too pretty for them (that seems to be they all want, looks, even if they do not measure up. What happens when she comes to this country, begins to work, and realizes that many, many men who are intelligent and attractive are attracted to her? She may find that she has chemistry, real chemistry with a man that she really cares for, who can also take care of her. Maybe her American husband had no luck with women because he never understood women. Now she has the attention of many AM, many who are successful with women, and know how to talk to her, and can choose.
Can you please advise the men that go overseas with expectations for a wife to be more realistic in their choice. If an American woman traveled to a foreign country, a woman who was unkept, or out of shape, but had a lot of money, got herself as good looking husband (I know of a man who married such a woman, but we all know why he did it) all the men would be able to figure out his motives. They would know that this would not last, and the second he meets a prettier, younger American woman, who has financial stability he will leave.
Why? Because that woman never understood that she needed to get herself in shape, and develop more social skills and confidence in order to find the partner she wanted. Going to another country and finding a mate did not do anything but give her a temporary partner. If these men like foreign women so much, why not date ones that have been in the US 5 years or less? Most say that by then, she has become Americanized, and has more of a choice with men. That is correct, but how do these men plan to keep their wives from seeing the American culture, and what is truly available to a beautiful, intelligent foreign woman. How long will it take that pretty 20 something girl married to the 40 something divorced man paying alimony and child support to figure out that she can have it all and not settle for this man who married her?
I think if these men are truly looking for a partner, they should look at women in their 30's and 40's,who may not be so beautiful, but still better than the women they could have gotten in the US. I sometimes feel very sorry for these men looking for the beautiful women, because I understand that it is easy for both parties to be grateful in the beginning. The young girl looks at this man as her savior, and she is grateful (for now), and the man cannot believe his luck.
Remember, if it looks too good to be true, IT IS! But after a few years, her gratefulness begins to disappear, and resentment sets in when she realizes that she really did not get a prize. When she goes to work, or the supermarket, and sees other women with good-looking successful men, and she wants the same. Thank you for taking time to read. - Article contributed by Karen C.