Yes it does! Particularly if you are not a pushy type of a person. The actual opening lines can be quite simple, but it takes real courage to approach a stranger and push your will upon her, by claiming her time and attention. It is the type of confrontation that most people try to avoid. But it is best that you face up to the facts, so you'll know what to expect. Don't let anyone tell you it is an easy thing to do.
It is like some other unpleasant little chores you sometimes have to perform. You must resign yourself to the task, grit your teeth, take a deep breath, and then plunge in.
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But it isn't all that bad. Particularly if you consider the rewards. Besides, we will show you a few wrinkles that remove some of the pressure.
But don't fall into the trap of thinking you can dodge the confrontation by taking some easy way out. Something like waiting for an attractive girl to give you some form of encouragement first. Wouldn't that make it all so much easier? Forget it. It rarely happens. You have to be bold enough to make your own opportunities. Or be prepared to settle for less desirable female companionship.

Though most women will deny it, women are very competitive. They love to prove the superiority of their seductive abilities by being the one to catch the man that all the girls want. Women love to show off their date when they know all of their friends are envious. The lure of competing for the popular guy is strong indeed.
Being seen with a girl is probably the single most important thing a man can do to help his image. It says that you have things going for you, that you know how to treat a woman, and that you are a catch - and it states all of this without you uttering a single word. But how does this help you if you don't already have a girlfriend or a date? Throughout the book, we will show you many ways to be seen with women and many ways to suggest that women find you attractive - even when you don't have a girlfriend.
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This is an excerpt from our best-selling book called, "A Man's Guide to Women."

NEAR A BACHELOR PARTY - There's just too many distractions here. It's too loud and all the men are acting so immature and like a bunch of animals. Plus the dancers are like vultures when they know a bachelor party is going on. They know the guys will be buying table dancers for the bachelor and this is how they make their money, so sit as far away as you can from a bachelor party. The only reason to sit next to this party is for voyeur purposes.

This atmosphere is just not conclusive for one-on-one encounters with the topless dancers. You want her focused on you without a lot of distractions or her looking out of the corner of her eye on how she can capitalize on the bachelor party next to you.

The Drinkaholic Woman - This is a woman who uses men to support a drinking habit. She may even come right out and ask you, "Would you buy me a drink?" upon meeting you. Most guys won't say no. After she finishes her drink she will say, "Can I have another drink?" One drink leads to another and before you know it, you have dished out a lot of money on her drinks.

This all can sure be to your advantage or disadvantage. On the positive side, she may go home with you in exchange for buying her drinks. She may get so drunk it may be necessary to take her home and put her to bed. Of course on the negative side she may just use you to buy her drinks and then blow you off and leave the nightclub or even move on to the next fool who will buy her drinks.

In conclusion, use your better judgement before you start dishing out a lot of money on buying a woman drinks. You could be taken for a ride. Fortunately, you will very rarely run into this type of woman.

This article is an excerpt from our best-selling book called, "The Complete Guide to Meeting Women" which I wrote.

It is of the greatest importance to realize that when you approach a girl, your every word need not be believable. Some men get so uptight about this. They say, "She will surely know I am faking when I approach and ask for help, or show interest in her work (or whatever)." They feel guilty, as if they are trying to deceive the girl, and they know she will see through it.

But don't worry. Of course the girl knows what you are up to. And she knows that you know she knows. (Sort that one out!) It is all a game. A ritual. You are saying certain things, but your message has nothing to do with your words. That is the way the game is played. The real message is to simply let her know you are attracted to her by approaching her in some way. All girls understand this.

As much as you can, you should try to act in a light-hearted manner during the courtship process. If you are a serious natured person you may find it hard to change, but you should at least make an effort to smile more often. This adjustment will usually improve your image.

Women's Seduction Powers

Tuesday, September 27, 2011 | | 0 comments »

The power of seduction is perhaps one of woman's strongest instincts. This drive probably goes back to ancient times when a woman seduced a man to gain protection and food in order to survive. Over the centuries this drive has evolved to become more subtle, but certainly not weaker. We see today even pre-school girls "seducing" their fathers to get what they want. Girls learn at an early age that men can be manipulated with nothing more than a little female attention.

Of course, the attention that women use translates to sexuality. But it doesn't even take a promise of sex - merely the hint or suggestion of sex is enough to manipulate or seduce a man into doing what a woman wants him to do. As a matter of fact, some women grow up finding so much success using their "charms" that seduction becomes second nature to them. Most often, they are not even aware that they are doing it. Usually these women grew up around men who were very susceptible to female attention, so that from an early age these women learned how to get what they wanted. So, if money is important to a man because with it he can get what he wants, in the same way, the power of seduction is important to a woman because with it she too can get things she wants.

What all this means to you, the man trying to understand women, is that women like to know they have that power of seduction. Women are very stimulated by an opportunity to affirm that power. They love a chase. They love a man who is a "catch" - Someone who is hard to get. A man who makes himself easy denies a woman her desire to prove her powers of seduction. She will be bored with this man and go after one who stimulates her desire for a challenge. This is something that every man must remember when dealing with women. Later we will give some ideas and examples of how to appeal to this female drive.

When you go to topless clubs, I recommend sitting at these 3 places to meet topless dancer.

1. COUCH OR BIG-ARMED CHAIR - These are great for table dances. They really give you some nice views and highly erotic moves by the dancers. Once again, by sitting in these places, the dancers may assume you want a dance and, the name of the game is attracting the dancers, then put them under your spell.

2. DRESSING ROOM - Sit near the dancers dressing room. Why? This is a high traffic area for the dancers going back and forth to the dressing room and restroom. You will get high visibility in this area. You will get noticed and you will get attention. That's the bottom line to sitting in favorable places. To get noticed and attract attention.

3. LAST DANCE STAGE - If you are at a topless club with a buddy, sit at the last dance stage. The girls rotate stages and she is doing her last dance and will be taking a break. You and your buddy are the last faces she will see after she leaves the stage. If you've made a lasting impression, she may come right back to talk to you. Or, this spot may just turn out to be a good spot for no reason in particular. You just have to play it by ear and experiment.