I recommend these pick up lines to meet single women that you are attracted to:

“Don’t you know me from somewhere?”

“Where are you going? Can I offer you a ride?”

“Excuse me, but I think it’s about time we met each other.”

“Can you tell what’s on my mind? You.”

“Did you know that I know what you’re Mr. Right looks like? I see him every morning when I look in the mirror.”

Being 40+ and single again has it's curses and blessings, I wont linger on the former but would like to share with you and your readers a great little place to snag babes. Bookstores, yep bookstores, not only do you get to screen what her interests before moving in, but you already have a common ground, something to talk about right away instead of fumbling around for something that interests you both.
Depending on whether you are an expert or a novice on the subject matter you can opt to enlighten or be enlightened and believe me, a woman will never miss an opportunity to show that there's "more than T&A in the DNA."

"All that and a great mind too!" usually will get a smile, and a phone number.

Libraries are also great places if you've got the time. A little tip is finding an attractive lady at a table, look at what she's reading, grab some of the same subject matter, and plop down across from her or near enough to start exchanging thoughts.

I have enjoyed quite a few successful encounters thanks to your tips and advice but if there is one little tidbit that everyone needs to carry with them it's that rejection is a part of the game. Hell, Ken Griffey Jr. doesn't get a hit but once every three at bats and he's on his way to the Baseball Hall of Fame so don't be afraid to swing away.


This week we will focus on how your ego can prevent you from scoring with sexy single women in nightclubs and bars:

I will describe what I call the "Nightclub Ego-Man" that you will see at nightclubs and bars. If you're one of these men, resolve here and now that you're going to change your ways and discontinue being the Nightclub Ego-Man which can prevent you from meeting, dating, attracting, and seducing all those hot & sexy beautiful single women you are attracted to in bars and nightclubs.

This is the guy you will see standing around, depending on his looks to meet single women. He may be very handsome or he just thinks he is. He just stands around all night thinking that he's Gods gift to women and he waits for women to approach him. He just keeps on waiting and waiting, never making the effort or going out of his way
to approach and meet women. I don't need to tell you that this type of man is not very successful at meeting or attracting single women.

Believe me, you can't depend on your looks to pick up single women. It just does not work that way. You have got to approach women and play the aggressor. You can stand around all night and most likely no woman is going to approach you and start up a conversation or ask you to dance. You have got to take the lead. I will agree that there are aggressive single women who will approach a man, but there are very few of them. I just wish there were more of them because I love being approached by a woman.

You'll pick up as many single women as you want by just being friendly and taking the initiative to meet them. It's really just that simple, so don't go walking around with your nose up in the air thinking you are so good-looking that women will literally fall all over you. I had this problem myself until I wised up and realized what a jerk I was and why I wasn't meeting and attracting very many women.

When I cleaned up my act, it made a world of difference and I was meeting and
attracting tons of sexy single women.

P.S. This article is an excerpt from our best-selling book, "The Complete Guide to Meeting Women."

Nice guys beware of the walking wounded single woman. These are the single women who, really, really need your friendship, love and support. She's just come out of a devastating break up. She's hurt and naturally all your instincts tell you to give. Give and keep on giving, because she's a woman in need, and you can't turn your back.
How can someone so badly hurt, ever be in danger? Besides she loves you. She says it over and over. She keeps saying how much nicer you are than other men she's known.
Soon, you're sleeping together. What started out as a friendship has become a relationship, and now you are attached. But beware of two things. Firstly be sure you yourself are not simply attracted to her because she is needy. That's not a healthy thing.
Free Dating Tips on How to Meet, Attract, and Seduce Women
But secondly, beware what happens when you have given of yourself so much that her self- esteem is now fully repaired, and she is finally over her bout of depression.
She's grateful to you. You were there when she really needed a friend, but now she wants some space. Soon she's talking about "moving on", and "putting her life back together" and it is obvious your usefulness is at an end. You have let yourself become the "interim man." The person, however innocently, she uses in order to deal with the break up.
This article was contributed by Michael Boniwell.

Cancer Single Women

Monday, February 15, 2010 | | 0 comments »

CANCER Single Women (June 22 - July 22) - This woman will want to baby and take care of you. Let her do it, by all means, because its part of her maternal instincts.

She's very emotional and romantic, so you can really capture this woman's heart by doing anything romantic. She soaks up compliments like a sponge, so be sure to compliment her often. She makes a good sex partner because she will do anything to please her man.

Hi guys, hope your love life is doing fine and you are meeting tons of new sexy single women. Here's some more great tips on where to meet women from one of our contest entries:
Be a groomsman at a wedding. First, you get to walk down the aisle with a bridesmaid who you get to meet and talk to at the rehearsal and wedding. Second, you're dressed better than most other guys there other than the groom. Third, every girl in the audience wishes that it was them getting to walk down the aisle with one of those handsome guys. After the ceremony it is easy to strike up conversations with women. Women love weddings. They are there thinking about relationships. And you as a groomsman look great and have the ethos of eligibility. I got to be groomsman in two weddings this year and found it a great way to meet women. I am now going out with a very pretty, smart and much younger woman that I met at a wedding.
Learn How to Attract and Seduce Women With Our Books, CDs, DVDs, ebooks, Pheromone Products and Cassettes

If a single woman is not as sexually interested in you for romance as you are in her, then your relationship has a basic weakness that may be an insolvable problem.

In other words, if you are the only one making sexual advances, if you feel as though it's a battle to get her interested or aroused, if she never takes the initiative to make the right time and place for sex to occur, if she's not interested in exploring new positions or locations, if she's never interested in round 2 or 3, or if she never initiates spur of the moment sex, then she's probably not sexually attracted to you.

Oh, she likes you fine, and you are convenient to her at this time in her life. You provide security, you are safe, or for any of a thousand reasons she is with you, but she's not sexually interested in you. And that makes your hold on her very weak. When you are no longer convenient to her, or she meets someone who does turn her on, you have no further hold on her and she's gone.

Don't fall for her excuses. The specific ones: This isn't the right time; I don't feel well; not here, someone might come by; that hurts me; I just took a shower; we don't have time. Or the general ones: I'm still suffering from a bad relationship and need time; I have a lot of important things on my mind; I'm overweight and self-conscious about my body.

These are just that, excuses. She may actually believe them but don't you fall for them. If she was really sexually attracted to you, then there would be no need for excuses. Things aren't going to get better. There will always be an excuse.

This situation is bad for you not only because of your frustration, but because of your self-esteem. Constantly being told by someone's actions that you are not sexy is not good for your self-image.

So when there is no sexual magic, start looking for her replacement. Don't dump her until you've found one because your search is easier when you have a girl - but start looking today.

P.S. This article is from our best-selling book, "A Man's Guide to Women."