Your ability to persist in the face of setbacks and temporary failures is essential to your success with women.
Say to yourself I will no longer be chained to the past, past relationships, lost loves, and bad experiences in my past.
Once you start making changes, no matter how small, suddenly everything seems possible. - Oprah Winfrey
If you commute by train, plane, bus, subways, etc. there will be golden opportunities to meet women. Be sure and sit next to them and talk.
I just can't express to you enough how important it is to like yourself. The reason I say this is because if you don't like yourself, you will give off bad vibrations to women you encounter and they won't like you either.
The key to commanding respect from single women is to become a man you like being around. And a good way of doing this is to pick out men that you admire and identify the good qualities that you admire in them and make a strong, determined effort to develop these same qualities in yourself.
And when you become the man you want to be, your self-respect will skyrocket! Always remember that you are in charge of your life. You determine what kind of a person you want to be for good or bad.
If you do really fancy a woman who is taller than you there is still hope. Remember that women prefer personality to looks. If you have personality you may be able to dazzle her with it and overcome her natural preference for taller men. You will have to work very hard at it though as it is likely she will not be as responsive and open to you as she would be from an approach from a taller man.
If you have a sense of humor she can relate to or some other personality traits she cannot resist you still have a chance. You had better be quick of the mark because if your fantastic personality doesn't come to the fore quickly you'll find she'll soon tire of you and begin to look elsewhere.
There are exceptions to the rule that women prefer men the same height as them or taller but 9 times out of 10 you will find women in the company of men who are taller than them. My ex-wife is an example of this as she is 5' 8" and I am 5' 6". Height had nothing to do with our relationship, either in the courting or separating
stages but I find this is the exception rather than the rule.
What is the secret ingredient that will attract you to women without you uttering a single word irrespective of what you wear or what you do for a living or how overweight you may be? It is your HEIGHT. How tall you are is very, very important to women. Now before all you short guys go out and commit suicide I will tell you there are still many women you can date and marry.
When you think about height being important I can imagine a lot of you guys getting very angry. If you are overweight you can go on a diet and lose weight to become more attractive to women. If you are poor you may be able to get a job or gain a promotion to become richer. You can then dress better. If you smoke you can give up the cigarettes and if you are an alcoholic you can give up the booze. There is no damn way you are going to get any taller though. Wearing shoes with high heels just accentuates your lack of height and telegraphs to both men and women how self-conscious you are about your height.
So you get angry at women wanting something in you that you can't change. That is the way I felt but the solution is to date women that are the same height as you or
shorter. Easy.
How to Tell if a Single Woman is Interested in You
Monday, August 30, 2010 | Dating Tips | 0 comments »
I would like to share some information to single men on how to tell if a single woman is not interested in you. These are signs to look for:
1. She won't make herself available. Even though they may sound like valid excuses, if she were interested, she would make herself available to see you. If arranging a date to get together becomes a struggle and you are the only one working on the problem, move on.
2. Conversations will be awkward and forced. After all, you are the only one trying to keep it going.
3. Conversations and the tone in her voice will be neutral. Not necessarily negative, but they will be absent of that up-beat positive mood that an interested girl gives.
The important thing to remember is that most single girls don't want to hurt your feelings. So, if they aren't interested, they will be just neutral in their tone and expect you to pick up the fact that there is an absence of a "come on" in their manner. Many men will assume that since a girl hasn't come out and said "drop dead," then maybe she is interested.
Don't forget, if you aren't sure whether or not a girl is interested in you, then she probably is not. When a girl is interested, she will let you know.
More Advice on What to do if Your Girlfriend Dumps You
Saturday, August 28, 2010 | Dating Tips | 0 comments »1. Block out of your mind all the good times you had. Just focus on the negative and bad times (her bitchy moods, her always nagging you, standing you up for dates, refusing to have sex with you, telling her you love her and she does not say anything in return, her not returning your calls, her flirting with other guys when you go out, her unsightly nose hairs, her fat ass, all your arguments, etc.). After some serious thinking, you may come to realize that you had mostly bad times and things worked out for the best by you getting out of an unhappy relationship.
2. Be sure and hide or destroy any love letters or cards she may have given to you.
3. Return any gifts she may given to you. You don't need the reminders of her and I would consider throwing them away or donating them to the needy.
4. Don't listen to the crying in your beer songs or songs that you shared together. Listen only to upbeat music that will cheer you up. Laying around listening to sad songs is only going to make you feel worse. If you can, avoid going to places that will remind you of your ex.
Newsgroup Personals for Single Men
Wednesday, August 25, 2010 | Playing the Personals | 0 comments »
Listed here are some great Newsgroup Personals to meet single women on the Net. There are more and more single women getting online and I would strongly recommend placing some ads and answering ads. You've got nothing to lose and who knows, you just might get lucky. Print this list and using your news browser, subscribe to these newsgroups. Some newsgroups may not be in your area, but don't be concerned because long-distance relationships can be a lot of fun. I've had plenty of successful long-distance relationships and used the personals for years to meet hot & sexy single women from all over the U.S.
Just do a search on Google Groups to find information on the groups to meet women:
alt.personals.big-folks (big people)
alt.personals.fat (fat people)
alt.personals.fetish (people with sex fetishes)
alt.personals.herpes (people with herpes)
alt.personals.intercultural (intercultural/foreign relations)
alt.personals.jewish (to meet Jewish single women)
alt.personals.latinas (to meet Latina single women)
alt.personals.misc (telephone relationships wanted)
alt.personals.poly (people wanting multiple partners)
alt.personals.spanking (people into spanking)
alt.personals.tall (tall people)
austin.personals (Austin Area of Texas) (San Franciso Bay Area of California)
ba.personals (San Francisco Bay Area of California)
dc.romance (Washington, D.C. Area) (Delaware Area) (Dallas, Ft. Worth Area of Texas)
dfw.personals (Dallas Ft. Worth Area of Texas)
chi.personals (Chicago Area)
Amazing Subliminal Music CD's Seduce Women and Make Them Want to Have Sex!
la.personals (Los Angeles Area of California)
houston.personals (Houston Area of Texas) (Houston Area of Texas)
md.personals (Maryland Area) (New England Area)
nv.personals (Nevada Area) (Nevada Area) (New York City Area)
nyc.personals (New York City Area) (Ontario Canada Area) (Ottawa Canada Area) (Portand Area of Oregon) (Pittsburgh Area of Pennsylvania) (Philidelphia Area of Pennsylvania)
pnw.personals (Pacific Northwest Area) (Sacramento Area of California)
sat.personals (San Antonio Area of Texas) (San Diego Area of California)
sdnet.personals (San Diego Area of California)
slo.personals (San Luis Obispo Area of California)
torfee.personals (Toronto Canada Freenet Personals)
uk.adverts.personals (United Kingdom)
vegas.personals (Las Vegas Area of Nevada)