While Shopping

Pick-ups when a girl is shopping are very much the same as "waiting" situations. Even though the girl is not actually, 'stationary", she usually stops often enough for you to make contact. Comments on groceries, books on display, etc. are excellent openers. Also a request for help will always work. A casual introduction should follow.

Offering Help

Another opportunity arises if a girl can be offered some form of assistance-helping to carry something, or picking up something she has dropped. The "damsel in distress" routine. You should be on the alert to move quickly on these opportunities.

Women are attracted to money. It is an attraction that probably stems from a woman being drawn to a man who can provide protection and security. Because to a woman in today's society, money means power.

Women find men attractive who have money, know how to make it, and know how to use it for their benefit. So does this mean you have to be a millionaire to be successful with women? It would help a lot, but no, you don't have to have a lot of money.

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It does mean, however, that you should give women the impression that money is not a problem for you. The following tips show you how you can portray yourself as a man who knows how to make money, who knows how to use it, and who doesn't worry about it:

TIP #1 - Don't hang yourself with your own words. Avoid conversations that amount to moaning about how broke you are. Don't brag about money. Just be sure you never express concern or worry about it. If the subject of money comes up, express silent confidence, and let her imagination do the rest.

TIP #2 - When you are on a date, project yourself as the type that enjoys going to movies or dinner or whatever and are not afraid to pay to do what you enjoy. When you ask a girl out, give the impression that you felt she would enjoy coming along and participating in a good time; that the two of you are enriching each other's evening by doing these things together.

If you hang out in topless clubs and try to pick up topless dancers, this is the type you will most likely date. They will frustrate and disappoint you.

I'm not saying you have to accept it, but if you want to date these girls you're going to have to tolerate it. What I'm trying to say is topless dancers can be some of the most irresponsible and undependable women you will ever meet in your life.

This has happen to me many times in my encounter with topless dancers. You give them your phone number and they never call or they forget to call. She gives you her phone number, but you can never get a hold of her. She says she will meet you for lunch, but never shows up. She says she will meet you after she gets off work to go party, but disappears. She makes plans with you, but constantly cancels the date. So, what's a guy to do with all these frustrations and disappointments? There's not much you can do. It's their nature. Just be patient and don't take her irresponsible nature to seriously. Accept the fact that some topless dancers aren't very dependable.

Too much alcohol, drugs, and partying can take its toll on a dancer mentally and make her irresponsible. This can certainly explain why some of these girls act like bimbos and airheads. The body and mind can only take so much abuse.

Quite simply, all it takes to meet a woman in a nightclub is to just walk up to her and start talking to her or by asking her to dance. There's a lot of men who just stand around all night too scared to approach a woman or they think they will be approached themselves. Believe me, I know from experience that sometimes you will rarely meet any women just standing around waiting for them to make the first move. You have to make the first move and it comes quite easy after you practice at it. Enough about shy men at clubs. I'm devoting two chapters on shyness and how to overcome this problem.

Free Dating Tips on How to Meet, Attract, Seduce Women

You're probably wondering "What do I say when I approach a woman?" Here are just a few simple opening lines which work well. Feel free to make up your own.

1. "Hi! My name is________."
2. "Why are you flirting with me?"
3. "What's your name?"
4. "Are you having a good time?"
5. "What's that perfume you're wearing?"
6. "I love your hair. Where do you have it done?"
7. "Would you like to dance?"
8. "Are you a model?" (Quite a compliment to women)
9. "What kind of drink is that?"
10. This one really works well. Try it and see for yourself. "Excuse me for being so forward, but I could not help but admire the way you danced. Where did you learn to dance like that?" This lays the foundation for starting a conversation. Then you can ask her, "What do you think of this place?",and so on. Then you can ask her to dance.

If the girl is waiting at a bus stop, in a line at a bank, or seated in a bus or plane, and you are similarly waiting or traveling, you can join her without even asking. But then you have to find a reason to start talking to her. This is usually not difficult. A request for help or any casual remark can be a starter. The weather, something she is wearing, or any well or any well-known current event will do the trick.

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Then casually say, “By the way, my name is…What’s yours? After all, you are both just killing time. If you have a long wait, everything should be fine. But if the waiting time is brief (5 minutes or less) you will have to arrange an extension of time.

A good idea is to ask, “Where are you going when you leave here? How about joining me for a cup of coffee?”

Another variation on the “waiting” situation is when the girl is seated with plenty of empty seats all about. Then, if you want to sit near her, you should get her approval.

You can say, "Excuse me, but do you mind if I sit here? I'd like to have someone to talk to."

But even better is, "Excuse me, but I saw you sitting here, and I decided I'd like to meet you. My name is ..., what's yours?"

Of course with all the “waiting" situations you don't have to be really waiting yourself. It is usually easy to join a waiting group to get near the girl. If you are really inspired by her, you might even take a bus trip you hadn't intended, though a plane trip might be a bit much.

There is a movie called, "Magic Mike" which starts tomorrow. Be sure and take a date to see this movie. Why? Because it is a movie about male strippers and when she sees these hot guys stripping it is going to get her in the mood for sex after the movie.

These are the topless dancers right out of the pages of Playboy that you would die for and the kind of bodies men drool over. I'm sure when you look at these girls you have all kinds of fantasies and your hormones are raging out of control. Can you score with these dancers? Yes. Will it be easy? No. You're going to have to have something these dancers want and need. And what can that be? Material things, money, gifts, trips, something to further her career, cars, pay her rent, etc.

Will she date you if you have a lot of charm, good personality, and good looks or average looks, but not a man of financial means or material things to offer? Well, maybe. The main thing is to give it your best effort to get a date with these centerfolds. So what if you get rejected. It's not the end of the world. Just move on to the next beautiful playmate. Just look at it as a numbers game. The more times you come to bat, the more chances you have to hit a home run.