A Solution to How to Have More Energy

Has this ever happened to you? You've got an important date with this hot & sexy girl you've been dying to go out with. You want to make a good impression on her and win her heart. You want to look and act your best.

The day of the date finally comes, but you've got a problem. You feel like crap! You've had a hard week at work and you haven't been getting enough sleep. You feel tired and have no energy. You're not in the mood to go out on a date much less trying your best to make a good impression on her.

What can you do? Should you cancel the date you've been looking so forward to?

The answer is no...no...no! There's no need to do that and I'll tell you why.

There's a high-energy drink on the market called, "Choline Cocktail" made my TwinLabs that is available from GNC Health Food stores. It's a powder you simply mix with water or fruit juice. All you have to do is drink it just before going out on your date and I'll guarantee you that you'll have more energy than you know what to do with and you'll be in such a good mood that you'll swear that you're high on drugs.

What's great about this stuff is that it's legal and 100% natural with no side effects.

So, the next time you're feeling tired and exhausted before going out on a date, take a Choline Cocktail. You'll be feeling at your best and this will help you to seduce more women.

Try it guys. I use this stuff myself whenever I need a super-charged boost of energy.

In closing, keep in mind if you go on a date feeling tired and exhausted, the woman you're with is going to pick up on this. You may even come across as boring to her because you're tired and don't have much to say because of your mood. If you're feeling like a zombie, it can interfere with you making a good impression on her. And in the dating game you must make a good impression on women.

P.S. I have no affiliation whatsoever with the company that makes Choline Cocktail. I just wanted to share this information with you to help you do better with women and that's what this newsletter is all about.

P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at: www.getgirls.com

A Woman's Favorite Color Reveals Her Sex

Well, summer is almost upon us once more. And it is time to plan for a summer romance. Do you have a plan yet? Have you set your girl-getting goals for the summer yet? If you haven't, it's time to get with the program! Make your plan and then work your plan. Keep in mind that the single women out there are looking for you too! Summer is the time for romance...make it happen!

This week I will focus on favorite colors of single women. Did you know that by knowing and determining her favorite color will give you clues to her sexual nature?

The color of the clothes she wears, her home furnishings, and her car gives clues to her sexual personality. The predominant color that appears most frequently is the one that mirrors her real sexual self.

A panel of psychologists, speaking at the Home Interior Design Forum, explained the association between color and sexual patterns. For an explanation of the sexual findings linking colors, please visit: http://www.gagirl.com/quiz/red2.html - Here you will find out about her sexual nature according to the colors of red, yellow, pink, purple, black, green, orange, brown, blue, and white.

You will find some very interesting evaluations here and you can put it to use by asking her what her favorite color is. The answer she gives will give you an idea of her sexual nature and you can act in a way to fulfill her desires.

If she says she does not have a favorite color, just ask her what color most of her clothes are and the dominant color theme in her home decor.

Also, when you are with her observe the predominant colors of her clothes and the color theme in her house or apartment. This will give you clues also.

P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at: www.getgirls.com

Advice on How to Date Young Women

Here's some tips to succeed with younger women 18-25 if you're over 35:

  1. Be very casual in your approach. Strive to make her feel safe and comfortable with you because at first she is going to feel suspicious of your intentions. Whatever you do, don't lust after her. Just act friendly and make her feel relaxed.
  2. What can you expect when dating younger women: cancelled dates, picks fights to break up with you, and she's unstable.
  3. Don't be possessive and jealous with her. This will really scare her away. And don't be concerned if she has a boyfriend.
  4. You will have better success pursuing the average-looking single women. Avoid the beauty queens.
  5. Try to hook up with a rebellious type of young woman. They are more inclined to date older men.
  6. Remember that they might be attracted to you out of just pure fantasy. They may curious what if would be like to be with an older man. Accommodate their desires and enjoy it while it lasts.
  7. They might be interested in you for sexual reasons because their male lovers their age or younger are more interested in satisfying their own sexual desires. They would welcome an older lover who would be concerned in giving her pleasure.
  8. Suggest out-of-the-way date where there is more privacy. She may have fears of being seen in public with an older man or where her friends might see her.
  9. Get slim and trim. Young single women are not attracted to balding men with a potbelly.
  10. Take classes where you are likely to be exposed to young single women. Get to know the younger guys too - they can introduce you girls they know.
  11. Always keep in mind that your relationship may come to a sudden end if Mr. Right comes along.
  12. When with her: Be funny, light-hearted, silly, and laugh a lot.

 P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at: www.getgirls.com

Attracting Single Women with Your Hair Style

Now, I'm sure that you're aware of how single women make such a fuss over their hair. They are always looking at their hair in the mirror, trying to get every hair in place, experimenting with different colors and styles, different lengths and textures, etc.

In other words, they are obsessed with their hair and appearance.

So, what does this have to do with attracting and succeeding with single women? A lot my friend, and I will explain why:

Let's face it guys, women will judge you on your looks and your hair has a lot to do with your looks. And being that single women are so obsessed with their hair, they notice how a guy's hair looks and if it's a great style and cut, it will make you more attractive in her eyes.

So, how do you determine what style and cut looks best on you? I'm glad you asked. Here's a couple of websites that can help you out:

1. Go to: http://www.hairdos.com - Here you will find samples of the latest styles for men. Choose the ones you think you would look best with and print them out. Then take them to the best hair stylist in town you can find and tell them to cut and style your hair like the photo. Also, he or she can help you pick which cut and style would look best on you.

2. Go to: http://www.makeoverstudio.com - This is really the best way to see how you look with different hairstyles and it's absolutely free.

You will need to create an account with a password. Also, it would be best if you had a headshot photo of yourself in a file format (jpeg or gif). This way you can use your face and experiment with different cuts and styles using their website. When you decide which ones you would like to try, just print them out and take them to a good top-of-the-line hair stylist.

Then ask his or her opinion of which one would look best on you and have them make you look like the photo.

In closing, you'd be surprised how drastically you can change your looks to make you more handsome just by wearing the right haircut and style for you.

P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at: www.getgirls.com

A Few Words That Cause Failure with Single Women

Don't use the words, I WISH - As an example, do you ever say these things to yourself:

  • "I wish I had a girlfriend"
  • "I wish I had somebody to love"
  • "I wish I could find someone to date"
The words I WISH can be very dangerous to you succeeding with single women because subconsciously you are saying to yourself, "I can't" or "I won't be able to do it" and this can set you up for failure.

Instead say to yourself:
  • "I will have a girlfriend"
  • "I will have somebody to love"
  • "I will find someone to date"
The absolutely worst words you can say to yourself is, "I'll try." When you say this to yourself it's just an excuse for failure. And this will program your subconscious mind to accept that you will fail. Here are examples of things you say to yourself that you must totally eliminate from your thinking:
  • "I'll try to meet more women"
  • "I'll try to take action when I see a woman I'd like to date"
  • "I'll try to overcome my shyness with women"
  • Instead of saying, "I'll try" just say, "I'll do it" or "I can." And never, never tell yourself, "I can't."

 P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at: www.getgirls.com

Action is What You Need to Pursue Single Women

This week let's talk about procrastination and how it can hold you back from succeeding with single women.

You know in your heart you need to get off your dead ass and start taking some action to meet, attract, and seduce women.

But, you have fallen into a pattern of putting it off until another day. Then another day rolls around and you put it off again. Then it becomes a habit of putting it off and it robs you of your initiative to do something to turn your love life around.

So, what's the cure for procrastination? Why, action of course! You've got to take action to meet and date more women. The women you desire are not just going to drop out of the sky. You've got to pursue them.

And when you start to make some moves on all those sexy honeys you're dying to date, you will feel so much better about yourself. It will build your self-confidence too.

So, to sum it up, get something going in your pursuit of single women. Do whatever it takes and for goodness sake, do something no matter what it is. Guess what happens if you do nothing? You'll be spending lots of lonely nights at home that's what!

Sometimes you've just got to take control of your life and force yourself to do something. Something like getting up your nerve to approach women, for example.

Remember when you took your driving test to get your driver's license and how nervous you were? This is a good example of when you forced yourself to take action to get what you wanted (your driver's license so you could drive). And forcing yourself to approach women is no different. To get what you want, you've got to take action my friend!

P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at: www.getgirls.com

Using Persistence to Succeed with Single Women

As a good example of what it takes to succeed with women, let's talk about Mark McGuire who hit over 70 home runs to establish himself in baseball history. He makes it look so easy when he stands at the plate and effortlessly hits the ball out of the park.

The point I'm making here is that what you saw when he broke the records is the result of many years of hard work on his part to develop the skills to accomplish such a feat.

If you could talk to him one-on-one, I'm sure that he would tell you that the secret to his success was persistence.

So, what does all this have to do with you and succeeding with women? Persistence is the key to helping you score with all those hot & sexy single women you're dying to get intimate with.

From the dictionary here's the definition of persistence: 1. to go on resolutely or stubbornly in spite of opposition, importunity, or warning. 2. To remain unchanged or fixed in a specified character, conditions, or position. 3. to be insistent in the repetition or pressing of an utterance (as a question or an opinion). 4. to continue to exist esp. past a usual, expected, or normal time.

Are you practicing persistence in your pursuit of women? Are you doing whatever it takes to get lots of dates for fun and romance despite some temporary setbacks, rejections, and failures? A rewarding lovelife comes to those who persist and never give up.

Persistence is the key to succeeding with women. Now that I have revealed this secret to you, use it and you will succeed with women beyond your wildest dreams.

P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at: www.getgirls.com