900 Chat Lines Rip Offs Exposed

Warning About 900 Chat Lines to Meet Single Women

This week I want to alert my subscribers about 900 number telephone chat line scams:

Here's how the scam works: You will see ads in publications and commercials on late night television advertising 900 number telephone chat lines where you meet and talk to single women that are just dying to meet and date you. And some of these calls are conference calls with more than one woman.

Many of these services invent their own single women to talk you and try to keep you on the telephone line as long as possible. These women are actually hired for the purpose of pretending to be available and keep you on the phone to run up your telephone bill (you are charged by the minute when calling their 900 number). They get a commission on each call, so it's to their advantage to tease you and pretend to be interested in you so they can make some money off of you.

This is just one big rip-off. If you enjoy throwing your money down the drain, just to talk to women who are just interested in making money off of you, then go ahead and get your thrills.

The best way to pursue single women using telephone personals is to look for ads where you respond by leaving a message on a phone line. These are legitimate and a lot of men meet women this way successfully.

P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at: www.getgirls.com

Are Bad Relationships Worth Staying In

Are You Staying in a Bad Relationship Just to Have a Woman?

This week I will focus on men who stay in bad relationships with single women. Some men think that it's better to have a woman - any woman - than no woman at all. My friend, nothing could be further from the truth.

By being trapped in a bad or unsatisfying relationship that doesn't satisfy your needs, you are in a sense preventing yourself from attracting other eligible single women by projecting yourself as unavailable.

Also, by staying in a bad relationship just to have a woman can indicate that you are suffering from some underlying psychological problems, in that you are overly emotionally dependent on women, and that you may suffer from low self-esteem because that you feel that you are nothing without a woman.

Believe me, when I tell you that it's just not worth it to stay in a bad relationship until someone better comes along. The problem is that you could be waiting forever.

In conclusion, if you are stuck in a bad relationship, you owe it to yourself and her to find out why it's not working out - and if the relationship can't be improved, it's best to end the relationship and get on with your life. Life's just too short to spend all your time with someone who makes you miserable.

P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at: www.getgirls.com

Advice, Tips for Men on Meeting Women Online

Advice on Meeting Women Online

We've traded mail and talked on the phone and things are going really well!! What do I do when we meet??

First off, calm down. I've been through this and talked to others who've been through it, and the first, most important thing to remember is, don't go building up big hopes and dreams until you meet!

Until you actually meet someone, it's very easy to build up big fantasies in your head about how the person looks, stands, walks, etc. You can't help doing just a little of this, but try not to, and keep in mind that what you do visualize will probably be very different from reality.

It's also very easy to think you've fallen hard for someone you haven't even met. Don't do this! Meet first! Don't go thinking that just because you've exchanged a lot of email and talked on the phone that you've found your dream love. Most especially don't go throwing your heart in and confessing True Love until you've actually met.

Many online relationships happen very quickly and very fast, and it's easy to sucker the other person, or yourself, into believing you have something there that you don't. Take your time and realize that when you do meet, it may not be there for you, or it may not be there for the other person.

On the other hand, if you meet and things don't go well, I also advise not immediately giving up. Sometimes it takes time to adjust to meeting this person "in real life" that you've gotten to know so well in email. Remember that person you got to know online IS still in there, but may not be visible at first.

So again, what's the thing to have, everyone? That's it, you've got it: PATIENCE!

Okay, how do we plan a first meeting?

I recommend picking a safe, neutral spot, and just sitting down over coffee, or perhaps a light lunch at a casual restaurant. Emphasize that your first meeting will be for just that: meeting. Don't expect much more than that you'll sit down, get used to what the other person looks like, maybe have a bite to eat, then go home.

For guys, you may want to invite her to bring along a friend. This will make her feel safer. The point is, make it somewhere public, safe, and neutral, and done in such a way that either one of you can bow out gracefully if things aren't going well.

And if it doesn't work out, or the other person decides at the last minute not to meet you, hey, that's okay! It happens to practically everyone. And who on Earth said you're the perfect someone for everyone you meet anyway? Who said that everyone you meet is the perfect someone for you?

At minimum, you should have made a new friend this way; maybe more will develop, or maybe it won't. Stay calm, don't expect much, but be open to whatever might happen. And, enjoy your new friend!

This article is reprinted by permission and is Copyright 1995 and 1996 by Dean Esmay.

Advice on How to Pick Up Topless Dancers, Strippers

Best Days and Times to Go to Topless Clubs to Pick Up Topless Dancers

Here's some good advice for you guys that go to strip clubs:

There are certain days of the week to go to topless clubs and times to show up that can make a big difference in your chances of scoring with topless dancers.

First, let's start with the best days to go to topless clubs. Any night can be a good night just by luck and circumstances. In general Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday are the best nights to go. Usually Sunday and Monday nights are not good nights and pretty dead. Weekends can be overcrowded and a younger rowdy crowd. The dancers can be consumed with making money as fast as they can and not spend much time with you or give you their undivided attention. I've always had my best luck during the week at the second tier clubs. It's not as crowded as the weekends generally and you get more personal attention from the dancers.

Now, let's talk about the best times to go to topless clubs to increase your odds of picking up dancers. Try to arrive between 10:30 p.m. and midnight - even later is better. Why? Because later in the night lots of these girls have made some real good money and are in a mood to party. Plus, since they have already made some great money for the night they are less pressured to hustle you for money and inclined to spend more time with you.

Here's another factor that's in your favor by showing up later in the night. After midnight a good number of the married men have left the club to return home to their wives. This is to your advantage because there will be a lot less men in the club, thus less competition and a favorable ratio of women to men. Always try to hang around until closing time. This creates opportunities for you to take her out for breakfast when she gets off or to just go party over at your place or hers.

P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at: www.getgirls.com

Advice on How to Find a Wife Overseas

How to Successfully Pursue Single Foreign Women Overseas

Have you ever thought about looking for a wife from overseas? Well here's some advice on how to go about it:

Are you looking for a loving, devoted, and faithful wife? Are you tired of the battle of the sexes here in the United States - that is the liberated single American women who are so busy trying to be equal to men that they have forgotten how to be a "real" woman?

Well, I have the answers for you. Look for a special single, loyal and devoted lady to spend the rest of your life with from overseas. Foreign single women make the best wives in the world. They are very loyal, devoted, and faithful and believe that husbands should be the heads of the family.

I'm sure you have seen all those advertisements from foreign matchmaking companies that will introduce you to single women overseas looking for friendship and marriage to American men. This is a good option to pursue to meet and possibly marry the woman of your dreams.

You will initially get to know these women by correspondence. Listed here are some very important tips when corresponding with these women:

1. Do Not Send Money!!! Just like anywhere there are honest people and there are dishonest people. The point of your correspondence is to develop a special relationship with foreign women, not to purchase one. We want you to be aware that you may contact women who will ask you for money for one reason or another. If you are asked for money it should immediately set off alarms and you should proceed very cautiously. There are instances where there may be a valid reason to send money to someone with whom you have been corresponding for some time. In that instance it is recommended that you send it via wire (Western Union).

2. Do include a photo of yourself, and not just any photo. Take some time and put some thought into it. For example, if you are the outdoors type you may want to take it while hiking or biking. The point is to give the women the best possible representation of yourself. In order to keep the costs of the photos to a minimum, you should consider choosing two or three of your best photos and have color copies made instead of developing a new picture for each reply.

3. Try including a little something extra to let her know she is special. This could consist of a pressed flower, or a picture of you as an infant or a toddler, or maybe a poem written in her native language. The idea is to try and distinguish your response from others.

4. Remember when writing your letter that this woman's native language is not English. That doesn't mean she will not be able to understand your letter, but by keeping it simple you will have a much better chance of successfully communicating with her. Try to avoid using four or five syllable words, instead of impressing her you will probably just confuse her. Make sure you neatly print you letter as opposed to writing in cursive. If your handwriting is difficult to read you may consider typing it.

5. Try to keep the initial letter fast paced. You certainly don't want to be discussing things like marriage and what your children are going to look like in your first letter! You may want to tell her a little about yourself, where you were raised, and what schools you have attended. Write a little about your interests, hobbies, and likes and dislikes. Basically, just write about things that you would normally talk about on a first date.

6. Make sure you ask her plenty of questions about herself in your first letter. People like to know that other people are interested in them and their activities. By asking questions about her she will think that you are interested in her as a person and she will want to respond to you immediately.

7. You may find it useful to do some independent research on the country of origin of the woman you are interested in. Not only will it impress the woman, but also it may save you from committing a gaffe. You must always remember that this woman was raised in a totally different culture than our own. Obviously, it is in your best interest to know as much as possible about that culture.

8. Should you get to the point that you want to visit the women you are corresponding with, we strongly advise to use the service of a reputable travel agency. Traveling abroad is very different from domestic traveling, and a good travel agent will make sure your trip goes as smoothly as possible. We strongly recommend that you interview at least two or three agents before placing your travel plans with one.

9. Should you get to the point of wanting to marry the woman you have been corresponding with, we strongly recommend the services of a reputable attorney who specializes in immigration law. There are various ways of accomplishing citizenship, and each must be explored to find the approach, which will be optimal for your situation.

10. The last and probably most important tip of all is be patient. Consider for a moment how long you have been searching for that perfect mate, ten, twenty, even thirty years? This is an important process and the results of the decision that you make will be far-reaching and long lasting. Take the time to correspond with many different women before committing to that special one. This is probably one of the most important decisions that you will ever make, so please be patient, be thorough, and most of all, enjoy the process!

P.S. If you are interested in pursuing a loyal and devoted wife from overseas, look at our list of reputable Foreign-American Matchmaking Companies - From this list, we highly recommend the matchmaking company called A Foreign Affai

Advice About Women Who Are Smooth Talkers

Try to Avoid Single Women Known as, "The Smooth Talker"

These women are often very difficult to spot, primarily because she is so good at using words to get what she wants. She is a vampire, disguised as the ultimate nice girl. As far as I can tell, her basic strategy is this: she wins your confidence through a series of seemingly deep conversations in which you somehow find yourself having revealed your soul, so to speak, but she has only disclosed enough intimate details about herself to make you trust her without actually knowing her at all.

Then, once she knows the sort of person you are looking for, she morphs her exterior shell of deceit into a replica of this person. Now she sets about making you love her. The more difficult the challenge the better she likes it.

If you're quick you can sometimes spot her true self lurking beneath, but whenever any such distrust arises she is extremely good at talking you round again. She'll use every trick in the book to win you over, but her chief weapon is her words. Words of unending love and devotion. Often prettily phrased. Eventually you'll be ensnared. You'll give her everything from your love, your body to your heart itself.

At this point the game is over. That's all she really wanted. Just the knowledge that you love her. She feeds off it. It boosts her ego. Now she's drunk her fill, she discards all pretence. Suddenly she's cheating on you, openly lying to you, and very soon she's dumped you, for her next victim.

To detect and avoid her, the best method is to use the word "commitment" and watch her run. However, be careful, because the really clever ones will promise you a commitment they have no intention of ever giving merely to win you over. She is identified when her words do not reflect her actions.

P.S. I never really intended to focus on the negative aspects of meeting single women for my Dating Tips of the Week. But, I feel that single men need to be exposed to the dark side of meeting the wrong type of women. I want you to be happy and be able to recognize when women may be playing head games with you.

P.P.S. - This article was sent in to me by one of my newsletter subscribers.

Pick Up Lines to Meet Single Women at Beach, Swimming Pools

Pick Up Lines to Meet Single Women at Beaches and Swimming Pools

Well, that time of year is upon us again. Summer, and you know what that means...all those hot & sexy single women in their skimpy bikinis will be heading to the beaches and swimming pools in your area. Whatever you do, don't just lay there and stare and drool over those hot little honeys with bodies that are driving you out of your mind. Get off your ass and approach these women. Here are some pick-up lines to help you meet them:

  1. "Did you know that when you press your ear to my shorts, you can hear the ocean? Would you like to listen?"
  2. "Hi. I'm a lifeguard and according to Coast Guard regulations, I have to inspect you for sand mites."
  3. "I brought an extra air mattress, would like to lay out in the pool with me?"
  4. "That sure is a lovely set of lungs you are wearing today."
  5. When you notice a girl lying out in the sun for a long time approach her and say, "You look like you're getting a sunburn, can I
  6. offer you some of my suntan lotion?"
  7. "Where did you get that sexy bikini? It sure looks good on you."
  8. "Excuse me, but I just had to tell you that you have got the prettiest legs I've ever seen in my life."
  9. "Would you rub some sun tan oil on my back?...I can't reach it."
  10. Here's a good one to use. Fake a foot injury. Start limping in front of a girl and say, "I must have stepped on some glass, can you see any
  11. stuck in the bottom of my foot?"
  12. Stroll up and down the beach and say, "Hi" to all the girls that capture your interest.
  13. "May I offer you something to drink?"
 P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at: www.getgirls.com