A Few Tips on Recognizing a Bitch

This week I want to talk about what I call the, "Once a bitch, always a bitch syndrome." Let me explain:

When you're dating a woman, her negative behaviors leaves clues to what her personality is going to be long-term. Let's say for instance, you've dated a girl a few times and she always acts like a bitch. She's mean and hateful towards you and treats you like a dog.

This behavior is very consistent right from the first date. You keep wondering when she's going to change. Well, guess what? She's not going to change. It's a pure case of "Once a bitch, always a bitch."

Guys, if you find yourself in this situation, get out of it! Let her go. It's not worth it to be miserable all the time in a relationship.

Let me tell you about my experiences: I've fallen for single women who were bitches from hell. The women were so beautiful and had such nice bodies I thought I could overlook their negative behavior and bitchy ways.

After awhile I just couldn't take it anymore no matter how hot and sexy they looked. I got tired of being treated like crap and fussing and arguing all the time.

So, guys take my advice and don't get involved with bitches. I learned the hard way and kept staying in abusive relationships, hoping they would change. They never did change and they were hardcore cases of "Once a bitch, always a bitch."

Of course, the roles can be reversed too. Some guys are real assholes and they will always be assholes. They make women miserable. Hopefully, you will never become an asshole or jerk. You will do a lot better with single women by treating them with respect and treating them like a queen.

P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at: www.getgirls.com

A Few Tips on Kissing Women at the End of Date

This week I want to talk about end-of-the-date body language. I want to give you some very important tips on observing how a woman acts at the end of your first date.

First of all, let's discuss what happens at the end of a first date. At the end of your fist date is a very awkward time for the both of you. You are nervous about whether you should try to kiss her. She is nervous about what to do if you try to kiss her (especially if she is not attracted to you and doesn't care to date you again).

Anyway, you are walking her to her door. It's time to say goodbye. She may offer a handshake to thank you for the date, she may offer to hug you, and hopefully may move her head towards you to kiss you.

Before I go any further, please keep in mind that some women have a hard and fast rule that they don't kiss on the first date no matter how much she is attracted to you. If she turns away if you try to kiss her, don't hold it against her. She just may not kiss on the first date or she doesn't feel any chemistry towards you to allow you to kiss her.

Let me get back on track to the main point I want you to observe: If you end up hugging at the end of the date, observe her reactions during the hug. If she pats you on the back during the hug, this is what I call, "The Kiss of Death." Why? Because when she pats you on the back it means that she's sorry, but she's not attracted to you romantically and could only just be friends.

However, on the other hand if she clings to you while giving you a hug with no patting you on the back, this is a good sign that she enjoyed the date and is attracted to you.

So, on all of your first dates be sure to observe and analyze those end-of-the-date hugs.

P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at: www.getgirls.com

How to Talk to Women

Tuesday, December 28, 2021 | 0 comments »

A Few Great Tips for Men on How to Talk to Women

This week I want to offer the following tips on how to talk to women:

Discover the Big Events in Her Life

One sure-fire way to keep a conversation rolling is to discover the big events in her life - the things that are meaningful to her, and which she is anxious to talk about. I call such areas of interest "hot buttons."

A hot button is a subject that really interests you and her and that you can talk about for an extended period of time. A hot button can be a lifelong interest, a passing fancy, or a current fascination - whatever turns you on!" Hot buttons can be work, a new job, a hobby, a career goal, an upcoming trip, a sporting activity, new movies playing at the theatre, music, going to concerts, whatever.

Finding Her Hot Buttons

In conversations with new women you meet, try to find their hot buttons as soon as you can.

These strong interests are extremely fertile areas for sustained conversations, particularly if you discover that you share some strong interests.

To find her hot buttons, fish around subject areas with ritual questions. When you receive an unusually enthusiastic response, chances are you've hit on a particular interest. Pursue the subject by showing some interest in it.

P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at: www.getgirls.com

Self Talk Affirmations to Help You Succeed with Single Women

This week I want to focus on how important it is to say the right things in your mind to succeed with single women. It makes a big difference in what thoughts to feed your mind to improve your love life.

For instance, losers with women make up excuses in their minds by telling themselves, "I can't because " To be a success with women you need to reverse this thinking and say in your mind, "I can or "I want to."

So, to sum it up, you need to create a new vocabulary to feed your mind positive affirmations. Here are a few examples:

1. Don't say, "I will try to meet some new women." Instead say, "I will meet some new women."

2. Don't say, "I will try to approach women that I'm attracted to." Instead say, "I will approach women that I'm attracted to."

3. Don't say, "I can't meet any women." Instead say, "I can meet any woman I desire."

In closing, don't focus on your past failures with women. The future is now and focus all your energy and attention on succeeding with women now. Never give up until you have reached your objectives in dating.

P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at: www.getgirls.com

A Man's Guide to Table Manners When on a Date

This week I want to talk about table manners. You may not think table manners are important on a date, but I can assure you that good table manners are very important to your date.

When you're on a dinner date at a restaurant, women will take notice of your table manners or lack of proper dining etiquette.

I'm not going to lecture you this week on every single aspect of good table manners. I'm just going to focus on what to do with your napkin. Follow these rules on what to do with your napkin to make a good impression on your date:

1. Here's what to do with your napkin if you have to get up and leave your table during your meal: Place your napkin to the left of your plate or leave it on the bottom of your chair (make sure the soled areas are face down).

2. Most men wipe or scrub their mouths with their napkin while eating. This is not the proper way to do it. You should dab the napkin on your lips or corner of your mouth.

3. After both of your plates have been cleared from your table, lay your napkin in the center of the table for your waiter or waitress to pick up.

4. Whatever you do, never tuck your napkin into your collar or between the buttons on your shirt. This will really make you look like a fool.

5. Here's the absolute worse thing you can do with your napkin. That's blowing your nose into your napkin. This will really turn your date off and she may not want a second date with you because of this disgusting gesture.

P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at: www.getgirls.com

Advice on Answering Questions on How Many Sex Partners You Had

Sometimes when you are on a date this question will come up: "How many women have you been with?" In other words, she wants to know how many women you have slept with.

Personally, I think this kind of question is too personal and none of her business. However, some single women have a hidden motive when asking this question. She wants to know if you are a player and sleep around a lot. If you are honest with her and tell her you have slept with over 30 women, she may feel that she will just be another notch on your bedpost and think that you just use women for sex. You certainly don't want her to have this impression because it may turn her off.

So, what is the best answer to her question? Whatever you do, don't tell her how many women you have been with and any details on your sex life with other women. She wants to feel special and if you tell her about the history of your sex life with other women, she may just feel like you are going to use her for sexual favors.

Here's what your answer should be: "Well, I don't keep score and I'm done with sowing my wild oats. I'm tired of running around and I now want to be with someone special like you." This statement will give her the impression that your sexual relationships in the past are over and done with and you are looking for someone special in your life.

If she still insists on the number of women you have been with, don't give in and tell her. Keep her guessing.

P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at: www.getgirls.com

Attracting Single Women with Roommates

This week let's talk about the very important subject of dating single women with a roommate.

I don't really think it's fair, but there's a rule about dating women with a roommate, especially during your first few dates. This rule is that you must also make a good impression on her roommate.

Her roommate, especially if they are close friends, can have a major influence in their life, which includes dating issues. I'll guarantee you that your date will ask her roommate's opinion on what she thinks about you. And it's very important that her opinion of you be positive. If it's negative, it could influence her decision as to whether to continue dating you. This is totally unfair! You are dating her, not her roommate, but this is just the way things can work against you.

So, It's very important to be very friendly towards her roommate, smile and make good eye contact, give her compliments (not too many because it might make your date jealous), and whatever you do, don't ignore her.

Let me warn you that you must never, never come on to her roommate. This shows total lack of respect for your date. Hold your hormones in check no matter how attracted to her roommate you are. Just be friendly towards her and don't flirt.

There's another factor to consider when dealing with roommates, which isn't fair. Her roommate may be jealous of you and say bad things about you that are simply not the truth. I certainly hope this never happens to you. I don't like someone telling lies about me behind my back, especially if it's going to interfere with me dating someone that I'm attracted to.

P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at: www.getgirls.com

Avoid Talking About These Topics on First Dates

This week let's focus on first dates. There are some things that you must never, never talk about on a first date. If you do, you're taking a major risk of turning off your date and spoiling your chances of ever getting a second date.

Don't talk about the following topics on your first date:

1. Do you have any mental, financial, legal, or divorce problems? If you do, keep it to yourself. Don't share these personal problems with your date.

2. Don't talk about your bad luck with dating women. A real turn off would be to make a statement such as, "All the women I date turn out to be bitches."

3. Don't discuss any previous relationships and express bitterness towards relationships that didn't work out.

4. Don't jump the gun and start talking about future dates together. The only purpose of the first date is to get to know each other and not to plan a future together. If you start talking about doing things together so soon, she's going to feel pressured and perhaps intimidated.

Don't ever assume that just because she agreed to go on a first date with you that it will lead to a quick relationship. Take things slow and don't rush her into a relationship. Establish a strong friendship first and romance will follow.

P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at: www.getgirls.com

Ambition Can Spoil Romance and Your Dating Life

Are you a workaholic and obsessed with your career and getting ahead in life at all costs? Do you live, eat, and breathe to just spend all of your time working?

There's nothing wrong with being ambitious and trying to be successful in life. You need to be aware that you can carry this to extremes to the point that it will have a negative effect on your dating life. Here are just a few reasons why being a workaholic and career-obsessed man can play havoc on your dating and love life:

  • Working long hours in a high-stress environment is going to rob your energy for dating. When you go on a date you may be mentally fatigued and physically exhausted. You can't make a good impression on your date if you're acting like a zombie.
  • Being obsessed with your career can affect other areas of your life. Because you're overly focussed on work, it can interfere with your ability to enjoy life. So, when you're on a date you may have trouble having fun and enjoying your date because all you can think about is work.
  • As you know, a relationship requires a lot of commitment and attention to keep it alive. If you are constantly preoccupied with work matters, you will tend to neglect your relationship. And when your partner is not getting any attention, the relationship can die.
  • If all you do is spend all your time at the office, relationships can suffer. When you are not able to spend much time with your partner, she will get tired of this arrangement. You need to spend quality time together to make a relationship grow. Spending less time together runs the risk of you growing apart instead of building a strong, loving relationship together.
In closing, I want you to be happy and successful in life. I just wanted you to be aware that being a workaholic career-obsessed man can have negative consequences on your love life.

P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at: www.getgirls.com

Conversation Tips to Use on Women

Wednesday, December 22, 2021 | 0 comments »

A Few Tips on How to Talk to Women

The following info was contributed by one of my Don Diebel Succeed with Women Newsletter readers, Rick Rozek www.diskjockey.com/indexk.html


Some time ago in business I learned a technique that works great for business as well as personal communication. It has come in great for conversations with women and you may have heard of it. It's called.... F.O.R.M.

FAMILY: If you're shy, or for whatever reason, talk about her family, how many brothers and sisters, questions about parents, did she have a favorite pet? A conversation about one family member may lead to another topic, thus the conversation continues and it gives her a chance to talk about the people close in her life.

OCCUPATION: The "what do you do for work" is a standard question, but when you ask how she came involved to do the work she is in, or what led her to do it, is always good. She can talk about some of the people at work, what they do, how they integrate in her life, etc. Does she get along with them? Are their things which she likes or hates about her work? That may give one a clue as to the demeanor that awaits inside and how she reacts to things.

RECREATION: What does she do in her spare time? What would she like to do that she hasn't tried yet? Perhaps that might lead to an interesting first phone call or first date. Maybe she knows something the gentleman doesn't that she enjoys for recreation and she would be willing to show him.

MISCELLANEOUS: When all else fails, like you said, the article in the paper, did astronauts really walk on the moon, favorite flavor of ice cream, etc. I usually find one thing always leads to another and if you are able to impress her with amusing anecdotes without sounding like Cliff Clavin from Cheers, she will usually be impressed with your knowledge of events and happenings.

The FORM technique has worked for me for several years and I employ it all the time when I meet someone new. You may wish to share it with your readers and I hope you found it insightful in a positive way.

Keep up the good work.

Is Your Relationship in Trouble?

Tuesday, December 21, 2021 | 0 comments »

11 Signs that Your Relationship is in Trouble

Unfortunately, it's a fact of life that at some point relationships with single women can go bad. And when they go bad they leave clues. You need to be aware of the signs she will give when she is has lost interest in you to the point that she may want to break up with you.

It's better to be able to recognize the signs in advance rather to be in total shock when she dumps you suddenly without notice.

I've come up with a "Top Eleven" list of symptoms that your relationship is in trouble:

  1. She openly talks about previous relationships and how great one of her ex-boyfriends was.
  2. You are spending less time together and she turns down dates more often.
  3. She is not as affectionate towards you and has lost interest in sex with you.
  4. She is verbally abusive towards you and treats you like a dog.
  5. She is constantly picking fights with you over silly, petty matters.
  6. She tells you that she needs to spend time alone without you. In other words, she needs her space.
  7. She's very quiet and doesn't talk to you like she did in the past.
  8. She doesn't share her feelings about things anymore.
  9. You use to talk on the phone for what seemed like hours. Now, she doesn't talk for very long and always seems in a hurry to get off the phone.
  10. She tells you that she would like to start dating other guys and doesn't want to be tied down.
  11. She rarely picks up the phone when you call anymore. She is deliberately screening her calls, so she doesn't have to talk to you.
In closing, if you recognize some of these symptoms, take steps to rescue your relationship and make it better. Of course, sometimes it's a losing cause and you just have to cut your losses and move on.

P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at: www.getgirls.com

Don't Smoother Single Women with Love too Soon

This week I want to talk about falling in love with single women too fast and too soon.

Because of our raging hormones and thinking as if our brain is between our legs, men tend to fall in love (or lust) at first site. Even after a first date that went really well you may think that you are in love. I can assure you that it is really not love. It's just infatuation. Love takes time to develop. It just doesn't happen overnight.

And what's frustrating about your tendency of falling in love too fast is that women usually don't react the same way. They are a lot more cautious and like to take their time and get to know someone before they develop strong feelings toward a guy.

So, let me give you some valuable advice. Whatever you do, don't tell a woman you love them on your first or second date. This will only scare her away. Trust me on this one!

Another tip is to not talk about seeing her all the time until you feel that she feels the same way mutually. Take things slow! Don't be a clinger and smoother her either. Don't make her feel like your whole world revolves around her. Play a little hard to get and make yourself a challenge for her.

P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at: www.getgirls.com

Answers to Why Your Dating Life Sucks

Sometimes your dating life will get tough and you will find yourself constantly failing to succeed with single women. It seems like everything that you do turns to crap.

When this happens, you need to look inward and do a self-analysis of what's going on in your life and why you keep striking out with single women. You need to ask yourself some hard questions as to why your personality and behavior is turning women off. After all you are accountable as to what is happening or not happening in your love or sex life.

Don't fall into the trap of denying or placing blame on others as to why your dating life is in the doldrums. Don't keep saying to yourself, "This shouldn't be happening to me. I'm such a great guy and women should be falling all over me."

Accept the fact that it is happening and map out a strategy to correct it. Deal with it!

Chances are, it's your negative behavior that is turning women off. You're doing something to scare them away. I'm sure if you will do a self-analysis and take a long hard look at yourself, you will discover these negative personality and behavior traits that are turning women off. Once you discover what these are, you can take steps to eliminate them from your life. Replace them with positive traits that attract single women and you will be succeeding with women beyond your wildest dreams.

P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at: www.getgirls.com

A Method to Meet Single Using a Friend

Are you a bit shy when it comes to approaching single women? Don't feel lonesome, this is a very common problem among lots of men.

I want to tell you about a method of approaching single women that will eliminate the pressure of approaching women that you are attracted to and would like to meet.

Before I reveal this method, keep this very important fact in mind. Single women want to meet you just as much as you want to meet them. And the best way to meet them is to do it in a way that doesn't appear to them that you are trying to pick them up.

Here's a good way to accomplish this:

You will need a friend to help you do this. Wherever you happen to be and you see a woman you would like to meet, have your friend walk over to her and say, "I have a friend who thinks you are very pretty and would like to meet you. May I introduce him to you?"

Most likely she won't object to meeting you and your friend will simply escort her over to you to introduce you. Then you turn on your charm and take it from there.

In closing, try this system of using a friend to help you meet women. It works!

P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at: www.getgirls.com

Single Women Who Dodge Kisses

Saturday, December 18, 2021 | 0 comments »

A Guide to Kissing on First Dates

I want to talk about women who dodge kisses, especially on a first date.

Let me give you an example of what I mean about women dodging kisses:

You're on your first date and at some point during the date or at the end of the date you make an attempt to kiss her on the lips. However, she turns her head away and your attempt fails. At this point, don't keep trying, because you will only make her feel uncomfortable and angry with you.

So, why is she rejecting your attempt to kiss her?

- It can be as simple as her rule to not kiss on the first date. Respect her rule if this is the case.

- She may not want to kiss you because she is not attracted to you yet.

- She may think you are moving too fast for her for kissing so soon.

- She may want to get to know you better before she will allow you to kiss her.

To sum it up, if she turns her head when you try to kiss her, don't force the issue, especially on a first date. Just try and kiss her again on your next date.

Be patient guys, once you develop some chemistry, there will be lots of kissing and intimacy. Nature will take its course.

P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at: www.getgirls.com

Awesome System for Scoring with Single Women

This week I want to focus on a system to help you succeed with women.

I'm a firm believer in monitoring and keeping track of every area of my life. What I suggest you do is keep a "Success Journal."

Buy you a notebook and label it, "My Success Journal." Then record in it your successes with women such as:

1.What techniques and methods that worked for you in meeting, attracting, and seducing women.

2. How you did it in detail, step-by-step.

3. What happened?

By keeping records you will be able to see a pattern of methods and techniques that worked for you to score with women. Once you find a system for meeting, attracting, and seducing women that works for you, you can repeat these techniques on an ongoing basis to guarantee your success with women.

Also, you can keep track of methods and techniques to score with women that are not working for you. This way you can avoid using the strategies that are leading to failure with women.

P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at: www.getgirls.com

Avoid These Conversation Blunders When Talking to Single Women

When talking to single women on your first few dates there are going to be some subjects that she will not want to discuss. These can be topics that bring back bad memories, causes her pain, things she's trying to forget about, or just plain thinks it's none of your business.

Trust me guys, when a woman says that she doesn't want to talk about a certain subject, that's exactly what she means. Just change the subject and respect her wishes.

As an example, you ask her if she has ever been married before and you start asking her questions about her marriage and she says she doesn't want to talk about it. You ignore her request and all during your date you go on and on questioning her about her previous marriage. And she continues to tell you that she doesn't want to talk about.

At some point she is going to be pissed off at you for trying to pry information out of her on a subject she does not want to discuss. You make a fool of yourself and she does not care to see you again. It's just not worth it guys. Just shut up when she says she does not want to talk about something.

In my opinion you should avoid talking about highly sensitive and personal issues on your first date few dates, especially previous relationships.

P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at: www.getgirls.com

Avoid Talking About Sex on First Dates

This week I want to focus on talking about sex on first dates.

I can't think of a better way to turn single women off, have her lose respect for you, and make her not want to see you again.

I know you probably think about sex most of time and you may not see any harm in expressing your feelings about sex while on a date.

Once you get to know a girl she may feel more comfortable talking about sex, but doing this on your very first date is taboo.

Here are some examples of questions and comments pertaining to sex you must never ask or discuss on a first date:

  • How are you in bed?
  • How many sex partners have you had?
  • How many one-night stands have you had?
  • Do you believe in having sex on the first date?
  • Are you horny tonight?
  • Can I spend the night with you?
  • Will you make love to me?
  • Talk about what a strong sex drive you have.
  • Talk about what a great lover you are.

Trust me guys, single women don't like it when you get too sexually aggressive on a first date. Even worse is all during the date; all you can talk about is sex or things of a sexual nature. When you do this, she will get the impression that all you want to do is use women for sex and you treat women like a piece of meat.

When you focus too much on sex, it shows that you don't have much respect for her. You'll make a much better impression on her by being a complete gentleman and keep your hormones in check (being romantic is just fine, just don't get too sexual).

In closing, I can almost guarantee you that if you come on too strong sexually on your first date; you really hurt your chances for a second date.

Your best strategy is to take things slow and let nature take its course. It takes time to develop a relationship and when you both develop chemistry and attraction towards each other, intimacy follows.

P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at: www.getgirls.com

A Few Kissing Tips for First Dates with Single Women

This week I want to talk about that awkward moment at the end of a date when you're not sure on how to go about getting a kiss.

First of all, it's very important to know that some single women have a rule that they don't kiss on the first date. I don't agree with this rule and think a kiss would be a nice way to end a date. But, you must play by and respect her rules.

Sometimes you can just tell by the chemistry between you that you are going to kiss at the end of the date, if not before. Other times you will have to use your own judgement and read her body language.

If you start to kiss her lips and she turns away, offers her cheek, or offers to give you a hug instead, don't take it personally. She may not feel comfortable enough with you to kiss you. She may have the no kissing on the first date rule, she may have a cold, or she just may not feel any attraction towards you.

Lastly, don't try to force a kiss. This will only piss her off. And she may not even want to date you again because you did not respect her wishes of not wanting to be kissed for whatever reason.

In closing, I hope you don't hold it against a woman if she will not kiss you at the end of your first date. There will be plenty of time for kissing and intimacy on later dates once you get to know each other and establish some physical chemistry.

It's really sad that some guys won't ask a girl out again if she won't give him a kiss at the end of the first date. Give romance a chance! Don't give up so early in the game! First dates are normally just for getting to know each other and not for intimacy. There are exceptions to the rule (one-night stands and sex on the first date comes to mind).

P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at: www.getgirls.com

Do You Talk Too Much?

Sunday, December 12, 2021 | 0 comments »

Awesome Advice on How to Talk to Single

This week I want to discuss a personality trait that can turn single women off when on a date. What is it? It's talking too much (diarrhea of the mouth).

I know you may be saying to yourself, "What's wrong with that, I love to talk." What I'm getting at is guys who talk on and on during the whole date and hog all of the conversation, not letting his date gets a word in.

Because of your total domination of the conversation, she will eventually feel ignored and unimportant. She will think you have no concern about her feelings. Also, she may feel that all you care about is yourself (self-centered).

Also, she may get so frustrated because you won't let her talk, she will just give up on trying to talk to you and remain silent. Then when the date is over she will feel relieved. She will say to herself, "Thank God that date is over with and I never want to go out with that creep again."

So think about this. Put yourself in her shoes. How would you feel if you went out with a girl who incessantly talked throughout the whole date and never gave you a chance to say anything? Wouldn't you feel ignored?

In closing, give your date equal time to talk! Don't hog all the conversation. Share your thoughts on an equal basis. Talk awhile and then let her talk and express herself. A 50/50 basis would be great if possible.

And let me leave you with this final important tip: Be a good listener! Single women love a guy who listens with genuine interest. One of women's biggest complaints about men is that they are poor listeners.

P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at: www.getgirls.com

How to Break Up with Your Girlfriend

I know last week, I wrote an article on breaking up with women. This subject is so important; I wanted to pass along some more valuable information on that subject that unfortunately you will have to deal with when you play the dating game:

Many women defy the laws of gravity: they are easy to pick up and though to drop. This is especially the case of those with deep affection dependency (and therefore often smokers).

Often, it will take you a long time to make up your mind, to make the decision to leave her and then to put it into effect. However, once you have made up your mind, do not procrastinate. Most women have hard-wired psychological perception and they will know your loss of interest long before you actually allow it to show, all the more so once you have made the decision to part. Some may make a last chance attempt to keep you or try to exact vengeance. Expect anything!

So discretely plan ahead and leave them no time to react in an aggressive or desperate way. If need be, make a checklist of the items you will need to collect - you may not be given another chance! If you live separately, pick up the things you left at hers (not necessarily all at once but in a few moves), surreptitiously collect your home key if she's got a copy (or be ready to change your locks).

If you live together, consider leaving her the home if possible. Have then a place ready where you can move at any time and live for a while. If not, be ready to be a gentleman and to cover the unexpected expenses she will inevitably meet. Don't ever ever think of such brutal and rude actions such as locking her out or moving while she's away!! Be very aware that some of these actions move you past the no-return frontier!

When you think you're ready - and at any cost before she finds out what's coming - explain your decision to her in a very clear, calm, unassertive way. Make it short. Don't be lured into giving an explanation, it will usually lead to misinterpretation and more aggressive behavior on her part. Just say she's not the woman of your life.

Don't feel guilty for what you're doing. Don't make her feel guilty either (refrain from saying such sententious things as "only a fool could love you", "you would make a bad mother/wife", "I never told you how stupid/ugly you are", "I wonder how I could fall in love with you", which will deeply harm her and make her want to strike back - and also are double edged knives).

However, guilt is one of the weapons a woman is likely to use to keep you. "Knowing the trap is the first step in avoiding it" (Sun Tzu). If she manages to make you feel bad, know that it's probably a trick to bring you back (or maybe you have a genuine reason to feel bad!). If she threatens suicide to blackmail you, stay with her as long as you can, watch her, alert one of her friends to stay with her, but don't take your decision back. Never say you don't care, never claim she won't do it anyway (she may want to prove you wrong), never offer to move back (it makes you an instant looser and very likely to get the boot in the near future), just let her cool her temper, then leave.

Remember: these are difficult circumstances don't make them worse. Be a gentleman, it will make her less likely to strike you back (all the more since you may not see vengeance coming until it's too late). Maybe after a while you can be just friends again. Leaving someone is integral part of the love game; harming and messing up is not. Just think of how you would like to be treated for you will not always be the one who quits. Think also of your male counterparts: if you harm her unnecessarily, she may not be able or willing to find a new partner before long, and you could also find yourself having a hard time wooing a girl who has been messed up by her previous partner.

In a nutshell, be firm, be careful, be a gentleman. This article contributed by Thomas (thomas.M@bigfoot.com)

Advice on How to Break Up with Single Women

It is a sad fact of life, but there will be times when you have to end a relationship. You have to make some tough choices in life and this is one of them. It's hard to dump someone. Personally, I'd rather have a root canal.

It's such a difficult situation and sometimes you just don't know how the other party will react. How will she take it? Will she be angry and slash your tires? Will she try to get even with you? Will she continue to hound you about getting back together? You just don't know. Maybe she will be relieved, because she wanted to break up too.

So, how should you break the news to her? Let me explain the worst way to do it: Whatever you do, don't tell her the relationship is over by email. This is the easy way out and a coward's way to do it and not a suitable way to do it. Be a man and do it in person or over the telephone.

If you do it in person, I prefer to do it this way: Break the news to her in public such as at the end of eating lunch or dinner together. By doing this in public, she is much less likely to make a scene.

P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at: www.getgirls.com

A Few Tips on Prolonging Relationships

It has always amazed me how so many potential relationships just fizzle out. They start out great, but once the initial romance and infatuation phase wears off then you begin to lose interest in each other. Why?

Well, sometimes it's because one or both parties don't put forth the effort to keep the relationship alive. It takes a lot of work to find and start a relationship, but it also takes a lot of work to sustain one.

The point I'm trying to make is that you shouldn't give up on a relationship after the glamour has worn off. Don't wrongly assume that you have no future with her because the relationship is not as exciting as it was in the beginning.

You must do your part to nurture the relationship and keep the fires burning. Don't take her for granted just because you've been dating a few weeks. You must make a continuous effort to romance her and keep her attracted to you. Show and tell how much you care for her.

In closing, I would like to give you some more advice. Give a relationship time to develop.

I have made a lot of mistakes in the past by dumping women after just a few dates. I didn't take the time to get to know them and find out what they were like on the inside where it counts. At the time my brain was between my legs and all I was interested in was using single women just for sex, then move on to my next conquest (victim). This I'm not proud of to admit. I'm much older now and much wiser and interested in what women are like on the inside.

P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at: www.getgirls.com

Duplicating Other Men's Techniques to Succeed with Women

This week I want to focus on a method of succeeding with single women that is virtually guaranteed to work. I call it the "role model" method of succeeding with women. Here's how it works:

Do you have a male companion that's very popular with women and is always meeting, attracting, and scoring with the opposite sex? If you do, then that's great! You can use him as your role model. Pick his brains and find out what he is doing that makes him so successful with women. Then when you find out what he is doing, you do the same thing he is doing.

By doing what he is doing, you can enjoy the same success he is having. Also, go on girl-hunting expeditions with him and watch him in action. Observe what he says, how he acts, his body language, how girls react to him, etc. Learn by observation what he is doing and you can duplicate his success.

If you don't have a male friend that is successful with women that you can use as a role model, then observe men at the places you go to meet single women that are obviously doing pretty well with the ladies. Pull him off to the side and ask him if he will share his secrets with you on how he successfully meets, attracts, and dates women. Then, just duplicate what he is doing.

After you have success with women by duplicating what your role model does, be sure and observe what is working for you. Stay with what is working for you. Success will breed more success and you will build a lot of confidence.

P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at: www.getgirls.com

A Few Tips for Succeeding with Single Women

This week I would like to focus on putting in the time and effort to succeed with single women.

There are a number of reasons why you may fail at trying to find a woman to have a meaningful relationship with. Probably the biggest reason is giving up prematurely.

Here's the perspective I like to use as an example when looking for a special lady to become intimate with. Let's use this comparison:

Single women that you want and desire are like gold and diamonds. And you may wrongly think that all you have to do is stumble into a gold or diamond mine to find them. It doesn't work this way, my friend. You have to invest a lot of time, effort, money and equipment to mine those gold and diamonds.

And so it is with finding women. You have to invest a lot of time and effort to find them. You must put forth consistent and persistent effort until you succeeds. When you encounter obstacles, you find a way to go through, around or over the obstacles. You will not be stopped in your efforts to get the women you desire.

Always give it your best effort in your pursuit of women. Out there is some hot and sexy single woman who wants and needs you and through continued effort you will connect with her.

In closing remember these quotes:

"Quitters never win and winners never quit."

"When things begin to look bad, a change for the better is just over the horizon."

"When the going gets tough, the tough get going."

P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at: www.getgirls.com

Iron Man (2012 - Remaster)

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