Saturday, October 09, 2010 | | 0 comments »

I was using the online Personals for a while and met a great girl and was seeing her for about 1 year. Then we grew apart and the rest is history.

Since breaking up with her (September 2001), I once again jumped into the online personals. In the 8 months on there, I have had 7 dates. 5 were lost causes and 2 were good. I ended up sleeping with the 2 good ones after the third date.

So, to me the online thing has been a success. As I get to meet plenty of different women (although not all of them I am attracted to).

My advice to people out there is as follows:

List your likes and what you like to do for fun. Don’t tell women how much of a great, caring, sweet, sensitive person you are. Be a Man tell them what you like. And they can decide if they enjoy the same things.

ALWAYS get a photo (full body shot if possible). I have been out with a few women who say they have a "average" body with curves in the right places. Well to me a size 16, with a fat ass, fat belly and chunky legs does not constitute a normal sized girl.

Girls love it when I would list questions for them to answer (about 5 or 6 each email). Don’t really know why they just do. Most would say they ‘love it when I listed question for them to answer.". Non -threatening ones to start with. Such as "Ultimate dream career?", "What do you want to do when you grow up?", "If you could holiday anywhere in the world where would it be?"

Again, as always, "bust their balls."

And act like you are verifying them and that they have to prove their worth to you. It drives them nuts and confuses the shit out of them. I would say, "You seem like a pretty nice girl, but who knows, when I meet you, you might be one of those cyber fruit loops." And keep up this verifying attitude. They have to prove themselves to you.


Todd, Australia.

P.S. Guys, don’t think money, looks, a new car, etc. will attract women. I am 23 years old, earn AU $65,000 pa, a project manager, have a brand new PT Cruiser, building my first house and live in an exclusive area in Melbourne, above average looking (7 or 8) and graduated with 1st Class Honors from a University. But, I still don’t get women coming after me. I understand that it is confidence and me approaching them that will get me the girls. Which I am still working on. So don’t be too down on yourselves if you aren’t rich.

1001 Best Pick Lines

Thursday, October 07, 2010 | | 0 comments »

Has this ever happen to you? Everyday you see tons of hot & sexy beautiful single women you’d love to meet and talk to but you don’t know what to say...or when you do approach women to meet them you get tongue-tied or even worse, you just freeze up.

Well, that’s a thing of the past because now with the help of my new ground-breaking Ebook, "1001 Best Pick-Up Lines," you can turn those chance encounters with all those beautiful women of your dreams into romance.

It’s really a sad fact of life that so many opportunities for thousands of wonderful intimate relationships are lost each day because men simply don’t know what to say to women they encounter in their every day lives. The problem is, these golden opportunities to meet women are wasted because a lot of men don’t know what to say to turn these chance encounters with all those girls of their dreams into romance.

That’s why I wrote this Ebook to help all those men that get tongue-tied with women or don’t know what to say when they meet or approach women. I have provided you with 1001 very effective and tested pick-up lines and conversation starters to help you break the ice and have you meeting more women, getting more dates, attracting and seducing more single women, and filling your life with more love, romance, and good times.

For more details on my book that I wrote to help you talk to women please Click Here.

I would like to share some information for single men on how to tell if a single woman is interested in you:

1. She will put herself in your way - she will make herself available. If she says no to a date, she will go out of her way to make sure you know she wants you to ask again.

2. Conversations will continue and flow even when you don't have things in common.

3. She will be looking at you - making eye contact and smiling.

4. She will initiate conversation, make compliments, and say positive things about you.

5.The tone in her voice will show interest and excitement.

In general, the mood when she is with you will be up and positive, instead of just neutral.

What are single women obsessed with and crazy about? It's jewelry. Look in any woman's jewelry box, drawers, etc. and you will find tons of jewelry. You will find rings, watches, pendants, broaches, etc.

So, what does this have to do with you meeting, dating, and attracting single women? It has a lot to do with making a good impression on women and I will tell you why:

First of all, take a look at the watch that you wear when you're going out to meet single women or the watch that you wear when going out on a date.

Are you wearing a cheap, ugly watch that you bought at K-Mart for $19.99? Are you wearing those cheap watches with the vinyl wrist bands? Are you wearing your sports diving watch?

Don't do it! And I'll explain why and what watches you should be wearing to attract single women.

You might not be aware of this, but being that single women are so interested in jewelry, they tend to judge men by the watch they wear. You may not think this is fair, but trust me, you will be judged on first appearances. If you are wearing a cheap, ugly watch, this can send a message to her that you may be cheap and have no class. This is not good for scoring points!

Am I saying that you have to go out and buy a Rolex? No.

What I suggest is spending around a hundred bucks to buy you an attractive watch. Two brands that I highly recommend are Fossil and Guess watches. They look expensive and classy.

Try on a silver, gold, or silver and gold watch to see which one looks best on you. If you are by yourself, ask the sales clerk for their opinion on which one looks best on you. Also, stay away from leather bands. They can scratch easily and some of them look cheap.

There's a myth that a lot of guys fall for that causes a lot of undue stress and anxiety. It's the myth that if only I could find a girlfriend I will be happy. Don't fall for this guys!

Guess who is responsible for your happiness? You are. You must learn to be happy and contented with yourself. You are the only one who can make you happy. You just can't expect women that you become involved with, to be responsible for your happiness.

It's really sad that a lot of men live in misery, thinking that they will be so happy when a woman comes into their life to make them happy. Trust me, you can be happy while you are waiting for that special to come into your life. And, if you find the right woman, she will add to that happiness.

Well, I hope you get my point. Don't spend your life waiting around for someone to come into your life to make you happy. Make yourself happy and don't depend on others to do this. And remember, "happiness comes from within."

Test your resourcefulness, your ingenuity, and your presence of mind...when
faced with one of "life's little surprises" when dating women.

6. At work, a single woman loudly announces to her friends that she would accept an invitation from "anyone" to a certain dance club. She is looking in your direction and she seems to have taken pains to ensure you will overhear her. You scarcely know the woman, and had not even considered approaching her. What to do?

7. As the office party breaks up, amidst considerable noise and confusion, a woman you hardly know grabs you and kisses you on the lips, hard (you rather enjoy the sensation). Is she drunk, or does this indicate genuine interest in you?

8. The woman you have been going out with consistently shows up late for dates, at times an hour or more. She always has an excuse, but you are beginning to get somewhat annoyed.

9. As you pass a group of single young women on the street, one of them makes a rather suggestive remark about you, to the accompaniment of raucous laughter from the others.

10. The disastrous blind date scenario. A good friend has set you up with "the perfect woman for you". You talked with her on the phone and seemed to hit it off. When you show up at the rendezvous, here is this alluring Hollywood film star wannabe in a tight fitting sweater, reeking of expensive perfume, literally oozing glamour, and flaunting her good looks. She takes one look at you and visibly recoils. She seemed to have been expecting a male counterpart, and her distaste for
you is all too plain.

Here are the corresponding numbered answers to match the questions:

5. Talk is cheap. Stay noncommittal, and let her carry the burden of the conversation.

6. This is a double whammy. On the one hand, she is displaying behavior typical of a giggly teenager. On the other, she is making it perfectly clear that she would be using you only as a convenience, to provide an escort for her into the club, and that any generic male would do as well. Let her find another victim.

7. The next working day, flowers for her arrive at the office, with an unsigned card saying; "The kiss lingers".

8. You seem to be number 468 on her list of priorities. Have a long talk with her, but realize the relationship may be in serious trouble.

9. Rudeness has become a national epidemic. Consider this a minor annoyance, the equivalent of bird droppings falling on you from the sky. Keep walking.

10. "I'm not quite what you were expecting, Leila. It does appear that we are quite unsuited for each other, and I would be most happy to relieve you of the obligation of spending the evening with me."

Try these opening lines to meet women:

When you are in your canoe on a river or lake, go along the bank where a pretty girl is and say, “Would you like to go for a ride on my yacht?”

“Hi. The voices I heard in my head told me to come right over and talk to you.”

“I’d like to be your Romeo. Would you be my Juliet?”

“What part of town do you live in?”

See a pretty girl at work you would like to meet? Try this: “Hi, my name is__________. I work in the __________dept. I wanted to meet you so I could invite you to come to the annual company picnic/banquet with me.”