Act as if You Know a Woman
Act As if You Know Her
This is not the "Don't I know you from somewhere" line. No, you simply act as if you do know her. When you first make eye contact, you break out a broad smile of recognition. You must think and pretend in your own mind that you actually do know her. This is really not as hard as it sounds.
If she is walking by (or in any moving situation) when you make the eye contact, she may ignore you. But usually she will at least smile back, since she cannot be really sure she doesn't know you. If she does smile, you can approach her and say, "Hi, how have you been?" You may be able to get some of the customary exchange of formalities accomplished, but it won't be long before you have to admit you really don't know her. In fact, she may ask you directly, "Do I know you?" Your admission should take the form of "Well, I thought I knew you, but I guess I was mistaken."
Or, "I either know you, or someone who is your exact double. "
But don't despair; you are still in great shape. You have made contact. You have been talking, and smiling at each other. You should then say, "Anyway, it was fun meeting you like this. By the way my name is ...What's yours'?" Then you should be able to progress quite well toward getting to know her properly.
If you use this approach in a stationary situation it is even better, since you can go on with casual conversation almost indefinitely without having to admit you really don't know her. The longer you talk, the better your chances are of getting to know her.
The underlying fact of this routine is that, for all of us, there are people we have met who we just can't remember. We realize this, so when someone acts as if they know us, we usually give them the benefit of the doubt and act as if we recognize them. You should never act as if you have any doubts about knowing the girl. Your whole approach should be very positive.
Ultimately, the girl will realize that she really doesn't know you, but if she likes the look of you, she will accept the meeting as a fortunate opportunity to meet an interesting man.