Topless Dancer Tips for Men

Tuesday, February 28, 2023 | 0 comments »

Topless Dancer Tips for Men

Topless Dancer Tips

Can you touch her while she's giving you a private dance? This is a big "No, No." There are laws governing how close their private parts can be to you while she's performing her dance. The rule is usually from six to twelve inches. If she blatantly violates this law, she can be arrested for lewd dancing and it's not uncommon to get arrested. The police monitor the clubs from time to time to see if there's any lewd dancing going on. That's why I recommend getting dances in a private dark corner of the club away from the prying eyes of any cops. It's easy for her to keep from getting caught if nobody can see what's going on. This is a bonus for you too, because if she really likes you she may put her breasts right in your face or show you her bush.

Always ask a dancer upon first meeting her, how long she has been dancing. If she's new at it, most likely you won't get a very good dance out of her, versus a experienced dancer with all the right moves. Also, if you're going to buy a dance make damn sure you've already seen her with her clothes off. You do this by observing her when she's on a stage or by watching her as she's doing a dance for another guy.

Some Effective Conversation Starters to Use on Women

Some Good Conversation Starters

Moneymaking is always an interesting subject. You might ask this question: "Do you intend to be wealthy? What do you think of wealth, is it important to you?" and "What kind of job would you have if you could; do you put money ahead of everything?" If the answer is "No" then ask what other things are more important. Things like friendships, personal satisfaction, ecology, etc. might be mentioned. Also, ambitious persons might speculate on ways to make money. This topic usually sets up an interesting conversation.

Your ambition and career activities are a good topic (if they are interesting). You can be prepared to do a brief review of your life and activities (past, present and future). Try to give the impression of being in the midst of a lot of interesting activity. The girl should feel that she is being invited into your life and activities for a visit.

Do you believe in reincarnation? Many people do, and it is a fascinating topic of conversation. Fortune telling, tea cup reading, palmistry and astrology may seem a bit far fetched, but in Oriental countries they are enormously popular. They offer wonderful advantages for conversation with newfound friends, especially since they give you some opportunities for a closer personal contact, such as holding hands, etc. Your attitude when handling these subjects can range from serious belief to humorous skepticism.

How to Date Beautiful Women

Sunday, February 26, 2023 | 0 comments »

How to Date Beautiful Women

Tips for Average Guys Dating Beautiful Women

Can you believe that she accepted a date with you? Dating beautiful women can be a challenge because men put them on a pedestal.

Dating beautiful women is a real ego-booster to most men. They not only make you feel good about yourself, but they increase your status in the eyes of other men. Ironically, they also increase your desirability in the eyes of other women too!

Highly attractive women have a lot of opportunities to date rich, powerful, and attractive men. As a result, as a group, they tend to develop some bad habits that make them less desirable as long term partners. For instance, they are likely to be vain, high maintenance, and manipulative.

If you happen to be dating beautiful women and aren’t very wealthy or particularly attractive, you have some challenges to deal with. Here’s some advice about how to handle dating beautiful women.

1.) Be different. When every man is fawning over a woman, they begin to look alike to her. You stand out by being different.

2.) Treat her badly. If every man is treating her like a goddess, there is nothing you can do to differentiate yourself. But if you ignore her, act unaffected by her good looks, and avoid looking lustful, she is likely to want to pursue you. You have become the guy who didn’t knock himself out for her – and that’s attractive to her.

3.) Ignore her. When you see a beautiful woman with her plain sidekick (and she will have one), focus in on her friend. The beautiful woman will get insanely jealous because she can’t stand any other female getting attention (hence, her plain friend) and she will begin to pursue you. This is how you start dating beautiful women.

4.) Tease her. Most men who want to date a particularly beautiful woman will suck up with complements. Instead, take the route of teasing her. Point out her flaws in a lighthearted way. That way, she’ll want to work to get you.

5.) See her as a complex woman. Most men dating beautiful women look at them as pretty packages. Go deeper. Talk about her hobbies and interests. Make her comfortable by talking about the things which engage her mind.

6.) Wait to call her. If you get her number, don’t call the next day. Wait a few days to call her. She expects you to be panting for her and will respect you more if you don’t seem desperate.

7.) Don’t push for sex. Okay, the ultimate reason for dating beautiful women is because you are sexually attracted to her. But, she knows that every guy is hot to get her into bed. But “playing hard to get,” you pique her interest in you.

Dating beautiful is not for the feint of heart. But, even if you don’t have the wealth of Bill Gates or the power of Henry Kissinger, you may find that treating an extremely attractive woman with some distance may be the ultimate aphrodisiac.

What Not to Talk About on a Date

Do Not Talk About This on a Date

Topics To Avoid

You should try to keep the conversation in areas that are exciting and interesting. Certain uninteresting subjects should be avoided -for example:

  1. Your health and sicknesses. No one really wants to hear about that.
  2. Your family. Maybe your brother is a good football player or your father is ninety years old. Details of these things are important to you, but quite boring to someone who doesn't know them.
  3. Your work. (If it is routine and ordinary.)
  4. Any technical subject. (Unless the girl shows a definite interest in it.)
  5. Obvious subjects. If the girl says she is from a certain place, or involved in a certain type of work, do not think that you are obliged to keep on that subject (unless she seems to want to). She may want to talk about otherthings, so be ready to open up a fresh subject.
  6. Your past love affairs. (Bragging about these is a very pointed attempt to influence the girl, and is sure to be resented.)

Small Talk to Attract Women

Saturday, February 25, 2023 | 0 comments »

Small Talk to Attract Women

Small Talk with Women

Small talk is talk of things that are fairly unimportant (and probably uninteresting) to you and the girl. But they should be things of some general importance. For example, it would be unsuitable to say that you just saw a gum wrapper on the sidewalk. That would be trivial to the point of absurdity. Small talk should at least presume to be important. Here are a few typical" small talk" comments:

The train is late today. This spring weather is fantastic. The weather is lousy. The streets are very crowded this time of year. Gas prices are getting higher. People don't spend as much these days. People dress more casually than they used to. Service in stores is not as good as it used to be. Food portions are smaller in restaurants. Cars seem to be getting smaller. Computers are unbelievably efficient. team is on a winning streak. The...TV show is terrific. Interest rates are coming down. The stock market is dropping again. A lot of great new albums have been released in the last few weeks.

There are thousands of such comments. They are used just to give you something to say until you are ready with a more interesting subject. You may feel foolish trying to start a conversation with such an ordinary subject as the train being late. But don't worry, it is an accepted way of getting something started. The girl may not care that much about the train, but she will be happy to talk about it if she likes talking to you. It is obvious that you must not engage in small talk for very long - it is very boring if extended.

Sometimes a good subject for discussion will emerge from small talk, but don't depend on it.

Your Future When Dating Women

Saturday, February 25, 2023 | 0 comments »

Your Future When Dating Women

Future Dates with Women

Here is a good idea to help put a girl more at ease. Suggest an interesting, impressive date for the future, shortly after you meet her. You might even make this date the main reason for approaching her. For example:

"I wanted to meet you so I could invite you to come with me to the annual banquet of..." Of course this date should be a genuine event. It is not unusual for men to have an occasion coming up and be looking for someone to take to it. Girls are usually receptive to such offers if they like to look of the guy. It need not be a banquet, it could be a more easily arranged dinner party, but there should be more than one couple present.

If the girl accepts, or even if she is only considering it, you can then proceed with a normal SECOND PHASE approach. The future date helps build up your case in the more immediate courtship you are pursuing. If you are successful you may even arrange a more intimate activity before the future date takes place.

Making Sexy Overtures to Women when Dating

Sexy Overtures

You should make a sexual overture of some kind, to see how the girl responds. If she gives a positive response, you should pick up on her response and work the theme as long as it is productive. Then, move on to a non-sexual topic. In other words, if you tell a sex joke and she really enjoys it, she may tell one, or encourage you to tell more. As long as you are both enjoying yourselves, this is great. Sex should be fun, in any case. But you should sense when there has been enough of it and change to another activity or conversation topic. Strive for a mixed conversation.

If she did not respond to your overture, you might try one more time. Then, if she still seems uninterested, leave off and go back onto another topic. If she is still friendly, it may be that she is not quite yet ready to respond sexually. Of course, she now knows of your sexual intent, so if she is still friendly, she apparently doesn't object to it. You should try again later, but allow plenty of time. If she is unfriendly after your overtures, she is rejecting you entirely.

The two of you are really discussing your sexual involvement by a type of signal code. Before you made your sexual overture, the girl may have already decided she wasn't interested in you sexually, but was just being friendly because that was the easiest thing to do. She did not even know if you were interested in her sexually. So she did not respond to the jokes and became unfriendly to tell you she was not interested in you that way. Girls say that it is sometimes hard to do this because even though they want to discourage a guy, his jokes can be very amusing and it is hard not to laugh at them.