I would like to share with the visitors to this web site a method I used successfully for many years to meet lots of beautiful and sexy single women in bars and nightclubs. All you need to pull this off is courage, a small note pad that fits in your pocket, and a pen.
When you see a beautiful single woman at a bar or nightclub, you will walk up next to her and write the following note in your note pad (make sure she sees you writing this note):
Did you know that I have been standing here wondering how I could meet you?
Learn How to Attract and Seduce Women With Our Books, CDs, DVDs, ebooks, Pheromone Products and Cassettes
If you have any suggestions as to how I could meet you without appearing bold or if I should even try to meet you, please check one of the below:


___Go to Hell

___Try This:

After you have finished writing this note hand it to her with a pen and say, "Would you mind filling this out for me?"
This system really worked for me and it's a great ice-breaker. Single women admired me for the uniqueness of this way of trying to meet them. What I like about this method is that I don't even have to use an opening line or some come-on line to meet single women. I just simply hand them a note. It sure is an easy way to meet single women you are attracted to.
Is it guaranteed to work in meeting single women? No. You will get some rejections and some women may even laugh at you. But, the majority of women will be receptive to this technique of meeting them. Try it! You will be pleasantly surprised by the results.

According to the October 2010 issue of Men's Health Magazine here are the top 25 sexually active cities in America:
No. 1. Austin, TX
No. 2. Dallas, TX
No. 3. Columbus, OH
No. 4. Durham, NC
No. 5. Denver, CO
No. 6. Indianapolis, IN
No. 7. Arlington, TX
No. 8. Oklahoma City, OK
No. 9. Bakersfield, CA
No. 10. Houston, TX
Drive Women Wild for Sex with Powerful Pheromone Cologne
No. 11. Lubbock, TX
No. 12. Fort Worth, TX
No. 13. Charlotte, NC
No. 14. Fresno, CA
No. 15. San Antonio, TX
No. 16. Richmond, VA
No. 17. Anchorage, AK
Free Dating Tips on How to Meet, Attract, Seduce Women
No. 18. Nashville, TN
No. 19. Memphis, TN
No. 20. Kansas City, MO
No. 21. Atlanta, GA
No. 22. Omaha, NE
No. 23. Salt Lake City, UT
No. 24. Milwaukee, WI
No. 25. Jackson, MS
So, maybe these are the best cities to live in or visit to get some action (If you know what I mean).

Let me tell you about a method of meeting single women for love and romance that can get you in trouble or even worse, get you beat up by an angry boyfriend.

Here's what happened to me and please guys, don't try this stupid stunt because of your raging hormones. It's not worth it!

There was this beautiful, hot & sexy checker at the grocery store where I shopped at that I was madly in love (lust) with. She looked just like a centerfold right out of Playboy Magazine. Long blonde hair with a beautiful face and body to match.

Every time I would go grocery shopping I would just drool over her while I was in the check out line. I was just dying to meet her and I was trying to figure out a way to get to know her better.

I had seen her go to her car in the parking lot before. So, I knew what her car looked like.

So, I came up with this really dumb idea that I would write her a note and put it on her windshield. I described myself and told her I was attracted to her and would like to meet her for lunch. And I gave her my phone number to give me a call.

Well, she got the note ok. And so did her angry boyfriend. He called me up and cussed me out and threatened to kick my ass if I even came near her. Of course, I pleaded with him that I meant no harm. I just wanted to meet her. But, he was still pissed off.

So, in closing, my fellow Girl-getters, don't try this stupid method to try and meet a woman you are attracted to that is a stranger.

First of all, she will think that you're some kind of psycho stalker. And in these days and times women have a lot to be concerned about from men that they don't know.

Second of all, this could be hazardous to your health because of an angry boyfriend, husband, ex-husband, father, brother, etc. She could go along with your plot and agree to meet you. Then she would set you up to where her angry boyfriend or husband also shows up to confront you and proceed to kick your silly ass.

Well, I think you get the point. This is a very risky and foolish way of meeting single women. Don't do it!

I know this blog is about seducing women, but I wanted to pass along a product called, Attractant Gold to help women seduce men. Please pass this along to any of your female friends, relative, co-workers, etc.

Good News for Those Few Select Women Who Want to Meet, Attract, and Seduce Men!

Have you ever hoped to get any man to first base every time? "Attractant Gold" is the most undetectable male attractant pheromone. The scent that attracts men without their being aware of it.

An Amazing SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY has shown that female based pheromones in Attractant Gold are believed to have the power to draw males to them...just as the scent of flowers attracts honey bees.

Pheromones, the scientists say is a body chemistry and smell which is not consciously detected or recognized. Pheromones are natures way of attracting the opposite sex.

With Attractant Gold it is not necessary to go into bars, nightclubs or dances just to meet men (although you could use it there if you wanted to) and with Attractant Gold's auto-suggestive power of confidence that will exude from your body you have the ability to meet some of the most handsome and richest men in town.

Remember this: You have an advantage over other women and girls no how young or pretty they are, because very few of them know about the power of the use of Attractant Gold. Looks do not matter. You could be homely or overweight or just average looking. You should use Attractant Gold if you seek to meet attractive men no matter what your own physical features are.

For more details on Attractant Gold Pheromones for Women, please click here.

Good Advice

Wednesday, September 08, 2010 | | 0 comments »

Your ability to persist in the face of setbacks and temporary failures is essential to your success with women.

Say to yourself I will no longer be chained to the past, past relationships, lost loves, and bad experiences in my past.

Once you start making changes, no matter how small, suddenly everything seems possible. - Oprah Winfrey

If you commute by train, plane, bus, subways, etc. there will be golden opportunities to meet women. Be sure and sit next to them and talk.

Be Sure and Like Yourself

Monday, September 06, 2010 | | 0 comments »

I just can't express to you enough how important it is to like yourself. The reason I say this is because if you don't like yourself, you will give off bad vibrations to women you encounter and they won't like you either.

The key to commanding respect from single women is to become a man you like being around. And a good way of doing this is to pick out men that you admire and identify the good qualities that you admire in them and make a strong, determined effort to develop these same qualities in yourself.

And when you become the man you want to be, your self-respect will skyrocket! Always remember that you are in charge of your life. You determine what kind of a person you want to be for good or bad.

Dazzle Women With Personality

Saturday, September 04, 2010 | | 0 comments »

If you do really fancy a woman who is taller than you there is still hope. Remember that women prefer personality to looks. If you have personality you may be able to dazzle her with it and overcome her natural preference for taller men. You will have to work very hard at it though as it is likely she will not be as responsive and open to you as she would be from an approach from a taller man.

If you have a sense of humor she can relate to or some other personality traits she cannot resist you still have a chance. You had better be quick of the mark because if your fantastic personality doesn't come to the fore quickly you'll find she'll soon tire of you and begin to look elsewhere.

There are exceptions to the rule that women prefer men the same height as them or taller but 9 times out of 10 you will find women in the company of men who are taller than them. My ex-wife is an example of this as she is 5' 8" and I am 5' 6". Height had nothing to do with our relationship, either in the courting or separating
stages but I find this is the exception rather than the rule.