AQUARIUS single women (January 20 - February 18) - Very intelligent and you must appeal to her mind. Can be very elusive and afraid of commitment. There are a lot of bachelorettes born under this sign and they usually marry late in life.

She's a strong believer in friendship and will remain your friend even after you have broken up. Keep in mind that they can be a little cold- natured, so if you're expecting a hot & sexy passionate sex-goddess, then you may be disappointed.

When talking about things that excite and interest you, here are some pitfalls you'll want to avoid:

1. Don't dominate the conversation with your own enthusiasms. Be sensitive to how much time you devote to your own subject without hearing again from the other person. It's alright to let her know what turns you on, but be aware that she may not necessarily want to hear everything you have to say about that topic.

2. Avoid Jargon or technical terms when discussing topics with her and she isn't familiar with the subject. You can give her an inside look at what excites you about the topic, rather than overly specific details.

3. Be careful not to lecture or try to "sell" her on what you believe in, regardless of how strongly you believe in it or how important you feel it is. She may want to learn more about a subject that interests you, but they don't necessarily wish to be converted to your point of view.

4. Don't tell personal secrets in the early stages of a friendship with a woman. Of course, it's flattering to her to be told something confidential, but if this is early on in a friendship, the person is likely to think, "If he tells me such personal things right off, he probably tells everyone." Wait until the time is right, and you've established trust.

5. Don't try to override her point of view with your superior knowledge of a subject. Be receptive to her point of view and listen to what she has to say. Then, when it's your turn to give your opinion, she will be more receptive and open to your ideas.

“Weren’t you on the David Letterman show a couple of weeks ago?”

“I think you’re the light at the end of my tunnel.”

Bring your camera with you and when you see a pretty girl you’d like to meet try this: “I would like to take your picture.”

If you wear a beeper, approach a woman and say, “Did you know that when I look at you, my beeper starts vibrating?”

“I’m writing a book on opening lines. Which ones would work on you?”

The trick in dealing with topless dancers is to beat them at their own game. They become the one that gets manipulated! With this book, you have all the tools necessary to manipulate and seduce them. Keep in mind, too, that they're always searching for a bigger, better deal, always. If you're the guy who can provide it, they're open for possibilities. As a matter of fact, you can get so good at connecting with topless dancers, that you can have a ten minute conversation with them and be dating them that evening. No kidding. That's what this book can do for you.
Drive Women Wild for Sex with Powerful Pheromone Cologne
Now, let's discuss how dancers will use you away from the club. Don't be fooled into thinking that just because you've gotten a dancers phone number and she's agreed to go out with you that you're on your way to getting laid. This is not necessarily true. Dancers will take advantage of you and just use you for free dinners, entertainment, and excitement with no intention whatsoever of going to bed with you. They are particularly known to do this to older men. So, how do you avoid being taken for a ride? Be up front with them in the beginning and tell them you're not interested in going to bed with them and you want to establish a friendship. Then, hopefully nature will take it's course and your friendship will develop into a love affair. If things just don't work out, move on to your next conquest. There's plenty of hot & sexy dancers to pursue.
You need to be aware that some dancers are looking for a "Sugar Daddy," with no sex involved. They will string you along, making you think they will sleep with you but they will not go to bed with you and just use you for money and material possessions. If you just want their company with no sex, then maybe you can tolerate this arrangement. It's going to cost you a lot of money though. I'll end this section with this statement, "Don't be a sucker!"
This article is an excerpt from our book, "How to Pick Up Topless Dancers." For more details on this book and how to order it please Click Here.

Do you find yourself pondering and stalling when you see a hot & sexy woman you would like to approach and meet?

When you experience procrastination that prevents you from making the first move to meet women, repeat this self-starting statement to yourself: "DO IT NOW!" Then immediately take action and approach her.

Guys, I just can't express to you enough how important it is to develop a "DO IT NOW" mentality for succeeding with women. If you can master this habit, it will give you a boost in personal initiative to taking action to meet and approach women.

Plus, by having this "take charge" attitude, you will have an advantage over other guys. Why? Because a lot of guys are passive, shy, reticent, and stand around with their thumb up their ass when it comes to approaching women. Women will admire you for having the balls to take the initiative in meeting them and they like confident men.

The power of confidence with single women...confidence in your voice, posture, manner, your total personality, has a tremendous power and glamour in getting along with single women, but it can't work if it's completely phony. It has to be sincere.

Yet, no matter how lacking you are in confidence you can gain it surely, firmly, genuinely. It is gained the same way learning and growing is gained. You learn...that is, you can learn...from a book, but not merely by reading it. You have to master it, live it, practice it, make it part of your blood, flesh, nerves. Then it is yours!

Every time you give yourself a modest, attainable goal, but one which does require some effort and some courage, and you accomplish it, you build another pound of confidence into your bones, flesh and fiber and nervous system - where it must grow and develop if it is to be genuine and durable.

How to you start? Give yourself a small immediate goal and carry it out. Then go on to bigger and better things. If you are afraid of and shy around single women, take out any woman, and every woman, as often as you can. Each time pat yourself on the back mentally and feel yourself grow more relaxed and secure in the company of single women. Set a goal of getting a date with that single woman you're attracted to at the office, that waitress you like at the restaurant you visit often, that bartender at the club you hang out at, that checker at the supermarket that gets you all hot & bothered, etc. and ask her! Whether she accepts or turns you down, at least be gratified that you were able to carry through the action of asking, of going out and trying to get a date for yourself, on your own.

If you have an address book with some single eligible women in it, call them up and ask them for a date. It does not matter if you saw her a long time ago and did not hit it off or a woman who refused you for a date, make yourself call her and ask her out again!

Set yourself a goal of talking to a strange single woman at the supermarket, laundromat, at a concert, while standing in line at the movie, women sitting at the bar, single women on the bus, single women standing in the street, single women in the elevator, just anywhere and everywhere today! Even if it never gets further than a few casual comments exchanged between you, it will build your confidence and
skill and prepare you for more ambitious goals next time. You build confidence by doing in small ways and forcing yourself forward to gradually bigger and bigger goals! Like meeting, dating, attracting, and seducing any single sexy woman you desire!

The following is a guide to use in overcoming your shyness with single women at nightclubs. Follow these steps and you can overcome your shyness and start picking up women instead of standing on the sidelines watching other men meet, approach, attract, pick up, and seduce women in nightclubs.

One of the biggest roadblocks to a shy man in picking up women is fear. Fear that he will be rejected, fear that he won't know what to say, and fear that he won't know how to act.

Believe me, there is nothing to fear but fear itself. Fear and anxiety will produce distinct psychological consequences and if there's anything that's going to hinder your success in picking up single women, it is going to be fear.

The fear of being rejected by a woman can paralyze your attempts to pick up women. Accept the fact that you're going to get rejected some of the time. Just because a woman rejects you it does not make you worthless. There can be many different reasons why a woman may not be interested in you at any given moment. Most of these reasons have little or nothing to do with you as a person.

Being rejected by a woman is just a risk you will have to take and if a woman does reject you, it's not the end of the world.

Keep this in mind if single women at a nightclub reject you. No matter how many women are not interested in you, you must remember there are many other women at nightclubs, many of who would be delighted to know you.